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What do you call someone who likes things specifically because they are bad or poorly made?

dear god😂 word or phrase that won't get me excommunicated from the social circles in reference?
Dante Eads's user avatar
1 vote

Is there a word in English specifically for any dream during sleep?

For practical purposes, Kate Bunting's accepted answer is fine, but it's more of a frame challenge ("The meaning is usually obvious from the context"). In my work, I routinely ask people if ...
Scott's user avatar
  • 11
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Name that fallacy: If it's more expensive it must be better

This is the law of diminishing returns. With each major increase in price paid there is only a marginal improvement in quality. Assuming the market is intelligent, a more expensive item is probably ...
TimR's user avatar
  • 22.1k
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Name that fallacy: If it's more expensive it must be better

Don't Overpay for Hype (The Emperor had No Clothes).
John's user avatar
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Something that sounds good but has no true meaning

Sophistry = the use of fallacious arguments, especially with the intention of deceiving M-W gives: : subtly deceptive reasoning or argumentation
BigVeg's user avatar
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11 votes

Is there a word in English specifically for any dream during sleep?

If you look up dream in a dictionary, you will find that the 'images seen in the mind when asleep' definition is the primary meaning. I had a dream last night about climbing a mountain. The ...
Kate Bunting's user avatar
  • 26.1k
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What is the general term for terms that end in -ian, -ist etc.?

There is a related term, but it may be too hypernymic (semantically broad) for your purposes. And paradoxically, the definition, involving a distinct morphological definition of the term, may discount ...
Edwin Ashworth's user avatar
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Is there a word for "collection of related elements"?

The word I was looking for is gallimaufry - a collection of items related to each other in some recognizable way.
Don Anderson's user avatar
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What category includes "document" and "video"?

How about the word files? I tried to find a word that covers documents, images, designs, videos. Basically things that are created from applications. So far, files is one I've narrowed down to as a ...
Lisa's user avatar
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Group of elevators in a building

That opens the door for making your own term up, as appropriate and understandable ("a Stonehenge of lifts") in context "Bank" is probably right, but building on JEL's suggestion ...
CollectiveNouns's user avatar
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What is a word that describes when someone requires a certain quality of another person in order for them to be a possible dating option?

Maybe OP had in mind sine qua non, thinking, perhaps, that it was slang. I suppose at one point it was a kind of slang — philosopher-argot. I can't date a woman who plays the xylophone. Not playing ...
TimR's user avatar
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What is a word that describes when someone requires a certain quality of another person in order for them to be a possible dating option?

Another possibility for something you require of a partner is adjective non-negotiable, noun non-negotiable(s). They mean not open to discussion or reconsideration, or a thing which is not open to ...
Stuart F's user avatar
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Is there a word for someone who makes others better?

I think what you're looking for is co-elevator. See Keith Ferrazzi's "Leading Without Authority: How Every One of Us Can Build Trust, Create Candor, Energize Our Teams, and Make a Difference.&...
Heather Higgins's user avatar
1 vote

I’m looking for a word that describes a decision being imposed on you unwillingly

A colloquial term for being forced into a particular course of action or outcome is to be railroaded. It calls to mind the notion of being on a single track with a predetermined endpoint, with no ...
Nuclear Hoagie's user avatar
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I’m looking for a word that describes a decision being imposed on you unwillingly

It has less of a negative-connotation than many of the other suggestions, but something that you are being required to do (whether or not you want to do it) is an obligation. something that you must ...
Chronocidal's user avatar
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Is there a better word for 'anonymity' here?

The idea of a city as providing anonymity is a common one, so that's probably as good a word as any. Some examples follow. In 2017, the BBC quoted Peter Swire, professor of law and ethics at Georgia ...
Stuart F's user avatar
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5 votes

I’m looking for a word that describes a decision being imposed on you unwillingly

coerce to persuade someone forcefully to do something that they are unwilling to do: The court heard that the six defendants had been coerced into making a confession. Source: Cambridge Dictionary
Mari-Lou A's user avatar
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Is there a better word for 'anonymity' here?

You could say The Festival was the reason he had chosen this place to enter the country, the safety and blending in it provided would make his further travels much smoother. Blend in means to look ...
fev's user avatar
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I’m looking for a word that describes a decision being imposed on you unwillingly

Put upon taken advantage of as a result of one's good nature; expected or asked to do too much: "I've encouraged her to say no if she really feels put upon" —Oxford Languages
HippoSawrUs's user avatar
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Is there a better word for 'anonymity' here?

Now that the poster has made allowance for phrases as well (previously it's only SWR), I propose lost in the shuffle. Failing to stand out among others. This metaphoric term alludes to mixing playing ...
user405662's user avatar
  • 10.2k
3 votes

I’m looking for a word that describes a decision being imposed on you unwillingly

I think you are referring to an imposition: a situation in which someone expects another person to do something that they do not want to do or that is not convenient.
Gio's user avatar
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I’m looking for a word that describes a decision being imposed on you unwillingly

Someone else made the decision [that affects you] unilaterally... unilaterally Cambridge Dictionary in a way that involves doing or deciding something without first asking or agreeing with another ...
FumbleFingers's user avatar
1 vote

What is a word that describes when someone requires a certain quality of another person in order for them to be a possible dating option?

Thank you [@Dan Bron] for the past hour I've been trying to remember the word deal breaker with 3 of my coworkers and we just couldn't remember the word. Merriam-Webster a reason for rejecting ...
michellepoopgamer11 hoboperez's user avatar
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What is the word that means an "unanswerable question"?

You are asking for an answer to the unanswerable. The degree of recursion is limitless. Please expand on this question by adding a phrase for context or example. Purely philosophical questions are for ...
Joseph's user avatar
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-1 votes

What is a proper word for (almost) identical products?

Analogous is the word that you are looking for, not analogues. For example, the wings of a bird and the wings of an airplane are analogous because they both serve the function of enabling flight, even ...
Taxidiotis's user avatar
3 votes

What is a proper word for (almost) identical products?

Another term is a drop-in replacement. That implies that one version of a product can be removed and another installed without any adjustments. It's commonly used in software engineering, if one piece ...
Oliv's user avatar
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Is there a better word for 'anonymity' here?

Untraceability or untrackability seems appropriate, but it unwieldy. Rewording slightly: The Festival was the reason he had chosen this place to enter the country, the increased number of foreigners ...
import random's user avatar
1 vote

Is there a better word for 'anonymity' here?

Hospitality may be the word you’re looking for. The natives or locals welcome outsiders, whom they recognize. Thus, outsiders are not in fact anonymous. See
Xanne's user avatar
  • 15.5k
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What is a proper word for (almost) identical products?

Specifically for medical drugs, the noun generic is used for a no-name, typically cheaper product with the same active ingredients which can simply substituted for the brand name original. Merriam-...
Peter - Reinstate Monica's user avatar
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What is a verb for "to be identical"?

To Be (transitive) I can say "this diamond is the one I saw yesterday" or "this diamond is identical to the one I saw yesterday", with the same meaning. Although there is some ...
bdsl's user avatar
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15 votes

What is a proper word for (almost) identical products?

From a technical/manufacturing perspective, a common term which seems apt here would be "interchangeable". (Cambridge Dictionary): able to be exchanged with each other without making any ...
Tom Carpenter's user avatar
4 votes

What is a proper word for (almost) identical products?

When one manufacturer copies another's product (typically with enough superficial changes to avoid legal charges of forgery or violation of a patent or copyright), its product is often called a ...
John Bentin's user avatar
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What is a proper word for (almost) identical products?

Sometimes duplicate is used to describe a product that is supposed to look like an international brand, but isn't. For example Billy Cream – Brylcreme Rollex – Rolex KatKot – KitKat Also replica.
Weather Vane's user avatar
  • 21.5k
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What is a proper word for (almost) identical products?

Another way to say that it doesn't matter whether you use one manufacturer's piece of equipment or another's inasmuch as they both adhere to an established specification, is to refer to them as ...
TimR's user avatar
  • 22.1k
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What is a proper word for (almost) identical products?

There is a more specific term than what the above answers provide, and that is "alternative part", which applies to the domain of machinery, but this seems to be what the OP calls for. (...
LPH's user avatar
  • 22.7k
17 votes

What is a proper word for (almost) identical products?

The usual word is "equivalent" (n. and adj.) MW Adj. 3: corresponding or virtually identical especially in effect or function. "Those less-known companies manufacture equivalent ...
Greybeard's user avatar
  • 43.3k
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What is a proper word for (almost) identical products?

The term "substitute" could be used. (Cambridge Dictionary) substitute noun [ C ] a thing or person that is used instead of another thing or person: Tofu can be used as a meat substitute ...
LPH's user avatar
  • 22.7k
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What is a proper word for (almost) identical products?

Fungible could be the word you're after. adjective (of goods or commodities) freely exchangeable for or replaceable by another of like nature or kind in the satisfaction of an obligation noun a ...
user405662's user avatar
  • 10.2k
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An adjective for something peaceful but sad?

Perhaps forlorn? While there can be an additional layer of pity understood with that one, it conveys a solitary (which some may equate with peace) sadness.
BooBoo's user avatar
  • 19
2 votes

An adjective for something peaceful but sad?

Elegiac may suit your needs. According to the OED, elegiac means: Of the nature of an elegy; of or relating to elegies. Hence: mournful, melancholy, plaintive.
JY WS's user avatar
  • 39
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An adjective for something peaceful but sad?

I'd suggest triste. M-W says mournful. (The editor thinks it's too brief without the link.)
Mark Morgan Lloyd's user avatar
6 votes

Word for the dust carried by wind

Loess is the geological term. According to Wikipedia: A loess (US: /ˈlɛs, ˈlʌs, ˈloʊ.əs/, UK: /ˈloʊ.əs, ˈlɜːs/; from German: Löss [lœs]) is a clastic, predominantly silt-sized sediment that is formed ...
Stuart F's user avatar
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Antithesis of "international"

I, jokingly, suggest 'international' in its American pronunciation: 'innernational', which should mean 'inside the nation', as in 'inner beauty' etc.
user58319's user avatar
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A word or phrase that means "picky about something they can't have"

The classic sour grapes fits the bill. disparagement of something that has proven unattainable His criticisms are just sour grapes. [Merriam-Webster] So you could say Mikes's criticisms/nitpicks are ...
user405662's user avatar
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An adjective for something peaceful but sad?

Perhaps the word 'nostalgic' may be useful. It conveys (to me at least) a little sadness and some peacefulness. Unfortunately it also carries the meaning of memory, yearning, and so on, not part of ...
Pablo H's user avatar
  • 293
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An adjective for something peaceful but sad?

As others have said in their answers and comments, you may not find a single word that denotes exactly what you want, so you'll have to decide what connotations you want to emphasize. With that in ...
John S. Adair's user avatar
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An adjective for something peaceful but sad?

I believe my answer is exactly what you are looking for: Bittersweet bringing pleasure mixed with sadness They were ...
Anvilis A's user avatar
6 votes

An adjective for something peaceful but sad?

Earlier responses are good, however "sad but quiet and peaceful" suggests an accepted sadness, and previous answers didn't convey that to me. Some other options might be: Sorrowful Wistful ...
Wiley Rush's user avatar
31 votes

An adjective for something peaceful but sad?

Try sombre (US somber). serious, sad, and without humour or entertainment: a sombre atmosphere/voice/face The funeral was a sombre occasion. [Cambridge]
user405662's user avatar
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-2 votes

An adjective for something peaceful but sad?

There was a dead atmosphere in the room. (No, I'm not going to explain what dead means, if you must have an explanation go look at the definition of dead on Wiktionary.) And if the notion of a dead ...
High Performance Mark's user avatar

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