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In Persian there is word for "A smile that taste bitter"; is there a word for it in English? [duplicate]

In Persian we have a word to describe this conflicting state: "facing a situation that makes one smile even though it's not a good situation, and it might even have negative effect on them." ...
Reza Same'ei's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

How would you name the different types of periods? ~ Translating ‘punto seguido’, ‘punto y aparte’ and ‘punto final’

In Spanish, we have different names for the different types of periods: If the period is inside a paragraph, it's called punto seguido. If the period ends a paragraph, it's called punto y aparte. If ...
tac's user avatar
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Word equivalent to "prestation" in French in the administrative field

I'm searching for an English word which could have the same meaning than the word "prestation" in french, in the sense of "some service (paid or not) that has been executed by an ...
swiss_knight's user avatar
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Idiomatic word or expression for a lazy and unmoral person who gets paid without working - Translation of Spanish ‘ñoqui’ [duplicate]

I'm not talking about the Italian dish. In Argentina, there's a well known expression for someone who doesn't go to work and only assists the last month's day to get paid: It's called a ñoqui. The ...
tac's user avatar
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15 answers

Idiomatic word/expression for someone ‘who has no feeling for the game’ - Translation of Spanish ‘pechofrío’

I'm having trouble translating the expression pechofrío (pecho frío, ‘cold chest’) from Spanish—specially Argentinian Spanish, I don't know if it's used in other countries. It means: s. masc. Persona ...
tac's user avatar
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1 answer

Word for dangerous semi-knowledge, equivalent of German "gefährliches Halbwissen" [duplicate]

In German, there is a phrase like "dangerous semi-knowledge" gefährliches Halbwissen. Wiktionary definition: a degree of superficial knowledge that becomes dangerous or deceptive because it ...
Portree Kid's user avatar
14 votes
10 answers

Designation for the behaviour of a person that acts in a club-like manner

I would like to find a proper term for designating club behaviour, that is, when people of some team/club are favorable to anything associated with their team simply because it is their team and ...
Élio Pereira's user avatar
3 votes
5 answers

Is there a word to describe someone who is procrastinating, perplexed and demotivated?

I am looking for English equivalent word for a Tamil word "மலைப்பு". Here is the Tamil saying I am trying to translate to English, களைத்தவனோடு கூட வேலைக்கு செல்லலாம் அனால் மலைத்தவனோடு ...
iraSenthil's user avatar
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English slang for "bochar"

I'm looking for some possible slangy words that are equivalent to this Ríoplatense term: bochar No aprobar a alguien tras haber rendido un examen o cursado una asignatura. "lo bocharon en ...
tac's user avatar
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2 votes
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What could be the translation of «Cantinflear»?

"Cantinflear" = Cacophony I have been studying English for almost a year now, and much of it has been making semantic comparisons with Spanish. Similar verb refers to the act of giving a ...
NicWaves's user avatar
6 votes
11 answers

Word for "temporarily fix an issue with makeshift equipment waiting for a permanent solution" (Italian: tamponare)

What's an English word/verb for "temporarily fix an issue with makeshift equipment waiting for a permanent solution"? In Italian, we use tamponare (same as to dab in English) for this usage. ...
DDS's user avatar
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How do you name the phenomenon of being single at a late age?

Specifically, a woman who is single at a late age. "Late bachelorette", "late singleness"... It doesn't sound right. Is there a way to describe it as an adjective and also as a ...
Michael's user avatar
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Is there a specific verb to say "my shoes are hurting me"?

In my native Romanian there is an expression that literally means "my shoes are beating me" when they hurt, and thus are producing pain, abrasion of the skin and calluses (mă bat pantofii). ...
cipricus's user avatar
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-1 votes
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What is a word for "determine oneself" [closed]

There is a Greek verb (αὐτοκαθορίζομαι) that I constantly translate as determine oneself and which proof readers constantly replace with other irrelevant verbs that they think fit the context. The ...
fev's user avatar
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What is the term for someone who requests a copy of a document?

I would like to know if there is an accepted English noun or short phrase for the person who asks for a copy of an official document. In this case, I'm dealing with the translation of an academic ...
pablodf76's user avatar
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Word for a festival of mourning (or a festival of commemoration of a sorrowful event or incident)

In Persian, we have a word 'جشنواره' (Jashn-Vareh) [in which Jashn means Celebration and Vareh indicates some type of gathering] that its English translation is Festival. Conversely, we have another ...
Eilia's user avatar
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What is a background check? [closed]

I wanna understand the meaning of the background check? Like I don’t know how to do one or even get one. I really want to know the purpose of a background check.
Boykah 101's user avatar
0 votes
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Perforability - a correct term similar to Russian "перфорированность", meaning "relative area of a surface occupied by pores"

I'm looking for the correct translation of the Russian term "перфорированность" and find the "perforability" but don't know, is it correct? From the physical point of view "...
Ivan Z's user avatar
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What are the English terms for the Dutch words "kooktraject" and "smelttraject"

If a material has a melting temperature range instead of a melting point, then the dedicated Dutch word "smelttraject" applies. Similarly, "kooktraject" indicates a boiling ...
Johan van Ravenhorst's user avatar
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Settlement or billing?

Recently got into discussion on how precisely and professionally translate the polish word "rozliczenie/rozrachunek". Some of us are more convinced into "billing" and some into &...
igoras1993's user avatar
14 votes
11 answers

What do you call the floor-level space that allows someone to traverse from one floor to another with stairs?

In French it's called a trémie,. This element is unlikely to be a hopper or funnel. What is it called in English? Would "Stairs aperture" be good enough for people to understand?
Julien Reszka's user avatar
11 votes
4 answers

English equivalent of מסגרת, used to describe a person who gets along in a routine with a rigid routine, responsibilities, etc

My native tongue is Hebrew, and we have a word that I just don't know how to effectively translate to English. My American-Israeli friends tell me that they just say it in Hebrew because they can't ...
Ram Rachum's user avatar
36 votes
15 answers

What is the equivalent in English of the French "pipotron", which refers to meaningless filler content that looks like it was written by a bot?

I cannot find a good translation in English of the French word "pipotron". Could you help me? In French, it refers originally to an automated process to randomly generate sentences. Now it ...
A. Hersean's user avatar
20 votes
8 answers

What’s the English for “democrature”, a dictatorship pretending to be a democracy through fraudulent elections?

The French term democrature (from democratie + dictature) is defined as: Dictature déguisée en démocratie par l’organisation d’élections non libres, contrôlées et/ou frauduleuses. Par extension, tout ...
Gio's user avatar
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What do we call the stream-like leftovers of water sticking to a glass surface?

From a Russian document: Лабораторная посуда считается чистой, если вода, стекающая по стенкам, не оставляет капель или «ручейков». Translation: Laboratory glassware is considered clean when the ...
CowperKettle's user avatar
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7 answers

The English translation for the Chinese word "剩女", meaning an unmarried girl over 27 without a boyfriend

The Chinese word "剩女" means "an unmarried girl over 27 without a boyfriend". Since better girls are already in love or married, some girls are left and it seems that no men are ...
Anshan Today's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Should "rather" be used in this context? [duplicate]

Translating from german, the word "rather" (as replacement for "ziemlich") sounds kind of wrong to me, but I would like to check with an example: "Rather innovative", ...
Katai's user avatar
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Word meaning a certain phrase?

In Estonian, there is a word that roughly translates to "I want to sleep more, but I can't, so I am laying in bed". Is there a similar word or shortened phrase that means the same thing in ...
Jeff's user avatar
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18 votes
13 answers

Is there a figurative term equivalent to the German idiom "Fingerübung"?

Just recently I was wondering on how to best translate the figurative German word 'Fingerübung' In particular I am referring to the second meaning in the authorative German dictionary duden1, which ...
Diazenylium's user avatar
1 vote
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What is the best translation for the German word "Bündler", meaning an intermediary merchant for agricultural goods and produce?

I'm looking for a good translation of the German word "Bündler" which in our context is an intermediary merchant for agricultural goods and produce. DeepL offered me the word "bundler&...
Christoph Grimmer's user avatar

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