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Questions tagged [epsg]

A group that maintains a freely available database with standard codes for coordinate systems, datums, spheroids, units and the like

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Python output GeoTIFF in arcseconds

I have been utilizing code that looks like the following to output GeoTIFFs for some time (rudimentary, but gets the job done): def output_geotiff(data, outfile): # Get our dimensions cols = ...
Miss_Orchid's user avatar
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Obtaining list of all EPSG code for a single location on map

There are APIs like, maptiler which takes text input like "San francisco" and returns EPSG codes, but the problem, is I am not able to find a library or a tool ...
uk2797's user avatar
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Mercator CRS that covers the extent -90,-180 to 90,180

Is there a EPSG CRS for Mercator that isn't deprecated and covers -90.0,-180.0 to 90.0,180.0?
Paul Malm's user avatar
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Small Offset in QGIS Reprojection from WGS84 to ED50

I have a .shp in QGIS in EPSG:32637 (WGS84/UTM Zone 37N) and I want to reproject it to ED50, which is in this case EPSG:23037. When I do it manually in in QGIS, the reprojection works fine and both ...
hector's user avatar
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Getting EPSG code from non conventionnal grid

I have a non usual grid defined by '+proj=stere +lat_0=90. +lon_0=0. +lat_ts=45. +x_0=619652.07 +y_0= 5062818.34 +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84' Based on this information, I would like to get the ...
Simon MITTELBERGER's user avatar
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Reproject pseudo Plate-Carree to "Icosahedral Snyder Equal Area" using GDALWARP

Reproject pseudo Plate-Carree to "Icosahedral Snyder Equal Area" with gdalwarp. I am trying to reproject a plate-carree to ISEA "Icosahedral Snyder Equal Area". I suspect ISEA ...
Molly's user avatar
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Projections for Iowa South are now inaccurate (EPSG, SpatialReference)

Sometime in the last 30 days (maybe longer), the projections being provided on e.g. and are inaccurate for epsg:3418. (Iowa South) and maybe others? https://...
Josh Larson's user avatar
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Double geometries in GML with different EPSG using GDAL

In our GML we have two geometries (a British National Grid and a ETRS89) so to try and extract these we use a GFS file with the following additional XML to extract them. <GeomPropertyDefn> <...
tjmgis's user avatar
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Chatham Islands Bounding Box issue in EPSG:4326 on GeoServer

I have vector layer published on GeoServer for New Zealand territory including Chatham Islands, that are close to Anti-Meridian line: Layer is sourced from PostgreSQL DB, and it doesn't have ...
Maria Savchenko's user avatar
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JavaScript formula to convert WGS84 lat, long values to RD_New co-ordinates [closed]

I have a requirement in my project to convert WGS84 GPS format co-ordinates to RD_New co-ordinates WGS84(E,N): 51.998929,4.375587 RD(X,Y): 85530,446100 I see some online tools and Proj4 js ...
Priya Ganesan's user avatar
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What is the EPSG code for UTM 28P? [duplicate]

I have been given some data from Sierra Leone, with coordinates collected from a GPS app which specifies UTM 28P. The standard UTMs for Sierra Leone are 28 or 29 N or So, which have corresponding EPSG ...
paul r's user avatar
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Reprojection from EPSG:4167 to EPSG:2193

I have PostgreSQL database with defined EPSG:2193. WMS service that I need to use and upload data from it is in EPSG:4167. https://data.linz.govt....
Maria Savchenko's user avatar
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Is there a comprehensive list of mapnprojections implemented in R?

I would like to experiment a bit with different and less-frequently used projections in R for global maps, but I am playing a guessing game as of which are actually working. I tried to look up ESRI or ...
Herman Toothrot's user avatar
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Order of coordinates when transforming with GDAL in Python

I'm trying to use GDAL in Python to transform coordinates from one CRS to another. More specifically, from MGI / Austria GK M31 (EPSG:31258) to WGS 84 (EPSG:3857). For example, I want to transform the ...
nieswand's user avatar
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EPSG for ETRS89 / Lambert Conic in Spain?

Official projections in Spain are based on ETRS89 / UTM. A royal decree says Lambert Conic Conform should be used for small scales. I found a paper that describes well the parameters of that ...
Gilles's user avatar
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