
i saw in A2 book they write viele Verwandte ?

Der Verwandte und in plural we have Die Verwandten why we write Viele verwandte



2 Answers 2


1. Some nouns inflect like adjectives.

ein Deutscher, der Deutsche
ein Verwandter, der Verwandte

ein deutscher Kollege, der deutsche Kollege
ein verwandter Vorschlag, der verwandte Vorschlag

2. As the previous examples show, adjectives have two different sets of endings depending on whether a determiner with an ending (such as der) is present or not (ein does not have an ending). In the plural:

gute Vorschläge
die besten Vorschläge

3. Alle is a determiner, whereas viele is an adjective.

alle deutschen Kollegen

viele deutsche Kollegen
unsere vielen deutschen Kollegen


why we write Viele verwandte

For the same reason we write many in English, instead of much. When you talk about something countable (your relatives are persons - "units" you can count) you use "viele" (many), when talking about amounts (like with water) you use "viel" (much).

Compare the following two:

Water - much water - viel Wasser
buckets of water - many buckets of water - viele Eimer Wasser

As long as we talk about the water itself, it is an (amorphous) amount, once we have units - buckets - these units become a (countable) number of items. In the former case we use "much" and "viel", in the latter we use "many" and "viele".

Notice, that there are some fringe cases:

viele Wasser (many waters)

This is not about some amount of water but sorts of water - these are actually countable again, hence "viele".

  • @Olafant: because with water the distinction between countable units and uncountable amounts was possible to show and also "many waters" (in the sense of "sorts of water") could be explained. All things not possible with relatives.
    – bakunin
    Commented Sep 8, 2023 at 7:40
  • It answers the question "why we write Viele verwandte" in the way that explains why one uses the (capitalized - hence I took it as the core of the question) "viele" instead of "viel". What exactly do you want from me?
    – bakunin
    Commented Sep 8, 2023 at 16:42
  • I read it again and realized my mistake. Sorry.
    – Olafant
    Commented Sep 8, 2023 at 22:34

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