
I'm currently reading this article of Bill Andreycak to understand the mathematics behind zero voltage switching: https://www.ti.com/lit/an/slua159/slua159.pdf?ts=1710666811170&ref_url=https%253A%252F%252Fwww.google.com%252F. At present, I'm currently reading on the ZVS Design Equations portion.

When it comes to the derivation the design equations for the initial conditions and the capacitor charging state, I feel like I totally got the hang of it. However, I am not sure I totally understand the derivations/circuit analysis for the resonant state.

First of all, here's my understanding of the resonant state:

At t1

  1. This state is triggered when/starts after the resonant capacitor has has fully charged at t1. At this very moment, iCr should be equal to IOUT but it should be gearing to decrease to zero.
  2. As the parallel combination of CR and Q1 would now theoretically behave like an open circuit as CR have now been fully charged, the cathode of the freewheeling diode D0 now effectively has a lower voltage received compared to its anode. In short, the freewheeling diode D0 should now start conducting, triggering the output inductor to act as a current source (in other words, the voltage polarity of output inductor should flip).
  3. The resonant inductor Lr also acts a current source (in other words, the voltage polarity of resonant inductor should flip) since the open circuit behavior of CR and Q1 at the beginning of this state would indicate a current interruption, although, of course, the direction of iLr should remain as is.
  4. The resonant inductor current iLR should be equal to IOUT at this specific period, but should also gear to decrease afterwards. It is also equal to iCR.

Between t1 to t2

  1. The resonant capacitor current iCR and the resonant inductor current iLr continues to be equal, however, they're no longer equal to the output current IOUT. As mentioned, iCR and iLr is expected to be decreasing throughout this duration (or at least it's how I understood it).
  2. The resonant inductor voltage VLR should also be decreasing to some value throughout this duration.

With that understanding, this is how I would implement polarities and directions in the schematic diagram at resonant state for circuit analysis:

enter image description here

Now, when I try to derive the equations myself for the t1 to t2 duration, although it feels like I got the KVL right, I don't think I understand the decision behind designating the sine function to the resonant inductor voltage and the cosine function to the resonant inductor current. I mean, ELI the ICE man right? So following that, the resonant inductor voltage should follow a cosine function while the resonant inductor current should follow a sine function, right?

If you check out the article, you would see that these are the derived equations during resonant state:

enter image description here

I mean they do mention that the current should follow a cosine function but proceeds to not give an explanation why:

enter image description here

If somebody could explain to why the design equations for the resonant state are the way they are, it would greatly help me. Perhaps somebody could generously go over the proper way of circuit analysis for me because that maybe the reason why there's a disconnect from my end.

  • \$\begingroup\$ Voltage can be sine as long as current is -cosine. I use CIVIL (you can work it out I'm sure). \$\endgroup\$
    – Andy aka
    Commented Mar 17 at 10:18
  • \$\begingroup\$ Are you familiar with the operation of a class E switching amplifier? \$\endgroup\$ Commented Mar 17 at 16:22


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