I am using CiviCRM 5.71.1 with WordPRess 6.4.3, but this issue has been going on for a long time and I am, as they say, "at Witt's end" (yes, that spelling :-)

When I try to send a scheduled mailing, it fails to complete and I get a long error in the log which I am sorry to have to burden you with below. Note that I had to truncate the error message in order to comply with the 30K character limit here. Can anyone please tell me how to fix this issue? Thanks.

$Fatal Error Details = array:3 [
  "message" => "DB Error: no database selected"
  "code" => null
  "exception" => Civi\Core\Exception\DBQueryException {#3918
    #message: "DB Error: no database selected"
    #code: 0
    #file: "/home/REDACTED/public_html/wp-content/plugins/civicrm/civicrm/CRM/Core/Error.php"
    #line: 971
    #cause: DB_Error {#3857
      +error_message_prefix: ""
      +mode: 16
      +level: 1024
      +code: -14
      +message: "DB Error: no database selected"
      +userinfo: "INSERT INTO `civicrm_job_log` (`domain_id` , `job_id` , `name` , `command` , `description` , `data` ) VALUES ( 1 ,  2 , 'Send Scheduled Mailings' , 'Entity: Job Action: process_mailing' , 'Finished execution of Send Scheduled Mailings with result: Failure, Error message: DB Error: no database selected' , '\n\nParameters parsed (and passed to API method): \na:1:{s:7:\"version\";i:3;}\n\nFull message: \nFinished execution of Send Scheduled Mailings with result: Failure, Error message: DB Error: no database selected' )  [nativecode=2006 ** MySQL server has gone away]"
      +backtrace: array:30 [
        0 => array:6 [
          "file" => "/home/REDACTED/public_html/wp-content/plugins/civicrm/civicrm/vendor/pear/db/DB.php"
          "line" => 1001
          "function" => "__construct"
          "class" => "PEAR_Error"
          "type" => "->"
          "args" => array:5 [
            0 => "DB Error: no database selected"
            1 => -14
            2 => 16
            3 => array:2 [
              0 => "CRM_Core_Error"
              1 => "exceptionHandler"
            4 => "INSERT INTO `civicrm_job_log` (`domain_id` , `job_id` , `name` , `command` , `description` , `data` ) VALUES ( 1 ,  2 , 'Send Scheduled Mailings' , 'Entity: Job Action: process_mailing' , 'Finished execution of Send Scheduled Mailings with result: Failure, Error message: DB Error: no database selected' , '\n\nParameters parsed (and passed to API method): \na:1:{s:7:\"version\";i:3;}\n\nFull message: \nFinished execution of Send Scheduled Mailings with result: Failure, Error message: DB Error: no database selected' )  [nativecode=2006 ** MySQL server has gone away]"
        1 => array:7 [
          "file" => "/home/REDACTED/public_html/wp-content/plugins/civicrm/civicrm/vendor/pear/pear-core-minimal/src/PEAR.php"
          "line" => 575
          "function" => "__construct"
          "class" => "DB_Error"
          "object" => DB_Error {#3857}
          "type" => "->"
          "args" => array:4 [
            0 => -14
            1 => 16
            2 => array:2 [
              0 => "CRM_Core_Error"
              1 => "exceptionHandler"
            3 => "INSERT INTO `civicrm_job_log` (`domain_id` , `job_id` , `name` , `command` , `description` , `data` ) VALUES ( 1 ,  2 , 'Send Scheduled Mailings' , 'Entity: Job Action: process_mailing' , 'Finished execution of Send Scheduled Mailings with result: Failure, Error message: DB Error: no database selected' , '\n\nParameters parsed (and passed to API method): \na:1:{s:7:\"version\";i:3;}\n\nFull message: \nFinished execution of Send Scheduled Mailings with result: Failure, Error message: DB Error: no database selected' )  [nativecode=2006 ** MySQL server has gone away]"
        2 => array:6 [
          "file" => "/home/REDACTED/public_html/wp-content/plugins/civicrm/civicrm/vendor/pear/pear-core-minimal/src/PEAR.php"
          "line" => 223
          "function" => "_raiseError"
          "class" => "PEAR"
          "type" => "::"
          "args" => array:8 [
            0 => DB_mysqli {#1284
              +_debug: false
              +_default_error_mode: null
              +_default_error_options: null
              +_default_error_handler: ""
              +_error_class: "DB_Error"
              +_expected_errors: []
              +fetchmode: 1
              +fetchmode_object_class: "stdClass"
              +was_connected: null
              +last_query: "INSERT INTO `civicrm_job_log` (`domain_id` , `job_id` , `name` , `command` , `description` , `data` ) VALUES ( 1 ,  2 , 'Send Scheduled Mailings' , 'Entity: Job Action: process_mailing' , 'Finished execution of Send Scheduled Mailings with result: Failure, Error message: DB Error: no database selected' , '\n\nParameters parsed (and passed to API method): \na:1:{s:7:\"version\";i:3;}\n\nFull message: \nFinished execution of Send Scheduled Mailings with result: Failure, Error message: DB Error: no database selected' ) "
              +options: array:8 [
                "result_buffering" => 500
                "persistent" => false
                "ssl" => false
                "debug" => 0
                "seqname_format" => "%s_seq"
                "autofree" => false
                "portability" => 0
                "optimize" => "performance"
              +last_parameters: []
              +prepare_tokens: []
              +prepare_types: []
              +prepared_queries: []
              +_last_query_manip: true
              +_next_query_manip: false
              +phptype: "mysqli"
              +dbsyntax: "mysqli"
              +features: array:7 [
                "limit" => "alter"
                "new_link" => false
                "numrows" => true
                "pconnect" => false
                "prepare" => false
                "ssl" => true
                "transactions" => true
              +errorcode_map: array:29 [
                1004 => -15
                1005 => -15
                1006 => -15
                1007 => -5
                1008 => -17
                1022 => -5
                1044 => -26
                1046 => -14
                1048 => -3
                1049 => -27
                1050 => -5
                1051 => -18
                1054 => -19
                1061 => -5
                1062 => -5
                1064 => -2
                1091 => -4
                1100 => -21
                1136 => -22
                1142 => -26
                1146 => -18
                1205 => -30
                1213 => -31
                1216 => -3
                1217 => -3
                1356 => "-32"
                1365 => -13
                1451 => -3
                1452 => -3
              +connection: mysqli {#1285}
              +dsn: array:10 [
                "phptype" => "mysqli"
                "dbsyntax" => "mysqli"
                "username" => "REDACTED_REDACTED"
                "password" => "REDACTED"
                "protocol" => "tcp"
                "hostspec" => "localhost"
                "port" => false
                "socket" => false
                "database" => "REDACTED_REDACTED"
                "new_link" => "true"
              +autocommit: true
              +transaction_opcount: 0
              +_db: "REDACTED_REDACTED"
              +mysqli_flags: array:11 [
                1 => "not_null"
                2 => "primary_key"
                4 => "unique_key"
                8 => "multiple_key"
                16 => "blob"
                32 => "unsigned"
                64 => "zerofill"
                512 => "auto_increment"
                1024 => "timestamp"
                2048 => "set"
                32768 => "group_by"
              +mysqli_types: array:25 [
                0 => "decimal"
                1 => "tinyint"
                2 => "int"
                3 => "int"
                4 => "float"
                5 => "double"
                7 => "timestamp"
                8 => "bigint"
                9 => "mediumint"
                10 => "date"
                11 => "time"
                12 => "datetime"
                13 => "year"
                14 => "date"
                247 => "enum"
                248 => "set"
                249 => "tinyblob"
                250 => "mediumblob"
                251 => "longblob"
                252 => "blob"
                253 => "varchar"
                254 => "char"
                255 => "geometry"
                16 => "bit"
                246 => "decimal"
            1 => null
            2 => -14
            3 => 16
            4 => array:2 [
              0 => "CRM_Core_Error"
              1 => "exceptionHandler"
            5 => "INSERT INTO `civicrm_job_log` (`domain_id` , `job_id` , `name` , `command` , `description` , `data` ) VALUES ( 1 ,  2 , 'Send Scheduled Mailings' , 'Entity: Job Action: process_mailing' , 'Finished execution of Send Scheduled Mailings with result: Failure, Error message: DB Error: no database selected' , '\n\nParameters parsed (and passed to API method): \na:1:{s:7:\"version\";i:3;}\n\nFull message: \nFinished execution of Send Scheduled Mailings with result: Failure, Error message: DB Error: no database selected' )  [nativecode=2006 ** MySQL server has gone away]"
            6 => "DB_Error"
            7 => true
        3 => array:7 [
          "file" => "/home/REDACTED/public_html/wp-content/plugins/civicrm/civicrm/vendor/pear/db/DB/common.php"
          "line" => 1952
          "function" => "__call"
          "class" => "PEAR"
          "object" => DB_mysqli {#1284}
          "type" => "->"
          "args" => array:2 [
            0 => "raiseError"
            1 => array:7 [
              0 => null
              1 => -14
              2 => null
              3 => null
              4 => "INSERT INTO `civicrm_job_log` (`domain_id` , `job_id` , `name` , `command` , `description` , `data` ) VALUES ( 1 ,  2 , 'Send Scheduled Mailings' , 'Entity: Job Action: process_mailing' , 'Finished execution of Send Scheduled Mailings with result: Failure, Error message: DB Error: no database selected' , '\n\nParameters parsed (and passed to API method): \na:1:{s:7:\"version\";i:3;}\n\nFull message: \nFinished execution of Send Scheduled Mailings with result: Failure, Error message: DB Error: no database selected' )  [nativecode=2006 ** MySQL server has gone away]"
              5 => "DB_Error"
              6 => true
        4 => array:7 [
          "file" => "/home/REDACTED/public_html/wp-content/plugins/civicrm/civicrm/vendor/pear/db/DB/mysqli.php"
          "line" => 966
          "function" => "raiseError"
          "class" => "DB_common"
          "object" => DB_mysqli {#1284}
          "type" => "->"
          "args" => array:5 [
            0 => -14
            1 => null
            2 => null
            3 => "INSERT INTO `civicrm_job_log` (`domain_id` , `job_id` , `name` , `command` , `description` , `data` ) VALUES ( 1 ,  2 , 'Send Scheduled Mailings' , 'Entity: Job Action: process_mailing' , 'Finished execution of Send Scheduled Mailings with result: Failure, Error message: DB Error: no database selected' , '\n\nParameters parsed (and passed to API method): \na:1:{s:7:\"version\";i:3;}\n\nFull message: \nFinished execution of Send Scheduled Mailings with result: Failure, Error message: DB Error: no database selected' )  [nativecode=2006 ** MySQL server has gone away]"
            4 => "2006 ** MySQL server has gone away"
        5 => array:7 [
          "file" => "/home/REDACTED/public_html/wp-content/plugins/civicrm/civicrm/vendor/pear/db/DB/mysqli.php"
          "line" => 398
          "function" => "mysqliRaiseError"
          "class" => "DB_mysqli"
          "object" => DB_mysqli {#1284}
          "type" => "->"
          "args" => array:1 [
            0 => -14
        6 => array:7 [
          "file" => "/home/REDACTED/public_html/wp-content/plugins/civicrm/civicrm/vendor/pear/db/DB/common.php"
          "line" => 1241
          "function" => "simpleQuery"
          "class" => "DB_mysqli"
          "object" => DB_mysqli {#1284}
          "type" => "->"
          "args" => array:1 [
            0 => "INSERT INTO `civicrm_job_log` (`domain_id` , `job_id` , `name` , `command` , `description` , `data` ) VALUES ( 1 ,  2 , 'Send Scheduled Mailings' , 'Entity: Job Action: process_mailing' , 'Finished execution of Send Scheduled Mailings with result: Failure, Error message: DB Error: no database selected' , '\n\nParameters parsed (and passed to API method): \na:1:{s:7:\"version\";i:3;}\n\nFull message: \nFinished execution of Send Scheduled Mailings with result: Failure, Error message: DB Error: no database selected' ) "
        7 => array:7 [
          "file" => "/home/REDACTED/public_html/wp-content/plugins/civicrm/civicrm/packages/DB/DataObject.php"
          "line" => 2696
          "function" => "query"
          "class" => "DB_common"
          "object" => DB_mysqli {#1284}
          "type" => "->"
          "args" => array:1 [
            0 => "INSERT INTO `civicrm_job_log` (`domain_id` , `job_id` , `name` , `command` , `description` , `data` ) VALUES ( 1 ,  2 , 'Send Scheduled Mailings' , 'Entity: Job Action: process_mailing' , 'Finished execution of Send Scheduled Mailings with result: Failure, Error message: DB Error: no database selected' , '\n\nParameters parsed (and passed to API method): \na:1:{s:7:\"version\";i:3;}\n\nFull message: \nFinished execution of Send Scheduled Mailings with result: Failure, Error message: DB Error: no database selected' ) "
        8 => array:7 [
          "file" => "/home/REDACTED/public_html/wp-content/plugins/civicrm/civicrm/packages/DB/DataObject.php"
          "line" => 1245
          "function" => "_query"
          "class" => "DB_DataObject"
          "object" => CRM_Core_DAO_JobLog {#3832
            +_DB_DataObject_version: "1.11.3"
            +__table: "civicrm_job_log"
            +N: 0
            +_database_dsn: ""
            +_database_dsn_md5: "8b8d93655162a3012db382eebbf95622"
            +_database: "REDACTED_REDACTED"
            +_query: array:11 [
              "condition" => ""
              "group_by" => ""
              "order_by" => ""
              "having" => ""
              "useindex" => ""
              "limit_start" => ""
              "limit_count" => ""
              "data_select" => "*"
              "unions" => []
              "derive_table" => ""
              "derive_select" => ""
            +_DB_resultid: null
            +_resultFields: false
            +_link_loaded: false
            +_join: ""
            +_lastError: false
            #resultCopies: 0
            #_options: []
            +id: null
            +domain_id: 1
            +run_time: null
            +job_id: "2"
            +name: "Send Scheduled Mailings"
            +command: "Entity: Job Action: process_mailing"
            +description: "Finished execution of Send Scheduled Mailings with result: Failure, Error message: DB Error: no database selected"
            +data: """
              Parameters parsed (and passed to API method): \n
              Full message: \n
              Finished execution of Send Scheduled Mailings with result: Failure, Error message: DB Error: no database selected
          "type" => "->"
          "args" => array:1 [
            0 => "INSERT INTO `civicrm_job_log` (`domain_id` , `job_id` , `name` , `command` , `description` , `data` ) VALUES ( 1 ,  2 , 'Send Scheduled Mailings' , 'Entity: Job Action: process_mailing' , 'Finished execution of Send Scheduled Mailings with result: Failure, Error message: DB Error: no database selected' , '\n\nParameters parsed (and passed to API method): \na:1:{s:7:\"version\";i:3;}\n\nFull message: \nFinished execution of Send Scheduled Mailings with result: Failure, Error message: DB Error: no database selected' ) "
        9 => array:7 [
          "file" => "/home/REDACTED/public_html/wp-content/plugins/civicrm/civicrm/CRM/Core/DAO.php"
          "line" => 738
          "function" => "insert"
          "class" => "DB_DataObject"
          "object" => CRM_Core_DAO_JobLog {#3832}
          "type" => "->"
          "args" => []
        10 => array:7 [
          "file" => "/home/REDACTED/public_html/wp-content/plugins/civicrm/civicrm/CRM/Core/JobManager.php"
          "line" => 247
          "function" => "save"
          "class" => "CRM_Core_DAO"
          "object" => CRM_Core_DAO_JobLog {#3832}
          "type" => "->"
          "args" => []
        11 => array:7 [
          "file" => "/home/REDACTED/public_html/wp-content/plugins/civicrm/civicrm/CRM/Core/JobManager.php"
          "line" => 132
          "function" => "logEntry"
          "class" => "CRM_Core_JobManager"
          "object" => CRM_Core_JobManager {#3285
            +jobs: array:27 [
              25 => CRM_Core_ScheduledJob {#3275
                +id: "25"
                +domain_id: "1"
                +run_frequency: "Hourly"
                +last_run: "2024-03-31 16:00:11"
                +scheduled_run_date: null
                +name: "Call SumFields.Gendata API"
                +description: "Call SumFields.Gendata API"
                +api_entity: "SumFields"
                +api_action: "Gendata"
                +parameters: null
                +is_active: "1"
                +action: null
                +class: null
                +apiParams: array:1 [
                  "version" => 3
                +remarks: []
              1 => CRM_Core_ScheduledJob {#3276
                +id: "1"
                +domain_id: "1"
                +run_frequency: "Daily"
                +last_run: "2024-03-31 02:00:09"
                +scheduled_run_date: null
                +name: "CiviCRM Update Check"
                +description: "Checks for CiviCRM version updates. Important for keeping the database secure. Also sends anonymous usage statistics to civicrm.org to to assist in prioritizing ongoing development efforts."
                +api_entity: "Job"
                +api_action: "version_check"
                +parameters: null
                +is_active: "1"
                +action: null
                +class: null
                +apiParams: array:1 [
                  "version" => 3
                +remarks: []
              19 => CRM_Core_ScheduledJob {#3277
                +id: "19"
                +domain_id: "1"
                +run_frequency: "Always"
                +last_run: "2024-03-31 16:00:12"
                +scheduled_run_date: null
                +name: "Civirules cron"
                +description: "Trigger civirules cron triggers"
                +api_entity: "Civirules"
                +api_action: "Cron"
                +parameters: null
                +is_active: "1"
                +action: null
                +class: null
                +apiParams: array:1 [
                  "version" => 3
                +remarks: []
              13 => CRM_Core_ScheduledJob {#3278
                +id: "13"
                +domain_id: "1"
                +run_frequency: "Hourly"
                +last_run: null
                +scheduled_run_date: null
                +name: "Clean-up Temporary Data and Files"
                +description: "Removes temporary data and files, and clears old data from cache tables. Recommend running this job every hour to help prevent database and file system bloat."
                +api_entity: "Job"
                +api_action: "cleanup"
                +parameters: null
                +is_active: "0"
                +action: null
                +class: null
                +apiParams: array:1 [
                  "version" => 3
                +remarks: []
              16 => CRM_Core_ScheduledJob {#3279
                +id: "16"
                +domain_id: "1"
                +run_frequency: "Daily"
                +last_run: null
                +scheduled_run_date: null
                +name: "Disable expired relationships"
                +description: "Disables relationships that have expired (ie. those relationships whose end date is in the past)."
                +api_entity: "Job"
                +api_action: "disable_expired_relationships"
                +parameters: null
                +is_active: "0"
                +action: null
                +class: null
                +apiParams: array:1 [
                  "version" => 3
                +remarks: []
              3 => CRM_Core_ScheduledJob {#3280
                +id: "3"
                +domain_id: "1"
                +run_frequency: "Hourly"
                +last_run: null
                +scheduled_run_date: null
                +name: "Fetch Bounces"
                +description: "Fetches bounces from mailings and writes them to mailing statistics"
                +api_entity: "Job"
                +api_action: "fetch_bounces"
                +parameters: null
                +is_active: "0"
                +action: null
                +class: null
                +apiParams: array:1 [
                  "version" => 3
                +remarks: []
              20 => CRM_Core_ScheduledJob {#3281
                +id: "20"
                +domain_id: "1"
                +run_frequency: "Daily"
                +last_run: "2024-03-31 02:00:09"
                +scheduled_run_date: null
                +name: "Firewall: Cleanup"
                +description: "Cleanup firewall table data"
                +api_entity: "Job"
                +api_action: "firewall_cleanup"
                +parameters: "delete_old_ipaddress=-1 month"
                +is_active: "1"
                +action: null
                +class: null
                +apiParams: array:2 [
                  "version" => 3
                  "delete_old_ipaddress" => "-1 month"
                +remarks: []
              6 => CRM_Core_ScheduledJob {#3282
                +id: "6"
                +domain_id: "1"
                +run_frequency: "Daily"
                +last_run: null
                +scheduled_run_date: null
                +name: "Geocode and Parse Addresses"
                +description: "Retrieves geocodes (lat and long) and / or parses street addresses (populates street number, street name, etc.)"
                +api_entity: "Job"
                +api_action: "geocode"
                +parameters: """
                  geocoding=[1 or 0] required\n
                  parse=[1 or 0] required\n
                  start=[contact ID] optional-begin with this contact ID\n
                  end=[contact ID] optional-process contacts with IDs less than this\n
                  throttle=[1 or 0] optional-1 adds five second sleep
                +is_active: "0"
                +action: null
                +class: null
                +apiParams: array:6 [
                  "version" => 3
                  "geocoding" => "[1 or 0] required"
                  "parse" => "[1 or 0] required"
                  "start" => "[contact ID] optional-begin with this contact ID"
                  "end" => "[contact ID] optional-process contacts with IDs less than this"
                  "throttle" => "[1 or 0] optional-1 adds five second sleep"
                +remarks: []
              26 => CRM_Core_ScheduledJob {#3283
                +id: "26"
                +domain_id: "1"
                +run_frequency: "Hourly"
                +last_run: "2024-03-31 16:00:12"
                +scheduled_run_date: null
                +name: "iATS Payments 1stPay Query Transactions"
                +description: "Call into iATS Payments 1stPay to get transactions (for auditing and verifying)."
                +api_entity: "Job"
                +api_action: "fapsquery"
                +parameters: null
                +is_active: "1"
                +action: null
                +class: null
                +apiParams: array:1 [
                  "version" => 3
                +remarks: []
              28 => CRM_Core_ScheduledJob {#3284
                +id: "28"
                +domain_id: "1"
                +run_frequency: "Hourly"
                +last_run: "2024-03-31 16:00:12"
                +scheduled_run_date: null
                +name: "iATS Payments Get Legacy Transaction Journal"
                +description: "Call into iATS to get transaction journals, legacy processor (for auditing and verifying)."
                +api_entity: "Job"
                +api_action: "iatsreport"
                +parameters: null
                +is_active: "1"
                +action: null
                +class: null
                +apiParams: array:1 [
                  "version" => 3
                +remarks: []
              27 => CRM_Core_ScheduledJob {#3272
                +id: "27"
                +domain_id: "1"
                +run_frequency: "Daily"
                +last_run: "2024-03-30 18:00:13"
                +scheduled_run_date: null
                +name: "iATS Payments Recurring Contributions"
                +description: "Trigger + Generate recurring contributions for iATS Payments"
                +api_entity: "Job"
                +api_action: "iatsrecurringcontributions"
                +parameters: null
                +is_active: "1"
                +action: null
                +class: null
                +apiParams: array:1 [
                  "version" => 3
                +remarks: []
              29 => CRM_Core_ScheduledJob {#3270
                +id: "29"
                +domain_id: "1"
                +run_frequency: "Hourly"
                +last_run: "2024-03-31 16:00:12"
                +scheduled_run_date: null
                +name: "iATS Payments Verification"
                +description: "Verify payments from the iATS journal."
                +api_entity: "Job"
                +api_action: "iatsverify"
                +parameters: null
                +is_active: "1"
                +action: null
                +class: null
                +apiParams: array:1 [
                  "version" => 3
                +remarks: []
  • p.s. Outbound email is set to mail and test messages work. Commented Apr 1 at 4:38
  • Please, can anyone offer any insights based on the error log? Commented Apr 4 at 16:21

1 Answer 1


I looked at a system getting 'No database selected' from mailings. The problem in that case was down to the hosting environment: a combination of throttling outbound mails and a short MySQL timeout caused the db connection to timeout before the status was updated, resulting in that error. The solution there was to move to better hosting.

  • Thank you for the suggestion Aidan. I will take it up with the hosting company. Commented Apr 18 at 21:06

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