BayWa r.e. Global

BayWa r.e. Global

Erneuerbare Energien und Halbleiterproduktion

Munich, Bavaria 74.113 Follower:innen


BAYWA R.E. RENEWABLE ENERGY BayWa r.e wurde 2009 als 100-prozentige Tochter der BayWa AG gegründet. Unter Ihrem Dach bündeln sich sämtliche Aktivitäten des Konzerns im Bereich der Erneuerbaren Energien: Photovoltaik, Windenergie, Biomasse und Geothermie. Heute zählt BayWa r.e. zu einem der stabilsten Projektentwickler und Sytemanbieter von PV-Anlagen in Deutschland und Europa. Für unsere Kunden sind wir dabei auch Ansprechpartner für Beratungs- und Serviceleistungen rund um den Anlagenbetrieb. Wir setzen auf einen Energiemix aus verschiedenen regenerativen Technologien und auf Aktivitäten in unterschiedlichen Ländern – aktuell in Deutschland, Europa und den USA. Unser Ziel ist es, den Ausbau der regenerativen Energien weltweit voranzubringen. Mit der Größe, der weltweiten Vernetzung und der Finanzstärke der BayWa AG sind wir gut gerüstet, um dieses Ziel zu erreichen. Die Branche der Erneuerbaren Energien bietet wie kaum ein anderer Bereich die Möglichkeit, sich beruflich erfolgreich weiterzuentwickeln und zugleich aktiv am Erhalt einer lebenswerten Umwelt mitzuarbeiten. Die interessanten und perspektivenreichen Positionen der BayWa r.e. gliedern sich in die Geschäftsfelder Windenergie, Solarenergie, und Geothermie. Wir bieten Ihnen spannende Tätigkeiten in fachlich kompetenten Teams. Als expandierender Anbieter im Bereich der Erneuerbaren Energien schaffen wir die Möglichkeit zur fachlichen und persönlichen Weiterentwicklung. Ein freundliches und kollegiales Arbeitsumfeld ist selbstverständlicher Bestandteil unserer Unternehmenskultur. Im Netzwerk der BayWa r.e. profitieren Sie von flachen Hierarchien mit kurzen, schnellen Entscheidungswegen. Die Anbindung an die BayWa AG bietet die Sicherheit und die Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten, die Sie von einem Großkonzern erwarten können. Sie finden unsere aktuellen Stellenanzeigen unter:

Erneuerbare Energien und Halbleiterproduktion
1.001–5.000 Beschäftigte
Munich, Bavaria
Kapitalgesellschaft (AG, GmbH, UG etc.)
Solar and Wind Projects, Solar Distribution, Services, Energy Trading, Renewable Energy Solutions, Hybrid Projects, BESS, Solar Energy, Wind Energy, Renewable Energy, Solar, Wind und Hybrid


Beschäftigte von BayWa r.e. Global


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    1,000 kilometers a day? It's possible thanks to 170 BayWa r.e. colleagues who walked, ran, or cycled for our Movement Challenge in June. By the end of the month, we covered a total of 30,503 kilometers! 🚶♂️🏃♀️🚴♂️ This effort not only boosted our health but also supported a great cause. We donated 2,500 euros to the Afghan Volunteer Women's Association ( Because long commutes are especially dangerous for female teachers in Afghanistan, our donation will cover transportation costs for 26 teachers at Bojasor School for 10 weeks. 🚌👩🏫 Thank you to everyone who joined us on this journey! 🌟👏  #WeEffectChange #MovementChallenge #Community Zühre Neslihan İ. Alexander R.

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    🔦 BayWa r.e. spotlight on #OffshoreWind 🌊 Can you guess what Susann "Sanni" Beucke, and our offshore wind projects have in common? We are a proud sponsor of Olympic Games medallist, Sanni Beucke, who started her second career in #offshore sailing two years ago. Where the wind blows, Sanni would be sailing with the sea breeze across the ocean. The same wind that we need for our #offshore wind farms, which we will build worldwide, to generate green energy.    👉 Find out more about how BayWa r.e. and Sanni are setting sails together: #bwrespotlightoffshorewind #offshorewind #floatingwind #energytransition #windenergy #weeffectchange #roadto2028 #thisraceisfemale

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    🌟 Our educational collaboration with a German high school kicked off! As previously announced, our educational collaboration journey kicked off with introductory sessions by our two experts Dr. Nora Adam, Research & Development Ecological Engineer and Martin Dennenmoser, Team Lead Research & Development. These two sessions were designed to provide students with a complete understanding of a solar park's functionality, equipping them with the essential knowledge needed for their upcoming on-site research. The task for the students is to find out if solar parks are biodiverse enough to be used for conservation. "The task for the students is to determine if solar parks are biodiverse enough to be used for conservation. Normally, compensation areas must be created to promote and maintain biodiversity when building solar parks. This includes measures like creating flower islands, species-rich grassland, installing nesting boxes, and planting native fruit trees and vegetation as visual buffers. The students need to find out if the area of a solar park is already sufficiently biodiverse due to extensive management, making additional measures unnecessary." – Dr. Nora Adam. Stay tuned to follow our exciting #educationcollaboration journey. #Education #Sustainability #Biodiversity #BayWare #StudentResearch #Montessori Zentrum ANGELL Freiburg ⏩ Discover more on our website:    

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    🌈 Just like every year, Pride Month in 2024 was a great chance to celebrate the motto #ComeAsYouAre. On the 22nd of June, we came together to celebrate diversity by joining the Pride Parade Munich (CSD) as an official walking group. The members of our Pride Community, our dear allies, friends, and families took their place to show support and how great it is to embrace every individual as their true self. A special thank you to all our colleagues who participated and made it a huge success! Let’s keep the spirit of Pride high every day by embracing diversity and fostering an inclusive workplace. To learn more about how else we support diversity at BayWa r.e., visit our website: #WeEffectChange #Pride #DEI

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    We’re on the edge of a #CleanEnergy revolution. So, what’s holding us back? In this post, we’ll share the viewpoint 📝 of José Andrés Visquert Lopez, Global Head of Grid at BayWa r.e., about the challenges we face and how we can meet them head on. Did you know that the delay in grid connections is one of the most significant bottlenecks impeding our progress towards meeting 2050 climate goals? According to the IEA, we need to double the length of our grids and replace over half of the existing infrastructure. The current system is struggling to overcome: ⚡ Grid connection delays from 2 up to 10 years depending on the country. ⏳ Global supply chain issues affecting the delivery of grid components. 📈 Increasing costs as well as growing curtailment rates which impact investment decisions. 🗂️ Tedious permitting processes and complex financing mechanisms. Not only this, but many engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC) companies are fully booked for years, and utility organizations are struggling with staffing levels. Both of these factors have exacerbated delays, with system operations also often lacking visibility in terms of new capacity requests. At this critical juncture, what actions are needed to help us overcome these challenges? Simply put, this is a case of reducing complexity so we can gain speed. To overcome these renewable energy roadblocks, we must: ⏩ Accelerate grid connections through better coordination, dialogue and reduced red tape. 🔋 Boost grid flexibility to accommodate more renewable energy – for example with the implementation of flexible connection agreements. 🌐 Increase digitalization and the standardization of grid assets. 💰 Commit to significant investment – the EU Commission estimates €584 billion is needed by 2030 – with the largest part being preferably anticipatory investments We at BayWa r.e. recognise the importance of efficient grid connections and have dedicated a team of 40 grid experts in EMEA alone. It's time for a radical grid revolution to power a greener tomorrow. 🌱 #EnergyTransition #SustainableFuture #GridRevolution

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    🌞 Empowering Future Innovators at Solar Park Pfaffenweiler! Recently, six students from a high school in southern Germany embarked on an exciting research journey at our solar park in Pfaffenweiler. Their mission: to explore the biodiversity within the solar park and determine whether these areas can support conservation efforts. Guided by BayWa r.e. experts, including R&D Ecological Engineer Dr. Nora Adam and R&D Team Leader Martin Dennenmoser, and with a hands-on tour led by Senior Project Developer Markus Wanckel, these students are investigating the synergy between renewable energy and ecology. This initiative not only fosters scientific curiosity but also equips the next generation with practical skills and knowledge in sustainability. We are thrilled to support their efforts in creating a greener future. Stay tuned – we will take you along on their journey! #Education #Sustainability #Biodiversity #BayWaRe #StudentResearch Montessori Zentrum ANGELL Freiburg ⏩ Discover more on our website:

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    Charge Ahead: Unlock the Future of Energy with BayWa r.e.! We’re excited to unveil our latest video on the transformative power of Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS). At BayWa r.e., we believe BESS is crucial for addressing volatile energy markets, congested electricity grids, and evolving energy consumption needs. Watch now to discover: 🔋How BESS capture and store energy from renewable sources. 🔋The safety and reliability of cutting-edge battery projects. 🔋The flexibility and benefits BESS offer to the renewable energy market. Battery Energy Storage Systems are the backbone of the energy transition, providing a sustainable way to store renewable energy for future use. They not only improve power quality and reduce grid congestion but also align with our commitment to a sustainable future by storing excess electricity from solar and wind farms. Join us in exploring the future of energy storage. Watch the video and see how BESS can support your sustainability goals and drive the renewable energy transition. 🌐 To learn more and get in touch with our team, visit: link: #bayware #BESS #BatteryStorage #EnergyStorage

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    🌞 Intersolar 2024 concluded last week with remarkable success! The smarter E exhibition attracted over 110,000 visitors and 3,000 exhibitors, highlighting the growing interest in renewable energy. BayWa r.e. proudly showcased our expertise through engaging booths, expert discussions, and our innovative Cow-PV exhibit. 🐄 We extend our heartfelt thanks to all participants for their contributions to the event's success, and we deeply appreciate everyone who visited our stands. Special recognition goes to our colleagues who took part and to those who kept operations running smoothly back at the office. 🌍 Let's continue rethinking energy and driving the energy transition forward! #WeEffectChange #BayWaRE #Intersolar2024

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     🌈 Happy Pride Month! We asked some of our employees what it means to them to #InspireInclusion. Eduardo Parra, Senior HR Manager at BayWa r.e. Mexico, shares: “As a member of the LGBTQ+ community myself, I deeply appreciate that our organization allows everyone to be themselves, starting with me. This sets a powerful example and creates a culture where authenticity is celebrated. For the past two years, we have organized Pride events at the office in Monterrey, Mexico. These events are a testament to our commitment to inclusion and creating a welcoming space for all. They not only celebrate the LGBTQ+ community but also give our allies the opportunity to show their support and solidarity with others.” Let’s #InspireInclusion and create an environment where everyone can thrive. Learn more about Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at BayWa r.e. here: #WeEffectChange #Inspiration #Diversity #Pride #ComeAsYouAre

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    For the third consecutive year, BayWa r.e., in partnership with the Central European University (CEU) in Vienna, is offering a special study opportunity with full scholarships for students affected by the war on Ukraine. These scholarships support those interested in renewable energy and sustainability.   For the 2024-2025 academic year, two "BayWa r.e. Empowering Futures Scholarships" are available for CEU's one-year Master of Science in Environmental Sciences and Policy (MESP).   ❗ Apply by July 31, 2024. Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis, so we encourage early submission.   For more information, visit:   Pictured are two of this year’s three great graduates who received the BayWa r.e. scholarship 🇺🇦   #scholarship #HelpUkraine #UkraineAid #renewables #StandWithUkraine #opportunitiesforukrainians #WeEffectChange

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