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9 votes
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Calculate aspect ratio from 2D shape in 3D space

Given the 4 coordinates of a 2D shape in a 3D space I want to calculate its aspect ratio. The 3D space is created with 2 vanishing points. The 4 coordinates - marked blue - are the 2D coordinates on ...
succcubbus's user avatar
5 votes
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Do straight lines always remain straight when projected with a perspective camera?

If I have a straight line in 3D space and I use a camera matrix to do a perspective projection into a 2D plane/screen will the resulting line always be straight too? If I project the start point and ...
Owen's user avatar
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Where should I project a polygon corner when it is behind me?

I am creating a simple 3D engine as a learning project to get the hang on spherical trigonometry. I am using the following approach. 1. A model consists of a lot of triangular faces. 2. Each triangle ...
SE - stop firing the good guys's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

$(x, y, 1)$ is 2D homogenous coordinates or 3D homogenous coordinates?

We know that $(x, y, 1)$ are the homogenous coordinates of a 2D point $(x, y)$. $(x, y, 1)$ has 2 degrees of freedom. That's why we should call it 2D homogenous coordinates. But many websites say it's ...
S. M.'s user avatar
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2 votes
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When fitting 3d cuboids into a box, how to find the order of drawing (in a 2D projection) so that the cuboids don't appear to overlap?

I am working on a 3D packing algorithm (MIT-licensed). The box and the cuboids it contains are displayed as a 2D projection. The order of drawing the cuboids (now represented as polygons) is important:...
developer1405's user avatar
2 votes
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Computing perspective directly

Assume the screen is axis aligned with origin at 0 and there is absolutely no view transformation. in other words we will simply try to project the model onto the screen plane following perspective. ...
Makogan's user avatar
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2 votes
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Finding a texture pixel (X,Y) on a Sphere

I'm using three.js combined with face recognition, I want to rotate a sphere that displays my input video according to the detected eye location, the face recognition gives me a X,Y on the texture ...
nirhere's user avatar
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2 answers

Clever projection of point onto triangle?

I know of at leas tone way to project a point onto a triangle. Project onto the plane, check barycentric coordinates, if outisde triangle, project onto the 3 segments, check distance, retain closest ...
Makogan's user avatar
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3D reconstruction using 2D matched points

I have 2 images, called left and right images. I have some matched points $[c_l,r_l]$ and $[c_r,r_r]$ in both of them (these points are in pixel coordinates). For a 3D point in the real world, they ...
Koe Koe's user avatar
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Program to visualize geodesics and linear projection of an ellipsoid simultaneously

I am trying to solve a problem in computer graphics but to do it I need to be able to see a comparison of geodesic lines and straigth line projections on the ellipsoid. I have not been able to ...
Makogan's user avatar
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What are applications of 3D geometry to 2D geometry projection and occlusion handling?

As a layperson in the field of computer graphics, I rarely see practical applications of algorithms that take 3D geometry as the input (along with some camera and lighting parameters) and output the ...
Max Flow's user avatar
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Moving a vertex through the cursor

There is a way to move a selected point in a mesh with a cursor(assuming a camera that doesn;t change between frames). The way I remember the algorithm (but seems to be wrong) is: Unproject the ...
Makogan's user avatar
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Consistent Video Depth Estimation from Monocular Lens to approximate LiDAR?

If the iPhone had LiDAR sensors, it would be possible to generate a 3D point cloud that you could theoretically use to furnish a 3D AR reconstruction of your surroundings. E.g. you could create an AR ...
Sergio Charles's user avatar