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Questions tagged [group-theory]

Groups are an abstract algebraic concept based on a set and a group law (a binary function which closes the set).

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2 answers

Why using q = (p - 1)/2 for discrete log Diffie-Hellman scalar operations and not p?

As defined in RFC 3526 the prime $p$ and generator $g$ are known. The prime $p$ defined there is a safe prime, which can also be expressed as $p=2q+1$ with $q$ prime. The amount of elements in this ...
ojacomarket's user avatar
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Is it possible to use abstract groups to generalize DSA, ECDSA and EdDSA signature creation and verification?

It is known, that DSA algorithm is defined as: Bob Creates private $x$ and public $Y=G^x\bmod p$ keys, where $G$ - generator, $p$ - group prime order Selects random value $k$ from $1 \le k\le q-1$ $...
Azii's user avatar
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Using Sagemath, how to exactly find out what the order of a point of an elliptic curve in the twisted Edwards form is?

Simple question and I’m fully aware of the other question, but I need the answer for curves in the twisted Edwards form and I suppose converting the curve and the point to the Weierstrass form would ...
user2284570's user avatar
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Is ElGamal homomorphic encryption using additive groups works only for Discrete Log ElGamal? What about EC ElGamal?

It is known that in Discrete Log ElGamal encryption, the ciphertext $E$ is encrypted as: $a\ =\ g^k$, where $k$ - random scalar from $[0,\ p)$, $g$ - group generator $b\ =\ (Y^k*m)\mod\ p$, where $Y$ -...
Azii's user avatar
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Is it possible to abstract an ElGamal encryption for EC and Discrete Log by using a Group Law?

ElGamal encryption for Discrete Log is defined as: Bob side does: $Y\ =\ (g^x)\ mod\ P$, where $g$ - generator, $x$ - random value among the group elements and $P$ - prime number, typically ultra ...
Azii's user avatar
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Is the following Inverse Computational co-Diffie-Hellman problem hard?

Let $\langle g \rangle \stackrel{\Delta}{=} \mathbb{G}$ and $\langle h \rangle \stackrel{\Delta}{=} \mathbb{H}$ be groups of prime order $p$. Given $( p, g, g^\delta, g^{\delta^{-1}}, h, h^\delta )$, ...
honest-but-curious's user avatar
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What’s the fastest known Koblitz curve addition law for FPGA that maximizes the per-LUT throughput?

The addition or multiplication laws used by large mainstream libraries achieve faster speed by using many many more operations in order to avoid larger numbers. And my problem is here: faster speeds ...
user2284570's user avatar
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Small subgroup attack when using a Schnorr group for DHKE

One uses a Schnorr group both for Schnorr signature (or DSA), and for Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange. They target 128-bit security, and choose prime $q$ that's 256-bit, prime $p=q\,r+1$ that's 3072-bit, ...
fgrieu's user avatar
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Is AES a group?

The question I'm wondering is whether the AES cipher is a closed cipher (which is equivalent to AES being a group). And this question interests me due to the lack of understanding of whether it is ...
Ss1996's user avatar
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One group element hybrid encryption for El Gamal

I am really curious about this one problem 10.12 from Katz/Lindell's book. It goes as follows: I am quite sure we can assume that $\textsf{Enc}_k(m) \in \mathbb{G}$, as the authors devoted the whole ...
Michael Hammer's user avatar
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Grow-only set homomorphic hash function from semigroup?

I have been exploring Bellare and Micciancio's "randomize-then-combine" paradigm for deriving set homomorphic hashing functions. I am particularly interested in grow-only sets, such that ...
Carson Farmer's user avatar
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Proof of Lagrange's Theorem?

In the book Cryptography Engineering, Design Principles and Practical Applications, by Niels Ferguson, Bruce Schneier and Tadayoshi Kohno, in a section discussing multiplicative groups, the authors ...
divaconhamdip's user avatar
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Mapping two different elliptic curve on same finite field

There exist two such question but I have noticed my question is fundamentally different as it asks for mapping between two different curves, rather two different prime field like this. Given a finite ...
madhurkant's user avatar
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Safe use of bilinear pairing, using one way function in the exponent

Given a generator $g$ of a cyclic group, I am trying to look for a case where I use pairing over an element that has an exponent which is a one-way function, e.g., $g^{x^2\mod n}$ (here $x$ in the ...
Doron's user avatar
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Is there an algebra group (or ring) in which computing the inverse element is hard without some trapdoor information?

Specifically, I want an algebra group $G$ (or ring $R$) features: Given elements $g,h\in G$ (or $R$ ), computing $g\cdot h \in G$ (or $R$ ) is easy. Given an element $g \in G$ (or $R$ ), finding the ...
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