
I use TextMeshPro for my UI text. My text is currently very crispy and looks like this

enter image description here

I'd prefer if it looked more like text in 90s arcade games, with more "anti-aliased" edges. For example,

enter image description here

I tried regenerating the TextMeshPro asset using different sampling point size, padding, and render modes (for example, Smooth vs Raster). I also tried using a few different shaders on the asset's atlas material (for example, Bitmap, Distance Field, and Distance Field SSD)

No matter what settings on the TexhMeshPro asset or which built-in shader I use on the asset's atlas material, I can't seem to achieve this effect.

Any advice on how to achieve the more "anti-aliased" effect on the 8x8 pizel font?

  • \$\begingroup\$ Hinting can produces different results on fonts, try experimeting with it, I am not familiar with unity however so I don't know where that would be located, but honestly any filtering will approach your original image to the one you wanted. You can try to use shader code or texture-based font to add filtering. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Oct 28, 2021 at 17:36


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