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Getting a list of all supported characters in a Font

I am attempting to create my own font fallback system for multilanguage support using UI Toolkit in Unity (Label class). This UI system does not intrinsically support fallback fonts. I have some ...
mike's user avatar
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Getting text dimensions with TextGenerator.GetPreferredHeight/Width not working

I am using Unity 2021.3.3f1 and trying to make a pop up with a sprite as a background, where the size of this sprite adjusts to the size necessary to fit the text. From what I understand, ...
ChrisC's user avatar
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How to achieve something like anti-aliasing on 8x8 pixel font using TextMeshPro

I use TextMeshPro for my UI text. My text is currently very crispy and looks like this I'd prefer if it looked more like text in 90s arcade games, with more "...
DyingIsFun's user avatar
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Xna Spritefont from installed fonts

I am using Spritefont in my game and I have downloaded a .ttf font and installed it on my machine. I am now using this font in my game. My question is if this game is run on another machine will the ....
Michael Grinnell's user avatar
3 votes
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Draw fonts in Hololens using SharpDX

I am using SharpDX to create an application in Hololens and I'm trying to understand how to use DirectWrite to draw variable text in 3D stereoscopic view. I have ...
Ashan's user avatar
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2 answers

How to disable Monogame pixel font antialiasing?

I am using Monogame 3.4 (I have held off upgrading to 3.5) and am on Windows 10. I'm drawing using the PointClamp setting (as suggested in this similar question). Whenever I render text with ...
Brady Welch's user avatar
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Loading font in Monogame

This question is probably a duplicate but I'm still asking it since it's all yesterday that I'm trying to get this done without any success. I followed many solutions and tried even more libraries ...
Dispensable Joe's user avatar
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4 answers

.fnt font file offset issues in Unity

I want to display 2D text in Unity using bitmap fonts (.fnt files). There are some solutions out there, but I'm writing my own. Each character is a game object with a ...
Saturn's user avatar
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Spritefonts gets very messed up when scaling up

I'm recoding a retro video game, but because the original resolution is very low, I scale everything up. I render to a renderTarget and render the renderTarget to the target resolution. I'm using my ...
t0rb's user avatar
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17 votes
7 answers

UI mockups to the code

My UI designer has made a lovely photoshop PSD of the UI and everything pretty. The biggest problem I'm having is converting some of the more elegant fonts used into something renderable in-game. Is ...
Vaughan Hilts's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Can't load vector font in Nuclex Framework

I've been trying to get this to work for the last 2 hours and I'm not getting what I'm doing wrong... I've added Nuclex.TrueTypeImporter to my references in my ...
ProgrammerAtWork's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

How to deal with variable size font in XNA 4.0

After searching for a while, I found no way to draw vector/scalable fonts in XNA 4.0 (which would be perfect...) and I am currently in a bind about how to render fonts for my game. In the game I use ...
Acidic's user avatar
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2 answers

XNA C# How to draw fonts in different color

I'm doing a simple chat system with XNA C#. It is a chatbox that contains 5 lines of chat typed by the users. Something like a MMORPG chatting system. ...
Zainu's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

XNA - just a few more characters accepted in a SpriteFont

I have a SpriteFont in XNA, which has the standard 126 characters that are usable. However i would like to use the "ಠ" symbol in the game. So is there anyway of adding just a few more ...
Joel's user avatar
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3 answers

XNA: SpriteFont question

I need some help with the SpriteFont. I want a different font for my game, other than Kootenay. So, I edit the SpriteFont xml, i.e: ...
Zukki's user avatar
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