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11 votes

Is there a word in English specifically for any dream during sleep?

If you look up dream in a dictionary, you will find that the 'images seen in the mind when asleep' definition is the primary meaning. I had a dream last night about climbing a mountain. The ...
Kate Bunting's user avatar
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I’m looking for a word that describes a decision being imposed on you unwillingly

coerce to persuade someone forcefully to do something that they are unwilling to do: The court heard that the six defendants had been coerced into making a confession. Source: Cambridge Dictionary
Mari-Lou A's user avatar
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What is a proper word for (almost) identical products?

Another term is a drop-in replacement. That implies that one version of a product can be removed and another installed without any adjustments. It's commonly used in software engineering, if one piece ...
Oliv's user avatar
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I’m looking for a word that describes a decision being imposed on you unwillingly

I think you are referring to an imposition: a situation in which someone expects another person to do something that they do not want to do or that is not convenient.
Gio's user avatar
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I’m looking for a word that describes a decision being imposed on you unwillingly

Someone else made the decision [that affects you] unilaterally... unilaterally Cambridge Dictionary in a way that involves doing or deciding something without first asking or agreeing with another ...
FumbleFingers's user avatar
1 vote

What is the general term for terms that end in -ian, -ist etc.?

There is a related term, but it may be too hypernymic (semantically broad) for your purposes. And paradoxically, the definition, involving a distinct morphological definition of the term, may discount ...
Edwin Ashworth's user avatar
1 vote

Is there a word in English specifically for any dream during sleep?

For practical purposes, Kate Bunting's accepted answer is fine, but it's more of a frame challenge ("The meaning is usually obvious from the context"). In my work, I routinely ask people if ...
Scott's user avatar
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I’m looking for a word that describes a decision being imposed on you unwillingly

A colloquial term for being forced into a particular course of action or outcome is to be railroaded. It calls to mind the notion of being on a single track with a predetermined endpoint, with no ...
Nuclear Hoagie's user avatar
1 vote

I’m looking for a word that describes a decision being imposed on you unwillingly

Put upon taken advantage of as a result of one's good nature; expected or asked to do too much: "I've encouraged her to say no if she really feels put upon" —Oxford Languages
HippoSawrUs's user avatar
1 vote

Is there a better word for 'anonymity' here?

Hospitality may be the word you’re looking for. The natives or locals welcome outsiders, whom they recognize. Thus, outsiders are not in fact anonymous. See
Xanne's user avatar
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What is a proper word for (almost) identical products?

Specifically for medical drugs, the noun generic is used for a no-name, typically cheaper product with the same active ingredients which can simply substituted for the brand name original. Merriam-...
Peter - Reinstate Monica's user avatar
1 vote

What is a word that describes when someone requires a certain quality of another person in order for them to be a possible dating option?

Maybe OP had in mind sine qua non, thinking, perhaps, that it was slang. I suppose at one point it was a kind of slang — philosopher-argot. I can't date a woman who plays the xylophone. Not playing ...
TimR's user avatar
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What is a word that describes when someone requires a certain quality of another person in order for them to be a possible dating option?

Another possibility for something you require of a partner is adjective non-negotiable, noun non-negotiable(s). They mean not open to discussion or reconsideration, or a thing which is not open to ...
Stuart F's user avatar
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What is a word that describes when someone requires a certain quality of another person in order for them to be a possible dating option?

Thank you [@Dan Bron] for the past hour I've been trying to remember the word deal breaker with 3 of my coworkers and we just couldn't remember the word. Merriam-Webster a reason for rejecting ...
michellepoopgamer11 hoboperez's user avatar

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