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Questions tagged [dsa]

The Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA) is a United States Federal Government standard or FIPS for digital signatures. It was proposed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in August 1991 for use in their Digital Signature Standard (DSS), specified in FIPS 186, adopted in 1993. A minor revision was issued in 1996 as FIPS 186-1. The standard was expanded further in 2000 as FIPS 186-2 and again in 2009 as FIPS 186-3.

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Is it possible to use abstract groups to generalize DSA, ECDSA and EdDSA signature creation and verification?

It is known, that DSA algorithm is defined as: Bob Creates private $x$ and public $Y=G^x\bmod p$ keys, where $G$ - generator, $p$ - group prime order Selects random value $k$ from $1 \le k\le q-1$ $...
Azii's user avatar
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What Digital Signature Methods are Suitable for Microcontrollers?

Given the constraints in terms of processing power, memory, and energy, what digital signature schemes are commonly used and efficient for Microcontrollers? I have come across RSA with low public ...
Nawras Hussein's user avatar
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ECDSA biased nonce with biased middle bits

The paper "Biased nonce sense" ( covers key recovery for MSB and LSB, the latter case being handled by doing modular inverse of 2 to the power of the ...
gquere's user avatar
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Does unlimited signing oracle leak the private key?

I am writing a PC software that uses a type of USB dongle as licensing key. The dongle functions as a signing oracle and does nothing more: Given any message $M$, it first pads $M$ to $PadM$, then ...
zwhconst's user avatar
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RFC6979: Can deterministic ecdsa signature diverge with same key and message?

As I understands, RFC6979 uses deterministic K which is generated by HMAC-SHA256(private_key, message). In this way, I guess if same key with same message, ecdsa signature generated would be always ...
Hyunhum's user avatar
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Math of Hint usage in Dilithium

For Dilithium, I understand that $$\text{HighBits}(\mathbf{Ay}) = \text{HighBits}(\mathbf{Ay} - c\mathbf{s_2}) = \text{HighBits}(A_z - c\mathbf{t})$$ The first term of the equation is performed on the ...
Gappu's user avatar
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Is it possible to break a DSA with k that increases statically?

I am currently studying cryptography. I came across this problem: I had an exercise that as a vulnerability had that k is generated every 10 seconds: ...
Edoardo's user avatar
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Need help with Cryptohack's ProSign 3 ECDSA problem [closed]

I'm trying to solve the CTF challenge called ProSign 3 at Cryptohack platform which involves exploiting an ECDSA signing service that allows us to sign a fixed message being padded with the time ... ...
YazeedAllabadi24's user avatar
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Small subgroup attack when using a Schnorr group for DHKE

One uses a Schnorr group both for Schnorr signature (or DSA), and for Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange. They target 128-bit security, and choose prime $q$ that's 256-bit, prime $p=q\,r+1$ that's 3072-bit, ...
fgrieu's user avatar
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Single ecdsa signature valid for two different messages

I have been reading Flaws in Applying Proof Methodologies to Signature Schemes and ran into a bit I do not understand. In section 4.2 the authors describe a scheme where a malicious signer crafts a ...
immigrantswede's user avatar
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How should I map E'(Fp6) --> E'(Fp) starting from Bitcoin public key coordinates(x,y)?

Let $p$ be the prime number 115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007908834671663 and let $E$ and $E'$ be the curve equations $$E(\mathbb ...
bnsage123's user avatar
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Blinding an ECDSA private key without learning the private key

I am looking at ways to blind an ECDSA signing key (and verification key respectively). Looking at proposed solutions like the IETF KBSS draft, and the IETF ARKG draft it seems that the ECDSA key ...
Peter Altmann's user avatar
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App for Secure delivery of the gray images using AES, DH, DSA - Help in implemeting the system structure

I have this uni project that I have to implement in code: "App for Secure delivery of the gray images, encryption-decryption with AES in OFB mode + secret key delivery using Merkle–Hellman ...
Mustafa Shama's user avatar
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Is it fine to use ECDSA with edwards25519?

The elliptic.js library allows instantiating ECDSA with the edwards25519 curve. I've rarely seen this combination in the wild. ...
mti's user avatar
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P256 signature verification was succeed with 2 public key [duplicate]

I tried to recover public key from P256 signature. With 2 recovery id ( 0, 1 ), signature makes 2 public key. And I tried to verify signature with public key and verification was succeed all of 2 keys....
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