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Word for dangerous semi-knowledge, equivalent of German "gefährliches Halbwissen" [duplicate]

In German, there is a phrase like "dangerous semi-knowledge" gefährliches Halbwissen. Wiktionary definition: a degree of superficial knowledge that becomes dangerous or deceptive because it ...
Portree Kid's user avatar
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How do you name the phenomenon of being single at a late age?

Specifically, a woman who is single at a late age. "Late bachelorette", "late singleness"... It doesn't sound right. Is there a way to describe it as an adjective and also as a ...
Michael's user avatar
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What is a word for "determine oneself" [closed]

There is a Greek verb (αὐτοκαθορίζομαι) that I constantly translate as determine oneself and which proof readers constantly replace with other irrelevant verbs that they think fit the context. The ...
fev's user avatar
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Perforability - a correct term similar to Russian "перфорированность", meaning "relative area of a surface occupied by pores"

I'm looking for the correct translation of the Russian term "перфорированность" and find the "perforability" but don't know, is it correct? From the physical point of view "...
Ivan Z's user avatar
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What’s the English for “democrature”, a dictatorship pretending to be a democracy through fraudulent elections?

The French term democrature (from democratie + dictature) is defined as: Dictature déguisée en démocratie par l’organisation d’élections non libres, contrôlées et/ou frauduleuses. Par extension, tout ...
Gio's user avatar
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What do we call the stream-like leftovers of water sticking to a glass surface?

From a Russian document: Лабораторная посуда считается чистой, если вода, стекающая по стенкам, не оставляет капель или «ручейков». Translation: Laboratory glassware is considered clean when the ...
CowperKettle's user avatar
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Is there a figurative term equivalent to the German idiom "Fingerübung"?

Just recently I was wondering on how to best translate the figurative German word 'Fingerübung' In particular I am referring to the second meaning in the authorative German dictionary duden1, which ...
Diazenylium's user avatar
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English term corresponding to German “Ausgangssperre”

I’m a native German speaker looking for the correct term for a condition when people are restricted from leaving their homes (German: Ausgangssperre). For example, in the case of a virus outbreak. I’d ...
DrP3pp3r's user avatar
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Translation for German word "Kür" as in "Pflicht und Kür"

I am trying to find a crisp translation of the German phrase "Pflicht und Kür. yields "Duty and freestyle" as translation for "Pflicht und Kür" which irritated me. In my (business) context "...
Aufwind's user avatar
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Is there a word/idiom/proverb for this Hindi phrase? [duplicate]

I'd like to know if there is anything for this in English which is roughly: Shoot many arrows, one will fit. I am from India and we have an idiom dedicated to it in Hindi but I, literally, ...
Nikhil Sharma's user avatar
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Equivalent of phrase 'emu parade' in other English-speaking places

In Australian English we have a phrase 'emu parade' which refers to the action of one or more people walking around searching for specific things on the ground in a certain area. For example, say you ...
Ulysses's user avatar
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What was the profession 芸者 (female entertainer) called in Britain? [closed]

I am looking for an indigenous English word for women who entertained guests at social gatherings in Britain. To put it simply, I am looking for an English analogue of geisha.
Mitsuko's user avatar
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Word for “direction“ where which way you're pointing to doesn't matter?

Serbian language has a distinction between “smer” and “pravac”. “smer” is a straight line when you turn towards something. It's similar to a vector or a ray in maths. For example, “left”. “pravac” is ...
Lazar Ljubenović's user avatar
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What is the best English translation for "Mittagsmenü" (German)?

I've been looking around but it seems there is no single word or phrase which translates "Mittagsmenü" - at least not literally. "Mittagsmenü" - as I understand it - is some kind of "special offer". ...
Stefan Falk's user avatar
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Expression for encouraging someone to do something that's a bit of work but it will be good for them

I have been asked to translate into English the Spanish word animarse, as in Se animó a venir al cine. That could be translated into English as "he decided to come to the movies". The verb "to ...
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