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Questions tagged [curve]

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4 votes
1 answer

How to remove a control point from a NURBS curve?

I am trying to write an algorithm to remove a control point from a NURBS curve, similarly to what can be achieved using the CVREMOVE command in AutoCAD. I searched online but I was unable to find a ...
Lorenzo Celli's user avatar
0 votes
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How to get coordinates of mouse after left mouse button is released after drag in OpenGL?

I want to get the coordinates of my mouse after the left mouse button is released after being dragged in OpenGL? I am new to this and wanted to know how I can implement it.
Arjan Singh's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Continuity of parametric and geometric continuity

We know that in parametric continuity, $C^1$ continuity is two successive curve section $C_1$ and $C_2$ has first parametric derivative is same. That means tangent vector $t_1$ is same for both $C_1$ ...
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Rendering splines on GPU

We have an application which needs to render spline curves (cubic, bezier, b-spline etc.). We currently have working algorithms in C to stroke the control points of these curves into line strips. The ...
Gary Allen's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Fake cubic Hermite spline interpolation with smoothstep

When scaling an image with Bicubic Interpolation, the Cubic Hermite spline interpolation is used. smoothstep is one of the four basis/blend functions of this kind ...
legends2k's user avatar
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Spline interpolation library in cpp

Have been searching a lot for a good spline interpolation library in cpp, came across one, which is the famous Eigen library , having the unsupported counterpart for spline fitting.<Here>. I ...
Argha Chakraborty's user avatar
1 vote
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How to take the derivative of a Bézier curve?

I want to know how to take the derivative of a Bézier curve. I visited this website, but I am unable to figure out how ...
anuj goyal's user avatar
3 votes
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Determining Rational Quadratic Bezier Curve Weights for Circle

I am trying to create a spherical interpolation with 3 points. I'm currently using Quadratic Bezier Interpolation but have been told I should use Rational Quadratic Bezier Curve in order to get a ...
Dr. Pontchartrain's user avatar
0 votes
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How do you compute the winding number of a closed poly curve?

Pretty much the title, given a closed curve in 2D, defined by a set of points, and a point. What's the algorithm to calculate the winding number of that curve, point pair?
Makogan's user avatar
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3 votes
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How do people come up with subdivision schemes?

Be it chaikin subdivision, loop subdivision, catmull-clark subdivision... How do people come up with the coefficients for an arbitrary subdivision scheme?
Makogan's user avatar
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Projecting one Quadratic Bezier Curve Onto Another

I'm working on improving an open source rasterization library called Gudni that I started a few years ago. It's source repository and the branch I'm currently working on are here:
Ian Bloom's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Non least squares formulation to fit catmull rom spline

I have a set of unordered points that I'm getting from an image attached. I'd like to simply fit a parametrized curve such as a catmull-rom curve to with n control points (n = 4 to 10, and can be ...
dev_nut's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Why cubic curves provide the minimum curvature interpolants?

As described by Shirley in his computer graphics book, Cubic curves provide the minimum-curvature interpolants to a set of points. That is, if you have a set of n + 3 points and define the “...
8cold8hot's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

If you can use subdivision surfaces for 2D curves

I've seen how subdivision surfaces are good for 3D curves/modeling, but haven't seen anything on if it's good, or even usable, in 2D. My question is just that, if (a) you can even use subdivision ...
Lance's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Conversion from cubic catmull-rom spline to cubic b-spline

I have a bunch of points that are the control vertices of a cubic catmull-rom spline. I would like to convert these to the control vertices of a cubic bspline. I believe I can do this using this ...
sriravic's user avatar
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