


Hannover, Lower Saxony 12.827 Follower:innen

Together we take care of the unexpected and foster entrepreneurship


Talanx is one of the major European insurance groups. Under the HDI brand it operates both in Germany and abroad in industrial insurance as well as retail business. Further Group brands include Hannover Re, one of the world’s leading reinsurers, Targo insurers, LifeStyle Protection and neue leben, the latter all specialised in bancassurance, as well as the Polish insurer Warta. Ampega is responsible for the Talanx Group‘s asset management. These are the Group’s four operating customer segments: The Industrial Lines division is led by HDI Global SE. The company is active worldwide through branches and subsidiaries as well as network partners. The Retail Germany division concentrates the activities of companies serving retail and commercial customers in the areas of P&C insurance, life insurance and bancassurance in Germany. The divisional company bears the name HDI Deutschland AG. The Retail International Division concentrates the activities of companies serving retail and commercial customers worldwide. It is managed by HDI International AG. The Reinsurance Division within the HDI Group is handled almost exclusively by the Hannover Re Group. It transacts all lines of property/casualty and life /health reinsurance and is present on all continents. Financial Services Above and beyond insurance business, the Group offers financial services which consist most notably of asset management services as well as the Group’s internal reinsurance broker Talanx Reinsurance Broker. Ampega Asset Management is responsible for the assets held by the Talanx Group on the money, capital and real estate markets. Ampega Investment functions as an investment company serving private clients and institutional investors. The company also administers asset and financial portfolios for clients outside the Group. Publication Details and Data Privacy Information: https://www.talanx.com/en/data_protection

10.001+ Beschäftigte
Hannover, Lower Saxony
Kapitalgesellschaft (AG, GmbH, UG etc.)


Beschäftigte von Talanx


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    Defender of common sense   We are proud of the internationality, independence and innovative strength of our individual divisions HDI Group, HDI Global SE, HDI International and Hannover Rück-Gruppe. The Best Practice Lab is harvesting from this diversity.   Jan Myszkowski, Head of Best Practice Lab, explains origin and goals: 💡  “Best” – we want the best, we learn, reuse, and get inspired regardless of the boundaries. Industrial and national barriers, among others, become permeable if the will is there. We consider our own mistakes to be dead-end streets which make a map complete. 💡  “Practice” – it should be practical, helpful, and good. We are all lifelong interns. Common sense belongs in every job description. 💡 “Lab” – experimenting is fun. Playing is not a children’s monopoly, and neither is curiosity. There is no better cost-saving program than building and improving prototypes before building monuments. Working with us is voluntary. If no one comes, we must change something. So, each of us has a KPI: people must want to see us again. Everything we do has to be reflected in the result, this year or soon.   Jan set up the Best Practice Lab from the very beginning. "It's a different job every year because the topics and challenges are always changing," he explains. "At the same time, we see ourselves as defenders of common sense, which is tirelessly attacked by trends. As a company, we always weigh up carefully: which trend do we have to follow and where does it contradict our focus or purpose? Because we believe in a few proven timeless principles of success."   Jan has also been Member of the Board of Management of Hannover Digital Investments GmbH since 2018. "I appreciate the great entrepreneurial freedom that is the essence of doing business with and for people," says Jan. And because he is very creative and curious, he continues to focus on the topic of leadership in his little free time, designing and writing books for children and those who avoided the trap of being a grownup. His first book was 40 poems for his 40th birthday, which summarise his previous stations and experiences. "Be a statement of yourself and not a quote of somebody else," is how Jan describes his motivation. And so he already has the next projects in the pipeline: he designs tables. "But I'm still looking for a carpenter with whom I can build them." Perhaps you can help?   At Talanx, we are proud of the diversity of strengths, cultures, perspectives and stories with which they contribute to the company's success. In our #WeAreTalanx series, we would like to introduce you to some of these people.   #Talanx #HDI #Innovation #InnovationLab #BestPractise  

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    Internal network Legal@Talanx goes international   One and a half years ago, Dr. Sylvie Nicolaisen LL.M. founded the internal company network "Legal@Talanx". The in-house lawyer is responsible for regulatory issues at Talanx Group Legal, among other things. However, legal expertise is not only required in the legal departments, but also in many other areas of our Group companies: from product and claims management to data protection and HR processes. The idea met with great interest: The network now has around 140 members in Germany alone.   With the presentation by US colleague Michael Gooding, JD, CPCU, ARM, ACI, ARe, AMIM, the network has now taken its first step towards internationalisation. With Carolina Rieger - Perdomo, Sylvie was able to gain an internationally experienced colleague for the network management in spring 2024. "Dealing with different legal systems is unavoidable for our group - it works better in an international network," explains Carolina.   #TalanxNetworks #Talanx #TogetherTalanx

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    🏆 Talanx Transformation Award 2024 🏆 And the Winner is... Team Warta, Poland - congratulations dear colleagues! 51 projects from all over the Talanx world, from Australia to Sweden, entered the contest for the Transformation Award this year. With this award, we honour outstanding projects that combine the principles of innovation, benefit, actionability and entrepreneurial spirit. In 2024, the focus was on our purpose component “entrepreneurship”, because we are entrepreneurs who support other entrepreneurs. Our services relieve our customers and open up new room for manoeuvre. Thinking and acting entrepreneurially is deeply anchored in our DNA. An independent jury selected the ten best projects from all those submitted. Around 3,000 colleagues worldwide cast their votes by the end of May and helped their favourites from the top 10 to win. We've never had that before: three companies of our Retail International Division, headed by HDI International, were on the winners' podium: 1st price: "WARTADirect" by Warta 👉 enables Warta to enter the direct sales market. 2nd price: "Backstage Excellence" by Grupo HDI, Brasil 👉 aims to improve sales processes. 3rd price: "CODA" by HDI Seguros México 👉 offers a payment and advisory service via WhatsApp. The award ceremony by Caroline Schlienkamp, Wilm Langenbach and Torsten Leue took place on 18 June as part of the annual Talanx Executive Meeting. Congratulations to Jaroslaw Parkot, Eduardo Dal Ri and Juan Ignacio Gonzalez and their winning teams! #Talanx #TogetherTalanx #Innovation

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  • Unternehmensseite von Talanx anzeigen, Grafik

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    🌐 Worldwide accounting in common understanding of togetherness 🌐 One factor that contributes to our company's success is the mixture of many years of expertise and fresh ideas, especially in the Talanx executive team. 👉 In Michael Heinen, we gained a reliable, trustworthy and far-sighted auditor in the course of the Gerling takeover in 2006, who now, in his dual role as Head of Group Accounting and Member of the Board of Management of HDI AG, always has everything in view for his various "customers": responsibility for accounting and thus the individual financial statements of HDI AG, the preparation of the consolidated financial statements and interim reports for Talanx, support for the companies in accounting and cash collection matters and the various reporting requirements for external addressees, including the preparation of the HDI Group solvency balance sheet. "This is only possible because I have a great team that I can rely on completely." 👉 Especially when it comes to the quarterly financial statements with their tight timeline, all the gears have to mesh perfectly. "At the end of the day, our figures are proof that we are keeping our promises to our various stakeholders. They create transparency and trust in the market." 👉 The #Together in the company is what makes this reliable machinery possible. "We work closely together with the accounting teams all over the world, despite our decentralised nature. This only works because we have a common understanding of togetherness, cooperation and a sense of responsibility. 👉 Without this mindset, the company's success would not be possible," says Michael Heinen, who has helped to shape many milestones - such as the IPO in 2012 and the expansion of the primary insurance business. And despite his many years of experience, he relies on flexibility and spontaneity in his day-to-day work: "Routines haven't materialised over the years and that's also important in my job. But if I can, I start the day on my own and get an overview about daily tasks and meetings before I make my first appointments at 9 a.m. at the earliest." At Talanx, we are proud of the diversity of strengths, cultures, perspectives and stories with which they contribute to the company's success. In our #WeAreTalanx series, we would like to introduce you to some of these people. #Accounting #Finance #Talanx #HDI

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    Europa steht für gemeinsame Werte wie Frieden, Demokratie, Freiheit und Solidarität. Als Talanx Gruppe sind wir stolz darauf, in einem vereinten Europa tätig zu sein und unterstützen die Initiative #DemokratieVersichert des GDV Gesamtverband der Deutschen Versicherungswirtschaft e.V. anlässlich der Europawahl. Mehr als 60 Prozent unserer Mitarbeitenden arbeiten in Ländern außerhalb Deutschlands. Allein in unserer Erstversicherungsgruppe in Deutschland arbeiten Menschen aus rund 70 Nationen zusammen. Wir als Talanx stehen daher für Vielfalt, Internationalität, Religionsfreiheit, Inklusion, Meinungsfreiheit, die Zusammenarbeit verschiedener Kulturen sowie den friedlichen und respektvollen Umgang miteinander Dafür sind Demokratie und Rechtstaatlichkeit unerlässlich. #EU #Europe #Europa #EUelections #Europawahl #Talanx

    #DemokratieVersichert! ⬇️ Was das für uns bedeutet: Nachhaltigkeit, Digitalisierung, eine starke Wirtschaft: Wir sind überzeugt, dass wir viele dieser Herausforderungen nur gemeinsam als starke EU bewältigen können. Eine EU, die fortschrittlich und innovativ ist und unsere demokratischen Werte stärkt.  #WirVersicherer leisten einen wichtigen Beitrag zum Schutz der Wirtschaft, der Demokratie und aller Bürgerinnen und Bürger der EU. Wir sorgen für eine sichere und nachhaltige Zukunft für alle.  Daher ist es jetzt Zeit, dass wir alle Verantwortung für ein Europa übernehmen, das auf den Grundfesten von Freiheit und Frieden steht.  Mit der Europawahl vom 06. bis 09. Juni haben wir es in der Hand.  Jede Stimme zählt, unsere Demokratie zu schützen: https://lnkd.in/dj2nD_Wa #UseYourVote #EP2024 #EU

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  • Unternehmensseite von Talanx anzeigen, Grafik

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    If you want to find out about our Group's record results, you can't get past Bas de Vries. He has been Head of Controlling for almost four years, after two years as CFO of the HDI Global branch in Rotterdam and several years in the controlling department. "I'm good with figures, I'm decisive and always in an optimistic mood - those are the best prerequisites," he says. In his childhood, Bas wanted to be a helicopter pilot. At the Talanx Group, he uses this helicopter perspective in a slightly different way. "It's the only way to keep an overview and understand and tell the story behind the figures." And that is also crucial given the growing volumes of data and regulatory requirements. Good cooperation between the business units and departments is important for this, as it creates transparency and enables important projects. "That's what makes our #Together". Bas is fascinated by the sheer volume of topics and the speed with which they can be tackled within the Group. Because in the end, it's all about the customers and shareholders. "What we achieve here in Controlling reaches the outside world directly - for example, in the amount of the dividend. That gives me a good feeling." At Talanx, we are proud of the diversity of strengths, cultures, perspectives and stories with which they contribute to the company's success. In our #WeAreTalanx series, we would like to introduce you to some of these people. #Finance #Controlling #Controller #Talanx

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    🔊 New episode: No Consent without Consensus This month we are going to continue, again in German, our quarterly results series “Bernd & Bas take stock”. This episode shares insights into our recently published #3M2024 results, focusing on the net income development and its outlook.   Apropos outlook, the reason for the ad hoc announcement released in April, will be explained as well. Which role do equity analysts play in this context and what is the consensus all about. In addition, Bernd and Bas will talk about the dividend, which was approved by the #AGM last week and what the dividend has to do with last week’s drop in the share price. Don't miss this episode and listen right away!   Tune in: https://lnkd.in/eTm6fSe5 #InsuranceUncovered #Podcast #Talanx #HDI #FinancialResults

    Talanx Insurance Uncovered Podcast |  Kein Konsens ohne Konsensus

    Talanx Insurance Uncovered Podcast | Kein Konsens ohne Konsensus


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    Floating Earth - the Hanover Herrenhausen Art Festival "KunstFestSpiele" opens tonight with an art installation of the globe on the pond at the New Town Hall in Hanover. Alongside other sponsors, Talanx is also involved in funding the Floating Earth installation as part of the international art festival.   The three-dimensional depiction of the globe, 10 metres in diameter, floats on the water as if it had fallen from the sky. With the onset of darkness the installation begins to glow and shows detailed continents, oceans and cloud formations. British artist Luke Jerram has travelled to different places around the world with his artwork. He invites us to gain a new, perhaps different perspective and to question our relationship with our planet. With Floating Earth, he wants to visualise the fragility of planet Earth. He was inspired by the so-called Overview Effect - the unique phenomenon of the moment experienced by space travellers when they see the Earth in its entirety from space for the first time.   📅 This perspective can be experienced in Hanover until 2 June. Are you taking part? We look forward to your photos and descriptions of your impressions in our comments!    #FloatingEarth #LukeJerram #Sustainability #Talanx Foto: © PhotographicLeigh

    • Photo shows the illuminated art installation Floating Earth at night on a lake
  • Unternehmensseite von Talanx anzeigen, Grafik

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    Strong start to 2024: Talanx lifted its first-quarter insurance revenue by 9 percent year-on-year to EUR 11.7 (10.7) billion and its Group net income by a clear double-digit 35 percent to EUR 572 (423) million. Primary Insurance was the driver behind the positive trend, generating revenue growth of 23 percent and increasing its share of Group net income to 47 (43) percent. "Our strong start to 2024 underscores the sustainable and profitable path we are on with our decentralised strategy and diversified business model,” said Torsten Leue, Chairman of Talanx AG’s Board of Management. The return on equity, which fluctuates over the course of the year, rose to 21.2 (18.9) percent, clearly exceeding the strategic target of “more than 10 percent”. The combined ratio improved to 90.9 (93.5) percent. This includes the pro rata large loss budget, which was recognised in full. Talanx Group is affirming its 2024 goal of achieving Group net income of more than EUR 1.7 billion. However, the strong quarterly figure of EUR 572 million has increased its confidence of clearly exceeding its target for Group net income. The Group is also confirming its 2024 target of a return on equity of more than 15 percent. News Release: https://lnkd.in/e29aibjS #FinancialResults #3M2024 #Talanx

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    Annual General Meeting of Talanx AG: very large majority for all proposed resolutions Talanx AG’s shareholders voted to increase the dividend per share by 35 cents (roughly 18 percent) to EUR 2.35. This means the Talanx Group’s dividend has risen by 75 cents from EUR 1.60 over the past two years, an increase of 47 percent. Talanx has either lifted its dividend or at the least kept it stable every year since the Company went public. The dividend yield is 4.4 percent, based on the average share price in 2023 of EUR 53.45. “We are growing sustainably and profitably in the interests of our business partners, customers, shareholders and employees,” emphasized Talanx CEO Torsten Leue at the Annual General Meeting. The Group has made a strong start to 2024. With an increase in quarterly earnings of 35 per cent year-on-year to EUR 572 million, confidence has risen that the targeted Group earnings of more than EUR 1.7 billion can be significantly exceeded, he added. At the fifth virtual AGM in a row, shareholders were able to submit questions online during the meeting in direct dialogue with the Board of Management and Supervisory Board. This was actively used. We thank all participants for the open and constructive dialogue! #AGM #AnnualGeneralMeeting #TogetherTalanx #Talanx

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