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Questions tagged [regeneration]

Work of God to bring a person from a state of death to a state of life

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Questions on "does baptism wash away sins" looking at Luke 3:3 and Acts 2:38 [closed]

The passages of Luke 3:3 and Acts 2:38 have very similar language and according to Peter in Acts he is baptizing the same baptism as John, only in Jesus name. Luke 3:3 says, "And he went into ...
Joseph's user avatar
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4 answers

How do defenders of baptismal regeneration understand Acts 8?

Acts 8:14-17: “Now when the apostles in Jerusalem heard that Samaria had accepted the word of God, they sent Peter and John to them. These two went down and prayed for them so that they would receive ...
Luke Hill's user avatar
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According to Christians who believe that salvation can be lost, what is spiritual rebirth, what is eternal life and can salvation be regained?

According to Christians who believe that salvation can be lost: What is eternal life? Is eternal life attained now (in this life / before death) or at the resurrection? What is spiritual rebirth? ...
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How to reconcile the Council of Trent and the Apostle John regarding the post-baptismal presence of sin?

I am struggling to reconcile a very strong statement from the Council of Trent pronouncing anathema with a very strong statement from the Apostle John pronouncing deception and lie. Both statements ...
Mike Borden's user avatar
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Why the word "REgenerate" according to the Calvinist?

I've search in the internet : RE- a prefix, occurring originally in loanwords from Latin, used with the meaning “again” or “again and again” to indicate repetition, or with the meaning “back” ...
karma's user avatar
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How are Regeneration, Faith, and Union with Christ ordered in Reformed Theology?

In the Reformed Ordo Salutis, or order of salvation, how are Regeneration, Faith, and Union with Christ ordered? (Note that the order of salvation is a logical order, not temporal, and the believer ...
curiousdannii's user avatar
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What is the biblical support for being 'born again' (or' born from above') in this life?

Many think they are 'born again' when they are baptised on receiving the Holy Spirit as a gift from God. However, it seems apparent from the scriptures that being 'born from above' happens at our ...
steveowen's user avatar
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In what manner does the Father draw men to Jesus Christ? John 6:44

This question is for Evangelicals who do not hold a Calvinist view Jesus Christ states that the Father alone draws men to Himself. “No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him” ...
Autodidact's user avatar
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Who are the "extreme Anabaptists" who believed that regeneration makes people incapable of sin?

While reading Louis Berkhof's Systematic Theology, I noticed an interesting tidbit about the beliefs of "extreme Anabaptists" on regeneration. He argues: [Regeneration is not] a complete or ...
Nathaniel is protesting's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

Calvinism: Does God force people to be saved?

Calvinists often object to the criticism that their doctrine teaches that God forces men to be saved against their will. From what I've read, Calvinism teaches that God changes a man's nature and ...
pr871's user avatar
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Is the Promise of Regeneration Enunciated in the Old Testament?

Regeneration of the human spirit is a cornerstone doctrine of the New Testament, taught in Jesus’ famous ‘born again’ discourse with Nicodemus. (John 3) Likewise, St. Paul explains our restoration in ...
Christian Gedge's user avatar
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In Federal Vision theology, what is the difference between decisional regeneration and presupposed regeneration?

In some Reformed/Calvinist circles, a theological framework called the Federal Vision (FV) has led to significant internal debate over the true nature of the covenant between God and man, and, by ...
Nathaniel is protesting's user avatar
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What is renewing of the Holy Ghost?

In Paul's epistle to Titus in the third Chapter verses 4 through 7, He is relaying to Titus the change the grace of God makes through Salvation. In verse 5 he states that "he saved us, by the ...
BYE's user avatar
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Calvinist Regeneration, Interpreting Colossians 2:12

I am convinced that the scriptures teach of a God who is completely sovereign in salvation. I am a monergist. I can cite several passages that make me think this way. I think if you look at some of my ...
San Jacinto's user avatar
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What are the arguments of those who believe that the prerequisite stated here by John is yet not sufficient for being born of God?

Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God (1st John 5:1) John seems to be both liberal and absolutistic in his statement here: on one hand, he doesn't add any more prerequisites for ...
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