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Rep. Eshoo is a longtime supporter of local transportation and transit projects that reduce traffic on our region’s overcrowded roadways, and provide more options for the traveling public and businesses.


When we send the brave women and men of the U.S. Armed Forces into harm's way, it is our collective responsibility to provide them with the health services, opportunities, and care they've earned.


The 16th Congressional District is home to Silicon Valley, Stanford University, and a robust biotechnology industry. Rep.

In 1961, President John F. Kennedy said, “Our progress as a nation can be no swifter than our progress in education.” Education is vital to an informed society, a successful economy, and a secure nation.

Justice & Civil Rights
Protecting the right to vote is at the core of our democracy. However, numerous states have introduced and passed dozens of laws to suppress the vote and, shockingly, to manipulate votes that are cast. Congress cannot allow these brazen attempts to upend the democratic process go unanswered.


As a first-generation American, Rep. Eshoo has a deep appreciation for the broad ethnic mosaic that makes America a great country.

Silicon Valley is becoming a region where only the wealthiest can afford to live. Rising housing costs continue to force more and more middle- and working-class residents to leave the area in search of affordable housing.

Health Care
Learn about news and information related to Health Care.

Foreign Affairs

As a former Member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, Rep. Eshoo has a deep understanding of the threats America faces.

Climate change is an existential threat to our nation and our planet. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the leading international body for the assessment of climate change warned in a groundbreaking report in 2022 that significant and immediate reductions in greenhouse gas emissions are necessary to ensure temperatures do not rise by more than 1.5 degree Celsius and cause irreversible damage to our planet. Here at home, every community in California’s 16th Congressional District is already experiencing the impacts of a warming climate such as fierce wildfires, severe drought, and rising sea levels.