Time off

Manage employee leaves, holidays, and balances.

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Clockify Time off feature
Defining custom time off policies for employees


Define your own set of time off policies.

  • AssigneesSelect for whom the policy is applicable.
  • ApprovalSelect who can approve time off.
  • AccrualAutomatically adjust balance each month.
  • UnitRequest time off in days, hours, or minutes.
  • ColorAssign colors to policies and holidays.
Defining a Holiday policy - time off days to repeat annually


Define holidays when members have time off.

Pending time off request


Request and approve time off requests.

Approved time off notification


Get email notifications for requests.

Team groups


Assign users to groups for easier management.

Team manager role for managing employee time off


Allow managers to approve their team’s time.

Filtering time off requests


Quickly find particular requests.

Time off entries

Time off entries

Create time entries from time off requests so they appear in time reports.

Exporting pending, approved, and rejected time off requests
A timeline of employee absence

Available time

See accrued vs spent time off by user or policy.

Accrued, used, and available time off days
Adding time off days manually


Add or remove from users’ time off balance.


A detailed log of all balance changes.

A history of changes to person's time off balance
Request time off on mobile

Mobile time off

Request time off and see Holidays via mobile.

Attendance report showing when users clocked in and out, their total time, break time, time off, and overtime hours


See each person’s time off in their calendar.


Review and approve employee work hours, time off, and expenses.


See time off in schedule when planning work.


Break down data and export data for payroll.


See who’s active and what they’re working on.

User profile

Add additional information to users and define their working days.