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let's talk!



partner program

diginomica welcomes inquiries from vendors interested in our content-led partner model. We partner with qualified enterprise companies to meet their thought-leadership and outreach needs. 

If you would like to participate in our partner program, please indicate your interest by emailing [email protected] and one of the core team will respond to your inquiry to discuss. 

Please note - we do NOT carry display advertising of any kind, advertorials, infographics or paid-for story placements or link referrals. There are no exceptions to this rule. 

public relations/analyst relations

diginomica works with PR and AR professionals as well as media relations agencies. Please contact one of the core team directly with any form of media or analyst relations outreach. 

reader comment/feedback

diginomica welcomes feedback on our content from readers. Please login to Disqus - to be found at the bottom of each article - to leave commentary on stories. 


social media

diginomica's social media channels can be found at: 



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