
I'm trying to read data from combinational logic.

module my_reg(;
  output reg [31:0] rdata;
  always @(data)
  rdata = 32'h18;

and this dut's value is interfaced with a testbench.

module test;
my_interfcae _if();

my_dut u_my_dut (
.HRDATA    (_if.HRDATA),

and the interface is implemented as below:

interface my_interface;
logic [31:0] HRDATA;

The problem is that I get the HRDATA at the first 'x in the UVM Driver.


 req.HRDATA = ahb_if.HRDATA;
 $display("R3RDATA: %0h", ahb_if.HRDATA);

Especially, the waveform I captured, you can see the HRDATA has 'h00000012 ,'h00000034 and 'h00000056 so on.

enter image description here

This is the print out from $display("R3RDATA: %0h", ahb_if.HRDATA); in Driver.

enter image description here

How to sample the read data from blocking logic safely in the interface of SystemVerilog without F/F at that point?


1 Answer 1


You have a simulation race condition. You are trying to display a signal value at the same time it is changing. One way to fix it is to add delay before you display. For example, change:

$display("R3RDATA: %0h", ahb_if.HRDATA);


#1 $display("R3RDATA: %0h", ahb_if.HRDATA);

Another way is to change $display to $strobe.

You should always display the simulation time when debugging, something like this:

$display($time, " R3RDATA: %0h", ahb_if.HRDATA);

Since you are using UVM, you should always use `uvm_info instead of $display since it displays the time by default:

#1 `uvm_info ...

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