Schunk Group

Schunk Group

Herstellung von Industriemaschinen

Heuchelheim, Hesse 37.181 Follower:innen


Die Schunk Group ist ein weltweit aktiver Technologiekonzern mit mehr als 9.000 Mitarbeitern in 26 Ländern. Mit den Marken Schunk, Weiss Technik und OptoTech sind unsere Unternehmen international führende Anbieter für maßgeschneiderte Hightech-Produkte aus den Werkstoffen Kohlenstoff, technische Keramik und Sintermetall sowie von Anlagen und Maschinen für Umweltsimulation und Klimatechnik, Ultraschallschweißen und die Optikfertigung. Durch herausragende Ingenieurkompetenz in der Werkstofftechnik und im Maschinenbau ist Schunk Technologieführer und wegbereitender Entwicklungspartner in zahlreichen Industrien. Impressum:

Herstellung von Industriemaschinen
5.001–10.000 Beschäftigte
Heuchelheim, Hesse
carbon technology, sintered metal, ultrasonic welding, environmental simulation, air conditioning technology, technical ceramics, containemt systems, cleanrooms, operating theatre canopies, temperature and climate test chambers, plant growth chambers, industrial ovens, seals and bearings, carbon brushes, carbon stribs, metal injection molding, sintered structural parts and sintered bearings , grounding systems, wafer carriers, optical machines und photonics


Beschäftigte von Schunk Group


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    Almost 100 enthusiastic cyclists came together for the Schunk bike tour! After the Bike Service Center Hüttenberg (Bike Service Center Hüttenberg) had already offered a bike check for donations in the morning, the tours started thereafter. The donations of around 250 euros went to the charitable organization Rückenwind in Gießen, which supports families suffering from cancer.     The participants could choose between three different routes, which were prepared and accompanied by the tour partners. The road bike tour was led by Jochen Schappel. The mountain bike tour offered three levels of difficulty: the beginner tour was led by Danny Naumann, the medium tour by Robin Scharf and the advanced tour was accompanied by Christian Bischoff. Dirk Waldschmidt was responsible for the pleasure and family tour. In addition, the tours were supported by a support vehicle, which was on standby for refreshments and emergencies. Johanna Dywan and Damian Obruschnik were the helpful drivers. Nadja Gabriel and Isabell van Zon were responsible for organizing the event.     The groups returned safely at noon. A joint barbecue rounded off the day. Luis Gasch took charge of the barbecue for the participants, who had more than earned the buffet. As Isabell van Zon put it: "There was a relaxed and informal atmosphere that characterized the whole day." #schunk

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  • Unternehmensseite von Schunk Group anzeigen, Grafik

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    Schunk and MS Ultrasonic Technology Group join forces in the field of ultrasonic welding… The Schunk Group has acquired a majority stake in the MS Ultrasonic Technology Group (UTG). UTG is a leading technology provider in the field of ultrasonic welding of plastics. With its subsidiary Schunk Sonosystems, Schunk is a global leader in the ultrasonic welding of metals. Peter R. Manolopoulos, CEO of the Schunk Group: “Schunk Sonosystems and the MS Ultrasonic Technology Group will combine their expertise in the field of ultrasonic welding of metal and plastic under the umbrella of the Schunk Group. This is in line with our strategic goal of expanding Schunk's portfolio to include plastic welding, and will give us access to markets such as the packaging, medical and textile industries.” Armin Distel, Member of the Managing Board of MS Industrie AG: "We have been working on expanding UTG into a full-service provider of ultrasonic technology for some time now, and in Schunk Sonosystems we have found the ideal, complementary partner. This merger will sustainably strengthen our locations in Spaichingen, Ettlingen and Howell, USA. In addition, we will benefit enormously from the global presence, network and expertise of the entire Schunk Group. This gives the MS Ultrasonic Technology Group a good starting position for further global growth and long-term development. Our customers will also benefit from this." Petra Schmidt, COO of the Schunk Group and responsible for the Division Machinery & Equipment: "The two companies complement each other perfectly in terms of technology. Schunk has a great deal of expertise in the ultrasonic welding of metal, while the MS Ultrasonic Technology Group specializes in the ultrasonic welding of plastic. The aim is to leverage these and other synergies, for example in procurement, as well as in technologies, components and the associated software. This will make our Business Unit Sonosystems a strong partner for our customers in all solutions related to welding both plastic and metal. In addition, we will open up further growth potential for the Business Unit." UTG is a full-service provider of ultrasonic joining solutions for plastics (special-purpose machines, series machines, systems and components) and generates sales of over 80 million euros. The company has a total of around 500 employees at five locations in Germany, the USA, Brazil and China. The MS Ultrasonic Technology Group primarily serves the automotive, medical technology, packaging and hygiene industries. Schunk Sonosystems is the world market leader in machines and systems for ultrasonic metal welding and is represented at seven locations in Germany, the USA, China, Morocco, Mexico, South Korea and Japan. Sonosystems offers customized solutions for joining metals in various industries, such as the automotive, electrical, solar and battery industries. #schunk #msultrasonictechnologygroup #passionfortechnology #sonosystems #ultrasonic #weareultrasonics

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  • Unternehmensseite von Schunk Group anzeigen, Grafik

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    It's off to Paris again! For the third time in a row, Schunk Group employees are taking part in the Europe-wide charity campaign "Team Rynkeby". Under the motto "We cycle, you donate!", the team is collecting donations for the Sylt Clinic of the German Children's Cancer Foundation. The "Cash for Kilometer" campaign supports seriously ill children and their families. The tour started on June 30, 2024 in Essen and ends on July 6, 2024 in Paris. Team member Tobias Wollweber, who is contesting his first season with the team, reports on his enthusiasm: "The registration and participation in the kick-off event and the ride in Rotterdam got me so excited that I immediately decided to ride to Paris in yellow for a good cause." The tour extends over seven stages, in which the team covers a total of 1008 kilometers and 5430 vertical meters. Further information on the fundraising campaign can be found on the websites of the German Childhood Cancer Foundation and the Racemap platform. #TeamRynkeby #Charity #SchunkGroup #Kinderkrebsstiftung #SyltKlinik

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  • Unternehmensseite von Schunk Group anzeigen, Grafik

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    Schunk Sintermetalltechnik took part in the Harzer Firmenlauf 2024 in Wernigerode with 12 teams, each consisting of four runners. Team spirit, speed and fun characterized the company's appearance at this event.      The runners mastered the course with flying colors and proudly presented the company colors. A fan block of 20 employees ensured a good atmosphere with loud cheering and actively supported the teams.      But Schunk Sintermetalltechnik was not only able to shine in terms of cheering, but also athletically: The men's team took 2nd place in the "Fastest Team" category. This success shows that speed and teamwork go hand in hand at Schunk.     Schunk Sintermetalltechnik is proud of the performance of all participants and is already looking forward to next year! 

    Profil von Stefanie Seidl anzeigen, Grafik

    Erfolg ist kein Zufall. Er ist harte Arbeit, Motivation, Lernen, Opferbereitschaft und vor allem, dass man liebt was man tut.

    🏃♂️ Teamgeist, Schnelligkeit und Spaß – das waren die Zutaten für den beeindruckenden Auftritt der Schunk Sintermetalltechnik beim Harzer Firmenlauf 2024! 🎉 Mit 12 dynamischen Teams, bestehend aus je 4 Läufern, haben wir die Strecke gemeistert und unsere Firmenfarben stolz präsentiert. Unser Fanblock, der aus rund 20 begeisterten Mitarbeitern bestand, feuerte jeden Schritt an und sorgte für eine unvergessliche Atmosphäre. 📣 Ein besonderes Dankeschön geht an unser Bollerwagenteam – ihr habt dafür gesorgt, dass niemandem die Energie ausging und die Verpflegung immer griffbereit war. Die Spannung erreichte ihren Höhepunkt bei der Verlosung, wo eine glückliche Läuferin einen Gutschein im Wert von 250€ für ein Sportgeschäft gewann. Herzlichen Glückwunsch nochmal an die Gewinnerin! 🏆 Und zu guter Letzt, ein riesiger Applaus für unser Männerteam, das den 2. Platz in der Kategorie “Schnellstes Team” eroberte. Ihr habt bewiesen, dass Schnelligkeit und Teamarbeit Hand in Hand gehen. 👏 Ein riesiges Dankeschön an alle, die teilgenommen und uns unterstützt haben. Ihr seid der Beweis dafür, dass Teamarbeit und Zusammenhalt zum Erfolg führen. Wir sind stolz auf jeden Einzelnen von euch und freuen uns schon auf das nächste Jahr. Bis dahin, bleibt sportlich! 💪 #SchunkThale #HarzerFirmenlauf2024 #Teamwork #LaufEvent #Sportgeist #GemeinsamSindWirStark

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  • Unternehmensseite von Schunk Group anzeigen, Grafik

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    We are constantly working on e-mobility solutions for battery-driven vehicles. Learn more about the Schunk Underbody Charging and its use for e-trucks: #schunk #passionfortechnology #emobility #underbodycharger #etruck

    Unternehmensseite von Ladeinfrastruktur @ Fraunhofer IVI anzeigen, Grafik

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    >> english version below << Wie sieht die LKW-Ladeinfrastruktur der Zukunft aus, wenn der Schwerlastverkehr überwiegend von batterieelektrischen Fahrzeugen erbracht wird? Unter Berücksichtigung üblicher Volumenströme von #LKW-Zapfsäulen, des Diesel-Heizwertes und eines Wirkungsgradvorteils des elektrischen Antriebsstrangs von 50% ergibt sich ein äquivalenter Bedarf von etwa 35MW #Ladeinfrastruktur je ersetzter Zapfsäule. Bei den derzeit als Ziel anvisierten 3,75MW für MCS-Stecker entspräche das immer noch 10 Ladeplätzen, um den Status Quo aufrechtzuerhalten. Die wesentlichen Erkenntnisse für unsere #Forschung? ⚡Ladeleistungen müssen zukünftig weiter steigen. Potential sehen wir vor allem in höheren Spannungen. Das "Gelegenheitsladen" während planmäßiger Aufenthalte, zum Beispiel beim Verladen, wird auch im #Güterverkehr relevant werden. ↔ Für einen geringeren Platzbedarf parken LKW schon heute dicht beieinander. Trotzdem ist die Lage auf einigen Autobahnparkplätzen angespannt. Zusätzlicher Raum für Ladesäulen zwischen den Fahrzeugen ist auch zukünftig nicht vorhanden. Es bedarf platzsparender Technologien wie unser #Unterbodenladesystem. 🚂Eine Verlagerung wesentlicher Anteile des Güterverkehrs auf die Schiene ist Teil der Lösung, um den Infrastruktur- und Energiebedarf beherrschbar zu halten. 🔌Intelligente Konzepte für #Energiemanagement und #Lastspitzenkappung wirken den steigenden Anforderungen und Kosten an das Stromnetz entgegen. Für einige sind das schwer überwindbare Hürden, für uns der Antrieb weiter zu Forschen und neue Lösungen zu entwickeln. Wir bleiben dran💪 >> english version << How will infrastructure needs evolve as heavy-duty traffic shifts to battery-electric vehicles? Considering typical flow rates of truck fuel dispensers, the fuel value of diesel and an efficiency advantage of 50% for the electric drivetrain, the equivalent need is about 35MW of #charginginfrastructure per replaced fuel pump. With the current target of 3.75MW for #MCS connectors, this still equates to 10 charging stations to maintain the status quo. Key insights for our #research? ⚡Charging power needs to continue increasing. We see the main potential in increasing voltage. "Opportunity charging" during scheduled stops, such as loading cargo, will become relevant in freight #transport too. ↔ Because of space requirements, #trucks already park closely together. However, the situation at some highway parking lots is tense. Additional space for charging stations between vehicles will not be available. Space-saving technologies like our underfloor charging system are needed. 🚂Shifting significant percentage of #freighttraffic to rail is part of the solution to keep infrastructure and energy needs manageable. 🔌Smart concepts for #energymanagement and #peakshaving counteract the increasing requirements and costs for the electrical grid. This is what drives us to continue our research and the development of new solutions. We are on it💪

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  • Unternehmensseite von Schunk Group anzeigen, Grafik

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    There are two key factors 🔑 for an efficient and trouble-free production process, and for the first-class finish of glass products: the functional safety ✅ and material properties of the materials that touch your hot glass. Our carbon components let you easily influence these two factors in your favor, because carbon offers many unique advantages. Check out how our materials competence leads to safe and efficient hot glass handling ➡ #schunk #passionfortechnology #hotglasshandling #materialsexpertise #carbon

  • Unternehmensseite von Schunk Group anzeigen, Grafik

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    Congratulations on 10 years of Pulsar Photonics GmbH! 🎂🎂🎂 We take you to the great anniversary celebration in Aachen: In perfect weather, our colleagues not only had the opportunity to celebrate, but also to give their families a vivid insight into the world of laser micromachining with short-pulse and ultrashort-pulse lasers. A special highlight: The location was the new main building, which is still under construction.   Here's to the next 10 years! Click here to learn more about the company: #schunk #passionfortechnology #PulsarPhotonics #lasermicromachining #aachen

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