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Questions tagged [ui]

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-1 votes
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How to send data from a C# application to a C++ DLL?

I have a C++ graphics engine and I would like to build an editor for it in C#. I want to be able to send data from the editor to the engine such as what tool is being used and any user-defined ...
Arjan Singh's user avatar
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3 votes
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Algorithms for rendering overlapping (floating) windows in 2D

I'm trying to figure out a solution to a problem that looked simple at first: how to render overlapping windows in a 2D windowing system. Originally I was thinking about implementing a text-based UI ...
LittlePilgrim's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How are rounded corners of user interfaces usually rendered in modern applications like browsers?

I'm just trying to figure out, how rounded corners are usual drawn for user interfaces in a performant way & as insight also try to figure out how it's done in Browser, as they allow for variable ...
realvictorprm's user avatar
0 votes
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Moving a vertex through the cursor

There is a way to move a selected point in a mesh with a cursor(assuming a camera that doesn;t change between frames). The way I remember the algorithm (but seems to be wrong) is: Unproject the ...
Makogan's user avatar
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4 votes
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How to keep an object constant in screen space?

If you open the modern Blender UI and select for example scaling, and then you use the scroll wheel to "zoom" (move the camera along the radial axis). You will notice that the size of the 3D widget ...
Makogan's user avatar
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How to Pan Zoom a spherical camera?

I asked this in regular SO but I think people are not understanding the question so i will try here: So, for anyone familiar with Google Maps, when you zoom, it does it around the cursor. That is to ...
Makogan's user avatar
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3 votes
4 answers

Clashes when combining openGL and GUI

For the fun of it, I've taken up a task of writing a level editor for a voxel game. The idea is to have window that contains two main components. First component is openGL viewport placed in lower ...
Karlovsky120's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How to watch image being ray traced?

In my ray tracer, I render my images out to a .PPM file and then view it in photoshop. To make things easier and faster I want my ray tracer to open up another window and show the image being rendered ...
Arjan Singh's user avatar
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