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Questions tagged [diffie-hellman]

The Diffie–Hellman key agreement is an anonymous, non-authenticated key-agreement protocol.

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2 answers

Why using q = (p - 1)/2 for discrete log Diffie-Hellman scalar operations and not p?

As defined in RFC 3526 the prime $p$ and generator $g$ are known. The prime $p$ defined there is a safe prime, which can also be expressed as $p=2q+1$ with $q$ prime. The amount of elements in this ...
ojacomarket's user avatar
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DH Encrypt by XOR

I'm working in the Curve25519 domain (EC curve, 256-bit key size). I have a peer pubkey, and need to send it an encrypted message. For starters we create a "nonce" (ephemeral key), and use ...
valdo's user avatar
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How do I find the order of the subgroup in a Diffie-Hellman key exchange?

I'm implementing the Diffie-Hellman key exchange as specified in RFC 4253 for SSH. Here's an extract from the RFC: The following steps are used to exchange a key. In this, C is the client; S is the ...
Abitofevrything's user avatar
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Proof that Inverse CDH and Square CDH are equivalent

I am trying to prove said equivalence, but when proving SCDH -> ICDH using a reduction, I get stuck since I don't know how to compute $g^{x^2}$ starting from $g^{x^{-1}}$. Suppose exists $A_{ICDH}$ ...
Pietro D'Amico's user avatar
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Is the following Inverse Computational co-Diffie-Hellman problem hard?

Let $\langle g \rangle \stackrel{\Delta}{=} \mathbb{G}$ and $\langle h \rangle \stackrel{\Delta}{=} \mathbb{H}$ be groups of prime order $p$. Given $( p, g, g^\delta, g^{\delta^{-1}}, h, h^\delta )$, ...
honest-but-curious's user avatar
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Safety per bit DHKA and ECDH

I have a project where I compare the classical Diffie Hellman key agreement with its implementation with elliptic curves. Therefore I need a list with the safety per bit. Does anyone know where I can ...
anonym's user avatar
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Is the MITM protection provided by BLE LESC passkey mechanism bidirectional?

I'm trying to understand whether the passkey mechanism described in BLE LESC pairing provides bidirectional MITM protection. As far as I understand, A and B will generate the same shared secret using ...
cheapjuice's user avatar
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diffie hellman key exchange compared with ECDH [closed]

I have to write a paper about the Diffie Hellman key agreement. I want to focus on the implementation with elliptic curves and comparing the safety for selected attacks such as Pollards Rho and ...
anonym's user avatar
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How some auxiliary information influence the CDH assumption?

I am proposing a multi-party group-key agreement protocol in my paper, which can be seen as an extension of the classic Diffie Hellman bipartite group key agreement. However, how to formalize the ...
glietwp's user avatar
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Is shared secret and SKEYID are same in the IPSec?

I want to know that, is shared secret and SKEYID are same in the IPSec? I knew that from SKEYID, three further keys are generated (derivative, authentication and encryption). But from where this ...
Tech Learner's user avatar
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How do I solve a discrete log using pen paper for exam without bruteforcing it?

I have my Network Security finals. In elgamal cryptosystem, I am often encountering these equations like this 3 = (10^XA) mod 19 now everywhere I am finding only ...
Pragyan's user avatar
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3 answers

Why does it take longer to generate suitably large primes for Diffie-Hellman key exchange as opposed to for RSA encryption / decryption?

For RSA, we need two primes p and q to define N = pq. We will only look how long it takes to generate a prime for p because the process is similar for q. From my lecture slides, my professor states ...
nasiedlak's user avatar
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Is it possible to use Diffie-Hellman protocol for symmetric group?

I was asked this question during one of my first cryptography classes, and I'm not sure if I understand it correctly. To begin, I know that after using the Diffie-Hellman protocol (which itself is ...
karolajoj_PL's user avatar
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What's the difference between these two attacks?(Lim Lee and Sub group) I am a beginner can someone explain in detail?

I am reading collin boyd textbook to learn MTI key agreement and various attacks on them . I encountered two such attacks called Small sub group attack and Lim-Lee attack where in Small sub group ...
whatisLimlee's user avatar
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Sending public key trough untrusted server

I am developing end-to-end encrypted chat system (which is open-source). When I want to give other client my public key, I need to send it trough server, right? I want to make sure no one can edit the ...
ENGO_150's user avatar

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