CURE Mannheim

CURE Mannheim


Mannheim, Baden-Württemberg 869 Follower:innen



CURE Mannheim is an interdisciplinary Formula Student team of the DHBW Mannheim, which is constantly developing and growing. CURE was founded by the Project Engineering degree programme and has gained new members over time, and the team now comprises more than 23 specialisms. From mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and information technology to business studies, everything is represented. Our common goal is to successfully participate in the international and annual Formula Student events, for which students from numerous universities and colleges build a new electric racing car every season to compete against each other in a wide range of disciplines. In addition to the many students from a wide range of disciplines, we also need strong sponsors and partners to fulfil these broad requirements. Our sponsors and partners support us in many areas, not only financially but also in the production of various parts, the provision of software or as know-how partners.

51–200 Beschäftigte
Mannheim, Baden-Württemberg
Formula Student und eMobility


Beschäftigte von CURE Mannheim


  • CURE Mannheim hat dies direkt geteilt

    Unternehmensseite von Bosch Engineering GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

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    🏎 🏁Formula Student Fahr- und Applikationsevent in Boxberg: Ein voller Erfolg! 🏁 🏎    Kennst du Formula Student? Formula Student ist ein Konstruktionswettbewerb, bei dem Teams von unterschiedlichen Hochschulen und Universitäten aus aller Welt in verschiedenen Disziplinen mit ihren selbst konstruierten Rennwägen gegeneinander antreten. Bosch, Bosch Engineering GmbH, ETAS und ITK Engineering sind hier als Sponsor seit Jahren aktiv. In diesem Rahmen bieten wir unseren gesponsorten Teams in Vorbereitung auf die anstehenden Wettkämpfe unser jährliches Fahr- und Applikationsevent auf unserer Teststrecke in #Boxberg an. Und letztes Wochenende war es endlich wieder so weit: mit großer Freude durften wir letzten Freitag und Samstag 13 Teams begrüßen, die ihre Fähigkeiten unter Beweis stellten und wertvolle Erfahrungen sammeln konnten. Unsere Expert:innen der ITK Engineering, ETAS, Bosch und Bosch Engineering standen den Teams mit fachlicher Unterstützung und wertvollen Tipps zur Seite. Die Fahrzeuge durchliefen verschiedene Inspektionen und Tests, wie Bremstest und Regentest. Nach der mechanischen Abnahme ging es auf die Strecke für die ersten Fahrversuche.  Ein bedeutsamer Unterschied in diesem Jahr: erstmalig waren keine Verbrennermotoren am Start, sondern nur noch #Elektromotoren! Diese neue Herausforderung haben alle hervorragend gemeistert 🙌 Ebenfalls NEU in diesem Jahr: Erstmalig hatten die Teams die Möglichkeit ihr Können und Wissen in den statischen Disziplinen in den Kategorien Cost & Manufactoring, Business Plan und Engineering Design auf die Probe zu stellen. "Die verschiedenen Disziplinen haben uns sehr weitergeholfen, weil die Fachleute uns auf Sachen hingewiesen haben, die wir vorher nicht im Blick hatten. Das war super hilfreich." - Theodor Schoss, Rennschmiede Pforzheim e.V.   Wir danken allen Teams und allen Kolleg:innen für das tolle Event!   Formula Student Team Weingarten, Einstein Motorsport, High Speed Karlsruhe, municHMotorsport e.V., KA-RaceIng e.V., Monash Motorsport, Rennstall Esslingen, Rennteam Uni Stuttgart e.V., Rennschmiede Pforzheim e.V., Ecurie Aix - Formula Student Team RWTH Aachen e.V., TU Darmstadt Racing Team e.V., StarkStrom Augsburg e.V. und CURE Mannheim.  Wir freuen uns bereits auf das kommende große Event der #FSG in #Hockenheim. Die Teams sind bestens darauf vorbereitet 🚀  🏎 🏁 Gutes Gelingen und viel Spaß! 🏁 🏎    #BoschEngineering #Boxberg #FormularStudent #Innovation #Teamwork #Careers 

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  • Unternehmensseite von CURE Mannheim anzeigen, Grafik

    869 Follower:innen

    For years, khb maschinen- und anlagenbau GmbH has been our rock-solid partner in manufacturing our steel frames. They also welded and coated the frame for our race car Rennate. The Team was always a dream to work with—easy and reliable. Looking ahead, they are supporting our future plans by providing inserts for our monocoque. KHB is your strong partner for special machine construction and conveyor technology with the highest standards of reliability, efficiency and quality. They develop new systems or modernize/adapt existing machines according to your individual requirements. Find out more about the portfolio here: A huge thank you to KHB for the excellent collaboration over the years. We look forward to many more successful years together! #TeamWork #Innovation #Racing #Engineering #ThankYouKHB

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  • CURE Mannheim hat dies direkt geteilt

    Unternehmensseite von CURE Mannheim anzeigen, Grafik

    869 Follower:innen

    This weekend we had the opportunity to take part in the Formula Student Boxberg event. 🔥 After arriving on Friday, we were able to get to know the other participating teams in a relaxed atmosphere and enjoy the public viewing. ⚽️ After the safety briefing on Saturday morning we were able to go straight to the scrutineering. We all passed at the first attempt. ⭐️Unfortunately, participation in the dynamic events was delayed due to unstable weather conditions. As soon as the weather conditions improved, we were able to start the autocross. 🏎️💨Unfortunately, our car retired just before the end due to electronic problems. It was probably because the conditions were still too wet. Nevertheless, the weekend was a great success. We would like to thank Bosch and ETAS for the invitation and the organisation.🥳

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  • Unternehmensseite von CURE Mannheim anzeigen, Grafik

    869 Follower:innen

    This weekend we had the opportunity to take part in the Formula Student Boxberg event. 🔥 After arriving on Friday, we were able to get to know the other participating teams in a relaxed atmosphere and enjoy the public viewing. ⚽️ After the safety briefing on Saturday morning we were able to go straight to the scrutineering. We all passed at the first attempt. ⭐️Unfortunately, participation in the dynamic events was delayed due to unstable weather conditions. As soon as the weather conditions improved, we were able to start the autocross. 🏎️💨Unfortunately, our car retired just before the end due to electronic problems. It was probably because the conditions were still too wet. Nevertheless, the weekend was a great success. We would like to thank Bosch and ETAS for the invitation and the organisation.🥳

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  • Unternehmensseite von CURE Mannheim anzeigen, Grafik

    869 Follower:innen

    🎉Exciting Insights into the World of 3D Printing!🎉 On june 3, we had the pleasure of visiting the industry leader Stratasys at their site in Baden-Baden. ✨ Our tour began with an exciting presentation by Clemens Kerpes, who represents the company and the impressive printing technologies in their portfolio. 🖨️ The subsequent tour of the production facility allowed us to experience the various printing processes up close and see the powerful Stratasys printers in action. 🚀👀 The highlight was the numerous application examples and print samples that demonstrated the concrete utilization possibilities for our own applications.🛠️💡  A heartfelt thank you to Clemens Kerpes and the entire Stratasys team for this interesting and educational visit! 👏 #3DPrinting #Innovation #Technology #Stratasys #Networking #Future #AdditiveManufacturing #ManufacturingIndustry

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  • Unternehmensseite von CURE Mannheim anzeigen, Grafik

    869 Follower:innen

    Another week, another team introduction: meet our team Accumulator and their thrilling tasks. 🏎️ Our team Accumulator designs and manufactures assembly parts, plans layouts for optimal performance, creates PCBs and handles in-house assembly and testing. Safety is our top priority, that’s why we strive to make our accumulators free from danger for our events. 💯 Want to join our adventures? Click the link in our bio to learn more and apply! 🏁 Follow us now for more team insights! 🏎️ #curemannheim #formulastudent #dhbwmannheim #dhbw #formulstudentgermany

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  • Unternehmensseite von CURE Mannheim anzeigen, Grafik

    869 Follower:innen

    We started the season with an ambitious concept: an all-wheel drive and an innovative monocoque chassis. Although we were aware of the risks involved in research, teaching and innovation, the challenges of monocoque production technology proved to be too great. Despite long nights, support from industrial partners and DHBW professors, we were unable to overcome these obstacles. In order to continue to offer our students valuable experience and our sponsors the desired reach at the Formula Student events, we considered our options and decided to reorient ourselves. The focus of the season is now on our technology in autonomous driving (“DV” - “Driverless Vehicle”). We will be using our tried-and-tested “Rennate” racing car for this, which will receive minor technical improvements.Our new event plans: - FS ATA in Italy (September 04 to 08): Participation with Rennate in the DV competition. - FSAA in Croatia (August 20 to 25): Use of Rennate in the driver-manned competition. - FSCH in Switzerland (July 13 to 17): Participation as a dress rehearsal for the larger events. We thank all our supporters for their continued support and look forward to mastering these new challenges together with you. #Teamwork #DHBW #RaceCarBuilding #Engineering #StudentProject #CURE

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  • Unternehmensseite von CURE Mannheim anzeigen, Grafik

    869 Follower:innen

    Get ready to dive into the world of Formula Student at CURE! Let us introduce our talented members of our team Chassis & Composites and their interesting tasks 🚀 If you want to join our adventures, then click the link in our info to learn more about us and apply if you want to be part of the action!🏁 Follow us now to get more insights on our teams!🏎️ #CureMannheim #FormulaStudent #dhbwMannheim #dhbw

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  • Unternehmensseite von CURE Mannheim anzeigen, Grafik

    869 Follower:innen

    Dive into the exhilarating realm of CURE Mannheim alongside Roman Hill, the project leader, as he navigates the dynamic landscape of Formula Student. Available now: 🎓 Witness Roman's transition from theoretical academia to practical implementation as he leads commercial teams and IT initiatives within CURE. 💼 Gain valuable insights into the multifaceted requirements of Formula Student, from engineering to marketing, as Roman discusses the necessity of a diverse and skilled team. 🤝 Join Roman in recounting memorable moments of camaraderie and teamwork, such as the transformative Christmas party, where the team's cohesion was forged through shared experiences. Join us on this journey – "Transparent. Honest. CURE." – where we uncover the genuine stories behind the Formula Student experience. Subscribe now for an exclusive peek into our world! #CUREMannheim #FormulaStudent #FSG #FSA #FSEast #FormulaStudentGermany #FormulaStudentAustria #FormulaStudentEast #StudentMotorsport #RaceCarDesign #CURE.

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