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Questions tagged [sin]

Sin is an act or state of disobedience towards God.

18 votes
5 answers

What is the basis for saying rock music is sinful?

It has been suggested to me that some Christians believe that rock music is inherently immoral, and as a result they believe that Christians would do well to avoid the entire genre. For example, ...
Kramii's user avatar
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6 votes
5 answers

What is the greatest sin? [closed]

I understand that there is one sin that cannot be forgiven and that is to blaspheme the Holy Spirit. But beyond this, what is the greatest sin that a person can commit? Either voluntarily or ...'s user avatar
13 votes
4 answers

Why is Adam considered the original sinner? [closed]

In the Biblical account, Eve is the first to eat the forbidden fruit. Yet still the blame gets put on Adam and later on in the Bible it states that sin entered the world through one man. Why is Adam ...'s user avatar
11 votes
4 answers

Are we born sinners? [closed]

We can be quite certain that God didn't originally create us as sinners. Rather Adam and Eve chose sin in the Fall. The doctrine of original sin is widely held in Christian churches, but those ...
StackExchange saddens dancek's user avatar
7 votes
5 answers

What is the difference between forgiveness and reconciliation [closed]

Is forgiveness and reconciliation the same thing? What needs to happen for forgiveness to occur? What needs to happen for reconciliation to take place?
dolnz's user avatar
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15 votes
6 answers

Under what conditions can a "good" or "charitable" act actually be sin? [closed]

In spite of a prevalent cultural attitude towards sin that excuses misbehavior if a person had "good intentions", most Christian traditions do not seem to include the persons feelings in the matter ...
Caleb's user avatar
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15 votes
4 answers

Why are certain non-harmful behaviors considered sins? [closed]

I would like to hear your response on this. In general, there exist a set of behaviors that Christians consider sinful, though these behaviors may not be observed to harm anybody (even the person ...
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3 votes
1 answer

Does God forgive those who take his name in vain? [closed]

Christianity teaches the forgiveness of sins by God, but Exodus 20:7, one of the Ten Commandments, says: "You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him ...
going's user avatar
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18 votes
5 answers

Are there unforgivable sins? [closed]

Jesus came and died for our sins so that we may be forgiven and have salvation. But Matthew 12:32 (NIV) says there is at least one thing to prevent being forgiven. 32 Anyone who speaks a word ...
Derek Downey's user avatar
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18 votes
2 answers

Why do some Christians think it's not a sin to charge interest?

This article presents the view that Christians should not charge interest on loans. As evidence, it cites Nehemiah 5:9-10: 9 Also I said, It is not good that ye do: ought ye not to walk in the fear ...
TRiG's user avatar
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29 votes
7 answers

Does God create some people Heterosexual and others Homosexual? [closed]

It is quite common for people who identify themselves as homosexual to say that God created them this way. Some way even go so far as to say it was a misfortune that they were born into: "...
Caleb's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

Are natural disasters the result of evil being allowed into our world? [closed]

I remember reading somewhere that the reason there are natural disasters on this earth is because of the evil which was allowed into it when Adam and Eve sinned. I have not been able to find this ...
a_hardin's user avatar
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11 votes
4 answers

What is the Biblical basis for "hate the sin, love the sinner"?

The expression "hate the sin, love the sinner" gets thrown about in both Christian and non-Christian circles, but it does not seem to be a bible verse. What Biblical concepts support this popular ...
Caleb's user avatar
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14 votes
5 answers

How should a Christian evaluate whether a particular action a sin or not? [closed]

Since they are directly addressed in the Ten Commandments, most people agree that committing adultery or murder is sin; yet this world is a complicated place full of things that are not so clearly ...
Caleb's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Is smoking sinful? [closed]

I know among some Christian groups (e.g. Laestadians) almost everyone smokes, while some other groups are very strict about it. However, the Bible doesn't have cigarettes. Is smoking sinful?
StackExchange saddens dancek's user avatar
29 votes
10 answers

What was it about the death of Jesus that allows God to forgive us?

I've heard many people state that it was the punishment inflicted by the Romans that allows God to forgive us. This just doesn't make any sense to me. How can a man suffer for a short while here on ...'s user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

What was the purpose to animal sacrifices? [closed]

I've never completely understood the purpose as to why God required that the Israelite's should kill an animal in order for God to forgive them.'s user avatar
15 votes
7 answers

How ambitious should a Christian be? [closed]

According to Luke 16:13 (ESV): No servant can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and ...
Andrew Whitaker's user avatar
33 votes
14 answers

How can one overcome lustful desires? [closed]

Eighty Three percent of college students and fifty five percent of pastors are said to be addicted to pornography. (link) Even the most Godly men, like David (OT) has been trapped by these desires. ...'s user avatar
9 votes
8 answers

Is Mary's virginity evidence that sex is always sinful? [closed]

It seems that sex is always a sin, as evidenced by the fact that Jesus had to be born of a virgin and not by traditional conception in order to be sinless. Is this true? Any viewpoint is welcome.
El'endia Starman's user avatar
13 votes
3 answers

What does the Bible say about sex before marriage / premarital sex? [closed]

The title pretty much asks the question, but let's set the stage like this: Two people meet in High School, have sex, then eventually get married. What does the bible say about sex prior to ...'s user avatar
11 votes
4 answers

When people sin against us but don't repent, should we forgive and forget?

Someone sins against us, e.g. says something unkind. They are completely unrepentant. That might be because they don't think it is a sin or they don't care (yes, I'm deliberately mentioning two ...
Reinstate Monica - Goodbye SE's user avatar
19 votes
9 answers

Do not Judge others, or do we Judge others? [closed]

I hear so much about "Do not judge others, lest you be judged." I know that there's more scripture out there that gives us a better insight into our responsibilities. Can you please answer this ...'s user avatar
19 votes
5 answers

Under what conditions does the Bible support divorce? [closed]

It seems that Jesus talks out against divorce. But in other places, divorce is allowed. How does this all play out and where does the bible really stand on this? Is it a sin or is it just part of ...
Richard's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

When are children held accountable for ther sins? [closed]

There's an interesting topic regarding the salvation of unborn babies that inspired this question. I believe that babies that die previous to birth go to heaven. I also believe that young children ...
Richard's user avatar
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51 votes
21 answers

How to answer "Why do evil and suffering exist?" [closed]

I believe that evil exists because God gave us free will. Adam and Eve disobeyed God. Because of this The Fall of man happened and drew us away from God. Suffering exists not only because God can ...
Steve Moser's user avatar
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19 votes
13 answers

What is the essence of sin? [closed]

There are bound to be lots of questions like "Is X or Y a sin?". However, what is sin at its root and where in the Bible do we get our understanding of it?
Tom Duckering's user avatar
31 votes
6 answers

What does the bible say about homosexuality?

I was recently listening to a podcast and the preacher said that he has looked through the entire bible and could not find anywhere where it says that homosexuality was a sin. Where does the bible ...'s user avatar
25 votes
8 answers

Sex outside of marriage is a sin. But what about "less than sex"? [closed]

Inspired by Is masturbation a sin? This is a tough subject that I've grappled with my whole life. It's clear in God's word that sex outside of marriage (adultery) is a sin. But, what is acceptable ...
Richard's user avatar
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56 votes
3 answers

What is the biblical basis to claim that masturbation is a sin?

There's definitely two sides to this coin, some people say that masturbation is not a sin that leads to death, others say that it's a sin because Jesus commands us to deny the desires of our flesh. So ...'s user avatar

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