Free Time Tracker for Startups

The most popular free time tracker for startups. Track where your team's efforts go and improve productivity.

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Over 260,000 companies use Clockify to track time and improve productivity
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What is Clockify? (8:26)

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Timekeeping for startups and product companies

Clockify is a completely FREE timekeeping application that lets your startup see how much time you spend working on different projects and tasks.

Why use a timekeeping app

Super simple timesheets

Your team can track time using a timer or manually enter how much they've worked on acitivities at the end of the day.

Timekeeping software for startups timesheet screenshot

Flexible reports

Analyze resource utilization by user, department, project, and date. Reports allow you to see if you spend too much time on nonprofitable activities and not enough on profitable so you can delegate work accordingly.

Timekeeping software for startups reports screenshot

Manage tasks

Set up projects, assign tasks to employees, estimate project hours, and visually monitor work progress.

Timekeeping software for startups project screenshot

4 benefits of Clockify timekeeping software

Here is why you should start keeping record of your time in Clockify:

Maximize productive work hours

Unlike traditional timekeeping systems, Clockify is online timekeeping software that provides an intuitive and user-friendly interface. Clockify makes time tracking hassle-free so employees can track their own time-use, use work hours better, and increase focus and productivity.

Improve project profitability

Estimate how long a project should take and then simply let your team track time. Clockify calculates how much money each project made based on your billable rate, plus it lets you see estimated vs actual time tracked for each project and task.

Start tracking project profitability

Insanely simple to use

The biggest problem with most timekeeping systems is their complexity, which discourages employees from tracking time. But Clockify is so intuitive and easy to use that anyone can start tracking time with just one click.

Use data from timekeeping software to:

  • Improve the overall value of the work done by employees
  • Maximize time spent on high-value tasks
  • Minimize time spent on low-value tasks

Choose a plan that works for your startup

Track time for free and upgrade later if you need more features.

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$ 3.99 USD
per seat/month billed annually
(or $4.99 if billed monthly)


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Timesheeting & Billing

$ 5 .49 USD
per seat/month billed annually
(or $6.99 if billed monthly)


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Profit & Productivity

$ 7 .99 USD
per seat/month billed annually
(or $9.99 if billed monthly)


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Control & Security

$ 11 .99 USD
per seat/month billed annually
(or $14.99 if billed monthly)


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