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Questions tagged [single-word-requests]

This tag is for questions seeking a single word that fits a meaning. To ensure that your question is not closed as off-topic, please be specific about the intended use of the word.  INCLUDE A SAMPLE SENTENCE demonstrating how the word would be used.  Click on "Info", or "View Tag" and "Learn more..." for more information. Please use the [phrase-requests] tag if you seek a phrase and the [terminology] tag if you seek a term in a specialized subject also.

745 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
4 votes
1 answer

Is there a word equivalent to "sighting" but for hearing?

I'm trying to write a sentence like Nobody goes near the caves because of monster noises. "Nobody goes near the caves because of monster sightings" doesn't work because people have not ...
user478748's user avatar
4 votes
5 answers

Word for 'of or related to division'

I'm writing a program with a numeric parser. The operations involved are multiplying, dividing, squaring, and cubing. In order to define what kind of objects can be multiplied, divided, etc with what,...
Blue0500's user avatar
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Is there a word that describes the group of words used to describe familial relations?

I'm not at all sure if such a word exists, but I feel like it has to. I think my title was enough, but to make it clearer when I say familial relationship words, I mean words like dad, uncle, niece, ...
jimbob's user avatar
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Looking for a translation for the German "hellhörig"/"ringhörig"

The German adjective "hellhörig" (sometimes also "ringhörig") describes a badly or insufficiently soundproofed building or room; i.e. being able to hear your neighbors through the ...
djf's user avatar
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1 answer

Ad hominem for non persons

An ad hominem argument is typically, according to Wikipedia, "a rhetorical strategy where the speaker attacks the character, motive, or some other attribute of the person making an argument ...
SoZettaSho's user avatar
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1 answer

Term for a particular or general skill that needs to be improved and acted on?

Is there a term for a particular or general skill, possibly part of a skill-set, that needs to be improved and acted on? It's at the tip of my tongue... I don't think it would be "incapabilities&...
rhondyharrisbitch's user avatar
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2 answers

What is a term for "fear of very large enclosed spaces"?

I'm intrigued by a hybrid of "agoraphobia" (which would be more accurately referred to as "kenophobia") and "claustrophobia," described by H. P. Lovecraft like this: Of ...
MaudPieTheRocktorate's user avatar
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2 answers

The state of not knowing and/or ignoring each other

I'm looking for a word that expresses the state of not knowing and/or ignoring each other. In a blog post, I've found the term Principle of Mutual Oblivion. This is supposed to be a rule in software ...
R2C2's user avatar
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4 answers

Word that means replacing bad things with good things

I'm looking for an existing word that roughly means "the process or idea of replacing bad/negative elements/deeds with good/positive elements/deeds, such as when a negative thing is eliminated at ...
Magical Hacker's user avatar
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Is there one noun to describe "getting a person to do what you want by threatening to replace them"?

I need one noun to describe "getting a person to do what you want by threatening to replace them". I checked the meaning of coercion but it says both force and threatening. First I don't ...
Alireza's user avatar
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Is there a term for minor "additional" lyrics in songs?

Many songs have "minor" phrases added in - either officially or in common practice - at the ends of lines, which comment on the lyrics but can be left out without affecting the lyrics' ...
tparker's user avatar
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What's the term for a line of dialog that is repeated later in a different context, especially as a clever retort?

What's the term for a line of dialog that is repeated later in a different context? Christopher Nolan seems to be fond of these lines. In Batman Begins, Ra's first says: Always mind your surroundings ...
Vun-Hugh Vaw's user avatar
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Is there a term for words that are stronger than a similar counterpart? (e.g. Dislike vs. Hate)

Title says it all, but some more examples could be: like vs love pleasure vs euphoria carelessness vs apathy etc. ...essentially words that carry more weight than their counterpart despite having ...
morthemex's user avatar
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3 answers

What's the word for the emotion when someone's suspicion that another person made a bad decision is confirmed?

I'm a native English speaker, but I'm drawing a blank on how to describe this complicated exchange of situational emotions in words. Maybe someone can help. I'll just illustrate the situation with a ...
Austin Ballard's user avatar
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A synonym for 'granular' / 'fine-grained'

As others have noted for at least a decade, 'granular' has become clichéd in business jargon for 'fine-grained' or just 'precise.' I'm seeking a word or term (there must be one...) that sounds a ...
jmh's user avatar
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