ERGO Innovation Lab

ERGO Innovation Lab


Berlin, BE 1.313 Follower:innen


Located in the Factory Berlin the ERGO Innovation Lab works on the forefront of new technologies and services regarding insurance, risk and finance.

11–50 Beschäftigte
Berlin, BE
Kapitalgesellschaft (AG, GmbH, UG etc.)
Insurtec, Insurance, Innovation, User Research, User Centered Design, Digitization, Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, Voice Assistance und Internet of Things


Beschäftigte von ERGO Innovation Lab


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    The Future is Now: How Humanoid Robots Will Change Our Lives Forever At ERGO Innovation Lab, we believe in exploring the future to better understand the present. Humanoid robots, with their potential to revolutionize industries from healthcare to manufacturing, represent a significant leap towards more efficient and adaptive technological solutions. Our latest exploration highlights why these AI-advanced robots are not just a futuristic concept but a relevant aspect of our current technological landscape. By examining their capabilities, use cases and ethical implications, we aim to shed light on the future outlook of AI-driven humanoid robots. Read the full article below. #HumanoidRobots #MarketObservation #AI #Robotics #FutureTechnology

    Die Zukunft ist jetzt: Wie humanoide Roboter unser Leben für immer verändern werden

    Die Zukunft ist jetzt: Wie humanoide Roboter unser Leben für immer verändern werden

    ERGO Innovation Lab auf LinkedIn

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    Fueling Innovation Through Meaningful Exchanges! As the ERGO Innovation Lab team, we're passionate about exchanging ideas with other business units to ignite creativity together! This week, we had the pleasure of hosting Stephan Otto at our campus! We showcased our unique methodologies, tools, and work processes. Stefan Schwarz demonstrated process mining in action, highlighting its real-world impact. We concluded the session by testing our latest VR projects and exploring our interactive AI-driven Design Sprints. On the other hand, Stephan's deep expertise in online services and customer-centric product development provided invaluable insights and inspiration for potential future collaborations. Thank you for your visit, Stephan Otto. We look forward to future interactions! #ERGOInnovationLab #Innovation #OnlineServices #FutureCollaboration #TechInsights

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  • Unternehmensseite von ERGO Innovation Lab anzeigen, Grafik

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    Check out Emilia's incredible hackathon experience, diving into the exciting world of Web3 gaming! 🚀 We are delighted to see her enthusiasm and dedication in bringing new ideas to life. Teamwork, AI-driven prototyping, and a focus on progress truly made this event special. Thank you, Superteam Germany and w3.hub, for organizing such a fantastic event!

    Profil von Thuy Emilia Dang anzeigen, Grafik

    Innovation | Digitalization | Web3

    Come with me to a Web3 Gaming Hackathon! Last week, I had the opportunity to attend a #hackathon with fellow #web3 enthusiasts. The theme was to build a #web3 #game, and I was super excited from the get-go to take on this challenge! This was a great opportunity for me to put my knowledge into practice and build with like-minded individuals! In the beginning, we designed the concept of our game and then proceeded to build the #prototype. With the help of #AI, we were able to build it within just two days! My highlights of this hackathon were: 🤝 #Teamwork makes the dream work 🤖 #Prototyping with Generative AI ⚙ #Progress over perfection A huge shout-out and thank you to Superteam Germany, especially Carlo Abdel-Nour and Rebekka Revel, PhD, for organizing the event, the two workshops mentors Thomas and Leo, and the w3.hub for providing the awesome event space! See you all again at the next event!

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  • Unternehmensseite von ERGO Innovation Lab anzeigen, Grafik

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    Exciting Times Ahead: The ERGO Innovation Lab moved to the Merantix AI Campus! This is incredibly exciting for us, as we join a community filled with talented and inspiring individuals. Being at the Merantix AI Campus means we’ll have the chance to work closely with AI experts and innovative startups. This move will help us learn, grow, and bring new ideas to our work in the insurance industry. Here is what we are looking forward to: 🧠 Learning from AI experts: Gaining insights and knowledge from some of the best in the field. ⚡ Speeding up our projects: Being in a dynamic environment will help us develop our ideas more quickly. 🤝 Making new connections: Building relationships with other professionals and teams on the campus. This isn’t just about a new office—it’s about finding the right place to inspire creativity and teamwork. We are excited for the opportunities and new connections ahead. Thank you to everyone who has supported us on this journey. Here’s to a bright future at our new home! #ERGOInnovationLab #MerantixAICampus #AI #FutureOfInsurance

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  • Unternehmensseite von ERGO Innovation Lab anzeigen, Grafik

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    Exciting news! ERGO has officially launched its scale-up programme "ERGO ScaleHub" as part of this year's Startup Week Düsseldorf. 🚀 In collaboration with the Wirtschaftsförderung Düsseldorf and TechHub.K67, the ERGO Innovation & Digital Transformation Unit is committed to supporting German and international scale-ups in the healthcare, finance, and insurance sectors in Düsseldorf. Scale-ups will have access to a range of services, including national and international networks of experts, business partners, and investors, visa contacts, and workspaces. CamCom, an India-based company that offers unique AI-powered solutions for visual self-inspections and vehicle damage assessment on virtually any surface, is already on board as the first participant. Apply now for the 'ERGO ScaleHub' and let's shape the future together! Learn more here: #ERGOScaleHub #StartupWeekDüsseldorf #ScaleUpProgramme #AI #Healthcare #Finance #Insurance #TechHubK67 #WirtschaftsförderungDüsseldorf

    Profil von Mark Klein anzeigen, Grafik

    Chief Digital Officer (CDO) bei ERGO Group AG

    Feierlicher Start! Ab sofort können sich #Scaleups für den „ERGO ScaleHub“ Accelerator bewerben. Zusammen mit der Landeshauptstadt Düsseldorf und dem ersten Unternehmen im Programm sind wir diese Woche gestartet. In einem mehrmonatigen Mentorenprogramm werden wir Scale-ups in ihrer Wachstumsphase unterstützen. Dafür rekrutieren wir junge Unternehmen weltweit und geben ihnen die Chance, ihre Produkte und Dienstleistungen einem größeren Markt anzubieten. Als ERGO Group AG versprechen wir uns unter anderem einen schnelleren Zugang zu neuen Technologien und Innovationen, die wir unseren Kundinnen und Kunden zur Verfügung stellen können.   Wir wollen Scale-ups aus den Bereichen Gesundheit, Finanzen sowie Versicherungen künftig gezielt am Standort Düsseldorf unterstützen. Die Landeshauptstadt von #NRW soll durch das Programm perspektivisch weiter an Attraktivität für Scale-ups gewinnen. Deshalb arbeiten wir im ScaleHub eng mit der Landeshauptstadt und dem hiesigen Community Space #TechHubK67 zusammen.    Seit 2017 hat ERGO bereits mit mehr als 80 Start-ups kooperiert. Wir bringen für unsere zukünftigen Partner also nicht nur Industrie-Know-how, Prozesse und einen großen Kundenstamm mit, sondern auch viel Erfahrung in der Zusammenarbeit mit Scale-ups und Start-ups. Also, jetzt bewerben – Das erste Unternehmen ist mit CamCom bereits im Programm (dazu mehr in einem separaten Post).   Im Rahmen der aktuellen Startup-Woche Düsseldorf durfte ich den Accelerator gestern zusammen mit Christian Zaum, Wirtschaftsdezernent der Landeshauptstadt Düsseldorf, Theresa Winkels und Annette Klerks von der Wirtschaftsförderung Düsseldorf, Geetha S. von CamCom, Hanbing Ma, CFA und Bessem Ayari von ERGO Innovation & Digital Transformation sowie Ella Gemünd vom Tech-Hub.K67 starten.

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  • Unternehmensseite von ERGO Innovation Lab anzeigen, Grafik

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    Missed out on the latest ITC Digital Insurance Agenda conference in Amsterdam? Read our highlights and takeaways to stay updated on the latest topics affecting the insurance industry today and tomorrow. ✅ Today's practices As expected, #AI has been the most talked about technology, boosting insurance processes like claims handling and underwriting by increasing productivity and efficiency. Our CDO, Mark Klein, presented how ERGO Group AG uses AI successfully to automate repetitive tasks and relieve employees. We also celebrated ERGO and Miss Moneypenny Technologies fruitful #collaboration on stage: a digital travel policy card right at your fingertips in your smartphone wallet. Shout out to Malte Sebastian M. for leading this project! 🚀 Future trends With a 66% growth in global GDP over the past ten years, #emerging #economies are on the rise and will bring a diversity of highly connected customers and new business models. The power of #ecosystems: Embedded insurance continues to stay relevant, with significant growing customer acceptance and a projected market value of $7.2 trillion by 2030. It follows the traits of being simple, cost-efficient, and standardized. AI and new technologies will disrupt the insurance field as we know it. We can expect better product designs, customer services for end customers, and strong KPIs. 📣 Our key take away Lastly, digital transformational change begins from the top and needs to involve the whole company! During the McKinsey & Company panel, speakers stressed to get out of the comfort zone and start with baby steps now before the train takes off! What are your thoughts on these trends?

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    🚀 We had an incredible experience at the Innovation Days organized by the Sparkassen Innovation Hub in Hamburg! During this event, we delved deep into various innovation methodologies such as strategic foresight, innovation, validation, incubation, and scaling products along the innovation funnel. 🌟 One of the highlights was gaining insights into the structure and organization of innovation labs and exploring different approaches to transferring and scaling innovations from labs into the company. Moreover, we were fascinated by the latest research and application fields on how AI is transforming leadership, work, and collaboration. Thank you to everyone who made this event so enriching and inspiring! 💡 Let's keep driving innovation forward!  #InnovationDays #SparkassenInnovationHub #StrategicForesight #InnovationLabs #AI #Leadership #Collaboration #FutureOfWork

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  • Unternehmensseite von ERGO Innovation Lab anzeigen, Grafik

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    Design Sprints of the Future: A New Approach to Boost Productivity and Creativity By incorporating AI, we can work faster, smarter, and more creatively. Recognizing this, we have developed an new approach to design sprints that combines traditional methodologies with AI expertise. Our AI Design Sprint empowers teams to identify, prototype, and test AI-powered solutions with unmatched efficiency and creativity. The AI-Enhanced Design Sprint Our approach revolutionizes the classic 5-day Google Ventures Design Sprint, condensing it into a streamlined 2-day process. This significant time reduction is achieved without sacrificing the quality of results. Central to our methodology is the integration of generative AI, particularly ChatGPT, to support various stages and activities. Humans Lead, AI Assists In our AI-driven design thinking workshops, humans lead the process while AI tools assist at key stages. For instance, ChatGPT helps generate ideas during brainstorming sessions and aids in visualizing prototypes. This human-AI collaboration has proven to be highly effective, allowing us to complete a full design sprint in just 2 days while still achieving high-quality results. Positive Feedback and Success Stories The feedback from participants has been overwhelmingly positive. The AI-assisted workshops not only improved efficiency but also enhanced the overall experience. Attendees appreciated the innovative approach and the tangible improvements in productivity and creativity. If you're looking to boost your team's productivity and creativity, we invite you to explore this approach. Special thanks to Jens Sievert for helping to create this concept. 💫 #AI #DesignThinking #DesignSprint

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    TOA24 Highlights: Exploring the Future of AI and Beyond As anticipated, AI and the new AI models from Google and OpenAI were the dominant topics, revolutionizing knowledge work such as research, communication, and also the healthcare sector. We were inspired by talks on longevity and the evaluation of brain data with sensors to analyze mood-related data such as anxiety, focus and stress with AI. The explorations of digital humans, including AI-driven robots and avatars, opened up new exciting possibilities. Thank you for the fantastic networking opportunities and inspiring insights. #TOA24 #TechOpenAir #Innovation #AI #FutureTech

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