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    Start-Up Nation 2022

    Starting July 19, 2022 , you can enroll in the Start-Up Nation 2022 program. You can apply for a financing from non-reimbursable funds of up to 200,000 lei.

    • you have a company established after January 1, 2020
    • hire at least one person (even yourself) after signing the contract with the Ministry
    • vineyards with an own contribution of between 5%-15%
    • you can take a bridge loan from BT if you do not have the full amount to implement the project
    • you have no debts to the general consolidated state budget

    Registrations are made online, in the SME Recover grant portal of the Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Tourism.

    Online registration

    What advantages do you have if you choose BT as your partner bank

    • mIf you are a BT customer you need a dedicated sub-account for project implementation and you can open it in any BT unit(if you don't already have a BT account, you need to open a online account)
    • mBecause you are the beneficiary of the programme Start-up Nation, you can access a bridging loan from us on favourable terms until the grant is fully disbursed:
    • Interest rate: ROBOR 6M + 2.5% 
    • Analysis fee: 0.5%
    • Management fee: 0.05%/month

    Here's what you should know:

    You can benefit from start-up nation funding if you meet several conditions, including:

    • Your company is registered as a commercial company according to Law no. 31/1990 on companies or under Law no. 1/2005 on cooperation or based on the Emergency Ordinance of the Romanian Government no. 6/2011
    • It belongs to the SME category according to the provisions of Article 2 and Article 4 para. (1) lit. a), b) or c) of Law no. 346/2004
    • You founded the company after January 1, 2022, with 100% private capital
    • You operate in Romania and your company is registered with the Trade Register Office
    • You have no debts to the general consolidated budget either for the registered office or for the work points
    • Your company is not in insolvency, bankruptcy, liquidation, suspension or forced execution
    • Ensure a co-financing between 5% - 15% of the eligible value of the project
    • You assume the creation and maintenance of a job (for a financing of 100,000 lei) or a minimum of 2 jobs (for a maximum financing of 200,000 lei)
    • You can find all the conditions for application in the procedure.
    • Salaries
    • purchases of equipment, IT equipment, machinery, appliances, means of transport, furniture, office supplies
    • purchases or rental costs for workspaces, production premises or premises for the provision of services and trade
    • vans, cars - one car per company (apart from taxi activities, driving school, rent-a-car)
    • electric vehicles
    • entrepreneurship courses
    • consultancy services for the preparation of the project
    • licenses, software, web page making
    • specific energy saving systems, installations and equipment
    • Franchises
    • air conditioning/heating equipment
    • VAT - eligible expenditure only for companies that are not paying VAT
    • Registration started from July 19, 2022, and the electronic application will be open for 30 working days, until September 1, 2022, at 20:00. However, this deadline is likely to be extended until the budget is exhausted.
    • If you are an associate / shareholder or administrator in several companies, you can apply for only one of them in the program.
    • Use the same email address both when signing up and in documents. It will also be used for all notifications related to your application for funding from the Start-Up Nation program.
    • The minimum score to be accepted in principle is 50 points out of a maximum of 100 possible points.
    • The score is valid until December 31, 2027, and payments will be made until December 31, 2028.
    • You sign the registration form electronically in the Start-up Nation program, so it is mandatory to have an electronic signature. The good news is that its purchase is an eligible expense under the program both before and after the financing agreement is signed.
    • You can find the procedure online , here.

    What are the steps?


    Make your profile online

    You create a profile in the Platform of the Agency for the Implementation of Projects and Programs for Small and Medium Enterprises and then fill in the electronic registration form.


    Fill in the application

    You complete the grant application and upload all documents and business plan within 30 business days. In this step you can select BT as the partner bank in the program, where you will open the grant account.


    See the score obtained

    Your score is automatically calculated and depending on the score obtained you will receive in maximum 3 working days a unique identification number (RUE).


    Project approval

    If all went well so far, after the approval of the project, the implementation period begins (12 months maximum, from the approval of the funding). You are also now applying for a bridge loan, if necessary.


    Implementation phase

    Whether it is the implementation from its own sources or through a Bridge loan, AIMMAIPE verifies within 20 days all the documentation for the settlement and notifies the bank for the certification of expenses. The bank will make mandatory the verification / report exactly at the place declared for implementation, with the certification that the goods are new and put into operation, and the identification elements coincide with those in the statement approved by AIMMAIPE. Alftel, if the bank will not be able to carry out the visit under the mentioned conditions, the payment of the settlement will be rejected.

    Ask BT is Banca Transilvania's largest online financial education program, with over 2,000 banking questions and answers.
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    AI Search provides automatically generated responses, using GPT4 technology, which may contain inaccurate or potentially offensive content that does not represent the views of Banca Transilvania. You are solely responsible for your use of the content generated by this service. .
    Terms and conditions


    AI Search is a pilot project - in beta - that uses GPT4 technology to simplify the process of finding and understanding banking products.

    AI Search is trained to answer questions that are exclusively related to the banking products offered by BT, but in certain situations and depending on the questions asked, it may also answer general questions. The answers provided are automatically generated and are to be used for information purposes only. The service may sometimes provide inaccurate or potentially offensive content, which does not represent the views of Banca Transilvania. You are solely responsible for your use of the content generated by this service in any way. Do not rely on this service for financial, legal or other professional advice and do not enter personal data or other confidential information into this service.

    Use of AI Search implies acceptance of the Terms and Conditions.

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    Banca Transilvania does not provide any guarantee in relation to the answers provided by this service.

    AI Search provides responses algorithmically and these may sometimes contain inaccurate information or potentially offensive language. This information does not express the position of Banca Transilvania and cannot engage the responsibility of the Bank for the content provided.

    AI Search does not provide answers to personalized questions, so by using it you are obligated not to provide or enter any personal data or other confidential information in your messages/questions. In case you do not comply with this obligation, by inserting personal data/confidential information in AI Search, you consent to their processing for the purpose of providing the service (answers to the questions you ask), as well as for the improvement of the algorithmic model of the robot by its developer.

    Any information provided by users during their interaction with AI Search will be treated confidentially and will only be disclosed to recipients who have a right and need to know.

    The content provided by AI Search is for information purposes only.

    Users are responsible for the questions and messages asked when using AI Search. Any abuse or inappropriate language may result in the interruption of the interaction.

    AI Search does not provide financial, legal or professional advice and is not a substitute for consulting human experts or professionals specialising in the field. Users should not rely on the information provided by AI Search in making decisions.

    The Bank reserves the right to discontinue the AI Search service at any time without prior notice.

    Terms and conditions may be revised/updated at any time.