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Questions tagged [reconciliation]

The restoration of friendly relations

4 votes
2 answers

How does a non-God Jesus sitting as King forever correct the rejection of God as King that began in Samuel's day?

In 1 Samuel chapter 8 we see an aged Samuel giving his sons authority to judge Israel. His sons did not act with integrity and the leaders of Israel come asking Samuel to set a king over them like ...
Mike Borden's user avatar
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How does the Catholic Church tell us to do reparation for our sins according to Church teachings?

Pope John Paul II in his apostolic letter Misericordia Dei (Mercy of God), he wrote: Ordinaries are to remind all the ministers of the Sacrament of Penance that the universal law of the Church, ...
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2 answers

According to universalists, why should we obey God?

If universal reconciliation is true- so that everybody will eventually come to know God because of his son Yeshua, and therefore nobody will have their flesh burned forever and ever- why should we ...
Cannabijoy's user avatar
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Under What Conditions Can a Priest Validly Refuse to Absolve Sins?

Absolution can be withheld, I was wondering under what conditions such an action can be considered to be valid(not licit or illicit), if any are needed at all. Furthermore I want to know if a priest ...
Destynation Y's user avatar
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Would this confession be valid?

If a priest prematurely says the prayer for absolution, is the confession still valid? Is the confession still valid even when the priest is not wearing his normal vestments? Or if I didn't say the ...
Lynob's user avatar
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According to the Catholic Church, how do you perform an examination of conscience?

When preparing for the Sacrament of Reconciliation, we are instructed to perform an examination of conscience. How exactly are we supposed to go about doing this? I am looking for a thorough, ...
Please stop being evil's user avatar
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In Catholicism, how is the practice of infant communion reconciled with the rule that first reconciliation must precede first communion?

Paragraph 1457 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church states, without qualification, Children must go to the sacrament of Penance before receiving Holy Communion for the first time. On the other ...
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6 answers

Is salvation acheived by faith alone, or does it in fact require some works?

I was raised a Lutheran, and am looking for an answer from someone (like a Lutheran) who believes in salvation by grace alone (by faith alone, etc.). I still believe in salvation by faith alone ...
jaredad7's user avatar
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Reconciliation of all things

God unveiled to us through apostle Paul His plan... Colossians 1:20, NASB to reconcile all things to Himself, having made peace through the blood of His cross; through Him, I say, whether things on ...
user9754's user avatar
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Veracity of Carte Blanche in The Three Muskateers

In the book The Three Muskateers a character is given a note from the Cardinal Duke saying that By My word and for the good of the state, The bearer has done what has been done. Was the Cardinal ...
Peter Turner's user avatar
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23 votes
3 answers

How should one reconcile a wrong against another person? [closed]

When someone commits a wrong against another person, what is he supposed to do to make things right? Is seeking forgiveness from God sufficient, or do you first need to set things right with the ...
Monica Cellio's user avatar
3 votes
6 answers

Why couldn't we reconcile ourselves to God? [closed]

I always hear people say things like, 'the debt was too large' ... well, why? Why couldn't I pay for my own sin? I don't like that Jesus took punishment for me, I would hate for my earthly father to ...
Laura's user avatar
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If I die before I can confess my sins, can I just confess them to God in Heaven?

When packing for a trip, sometimes we forget something small: a toothbrush, shaving cream, or socks. In order to compensate, we simply make a quick pit stop at a nearby convenience or department store ...
Jim G.'s user avatar
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Overview on the Theology of Forgiveness vs Reconcillation [closed]

What are the main theological stances on the doctrine of forgiveness vs Reconciliation? I think at the far far extreme (or perhaps the most biblical definition is): we should forgive others as God ...
unregistered-matthew7.7's user avatar
8 votes
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How can we practice Matthew 18:15 in a public forum? [closed]

Over at Judaism.SE, there's a question: How should we respond to objectionable content in a public forum? It got me thinking, how should we apply Jesus' teaching on reconciliation: “If your ...
Jon Ericson's user avatar
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