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What's the meaning of "QTY"? [closed]

I found the abbreviation "QTY" in an assay (not essay!😊). Can you tell me the meaning of this abbreviation? How can I paraphrase/explain it into ordinary words?
POP POP's user avatar
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What is this grid with diagonal lines called besides a "rule", "grid", "squares with 4 lines of symmetry"? [closed]

What is this grid with diagonal lines called? And not just 'rule', 'grid', or 'squares with 4 lines of symmetry'.
Pete's user avatar
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6 votes
11 answers

Ways to Say "Forcibly Inducted"

As a combatant, your family's safety is threatened by your captors. "Return to your platoon as a spy for us, and your family's lives will be spared." You accept the terms with steadfast ...
Vepuei's user avatar
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A word(s) describing a person with control/power over an important aspect of others lives. They abuse that power to harm others and personal gain [duplicate]

I am in need of a word(s) or term(s)for a person who willingly, openly, and unapologetically abuses the power or influence they have over other peoples lives,more precisely; people who have control or ...
Andrew Wilson's user avatar
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2 answers

How do you call wooden extension above water found alongside rivers/ piers [closed]

Where's the difference between 'dock', 'pier' and only one wooden structure? or is this referred to as 'pier'
magicphoenix 's user avatar
13 votes
9 answers

A word for a man of few, but well thought-out, words

I recently lost a friend and I’m looking for the words to describe him. He was a man of few words but his words were deliberate, they weren’t spur of the moment thoughts. He meant the things he said ...
Amie's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

What's the exact meaning of 'Temprist'?

I look for a word that describes a person who loves music, food, jokes, metaphorically getting high. I mean a person whose MOOD or Temper is usually good and cheerful. And it's better to be a slangy/...
POP POP's user avatar
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-3 votes
1 answer

Word for all discovered knowledge

Is there a word that describes a person who has complete knowledge of everything humanity has ever discovered or produced, not being omniscient?
Rafael's user avatar
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2 answers

What word can be used for one who values the original version of literature over the altered one?

I'm wanting to refer to someone who would not appreciate anyone overlooking the fact that monks altered Beowulf and I'm wanting to say "be sensitive to the originalists" when speaking about ...
Greystonelea's user avatar
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Analogue of "simpler" for "more complex"

The word "simpler" means "more simple", as in "This new product is simpler than the old product". But I cannot think of a similar word for "more complex": ...
tima's user avatar
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2 answers

When you compare an object to a reference object, what noun to use to refer to the former?

I am in the process of writing a research paper that compares my Methods A and B against a commonly accepted gold standard (reference) method. All methods produce objects that are identical in the ...
Enuff's user avatar
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Word or concept for when the correction to a misconception becomes more popular than the misconception?

For example, when people say "Napoleon was short", it's almost immediately followed up with "actually he was average height for the time". Is there any concept or word that ...
zacrimonious's user avatar
2 votes
5 answers

What word describes a person that doesn't pay his bills?

In the Spanish language there is a word that is used to describe a person that has been tagged as a deadbeat; it is Largo. Largo in Spanish means Long as in the measurement of the distance between two ...
Richard Castro's user avatar
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What is a word that describes developing something (datasets/apps/whatever) artificially and manually in a rotational environment?

We are currently using the term circularizing (I made it up) as the technique of using artificial intelligence to check something, have devs check what artificial intelligence suggestions, which allow ...
RyeɃreḁd's user avatar
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What do you call a person who talks bad about someone but still shows interest in that person?

For example: Sally Mae says she doesn’t like John because he’s ugly, but will go and act nice with him because others are watching. What word would you use to describe Sally Mae?
leilei's user avatar
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