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Example of an overhead transport system:

enter image description here

What is the translation of "overhead transport system" in French?

  • Google Translate says: "GPU discret".

  • returns no interesting results.

  • Google Translate says: "système de transport aérien", which sounds ambiguous to me, as aérien may refer to planes (e.g., compagnie aérienne).

    Google Translate says: "système de transport aérien", which sounds ambiguous to me, as aérien may refer to planes (e.g., compagnie aérienne).
  • returns "système de transport suspendu au plafond". I wonder if "suspendu au plafond" can be shortened. returns "système de transport suspendu au plafond". I wonder if "suspendu au plafond" can be shortened.

Example of an overhead transport system:

enter image description here

What is the translation of "overhead transport system" in French?

  • Google Translate says: "GPU discret".

  • returns no interesting results.

  • Google Translate says: "système de transport aérien", which sounds ambiguous to me, as aérien may refer to planes (e.g., compagnie aérienne).

  • returns "système de transport suspendu au plafond". I wonder if "suspendu au plafond" can be shortened.

Example of an overhead transport system:

enter image description here

What is the translation of "overhead transport system" in French?

  • Google Translate says: "système de transport aérien", which sounds ambiguous to me, as aérien may refer to planes (e.g., compagnie aérienne).
  • returns "système de transport suspendu au plafond". I wonder if "suspendu au plafond" can be shortened.
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What is the translation of "overhead transport system" in French?

Example of an overhead transport system:

enter image description here

What is the translation of "overhead transport system" in French?

  • Google Translate says: "GPU discret".

  • returns no interesting results.

  • Google Translate says: "système de transport aérien", which sounds ambiguous to me, as aérien may refer to planes (e.g., compagnie aérienne).

  • returns "système de transport suspendu au plafond". I wonder if "suspendu au plafond" can be shortened.