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Questions tagged [phrase-meaning]

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The meaning of "奪耳" in 《說文解字》

When I looked up the meaning of the character "卅" (𠦃) in 《說文解字註》(段註本), the text was as follows, as shown in the picture: " Translate: 我在《说文解字注》(段注本)中查「卅」(古作「𠦃」)一字时,其解释如下如图: 𠦃,三十幷也。...
Soriak's user avatar
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Use of 据我所知 - is it the same as "As far as I know"

据我所知 is usually presented as equivalent to "As I understand" or "As far as I know". I'm unsure whether this phrase is really used in the same way as these English phrases, as when ...
河南宝宝's user avatar
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Does “XX是什么样的人?” refer mostly, and maybe only, to personality?

My family is made of Chinese natives while I am bilingual. My dad sometimes asks me questions like “你的老师是什么样的人?” before lightly chastising me that the askers of such questions usually want to know ...
Aaron Liu's user avatar
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What is the meaning of 大事小事?

文文从小是个乖乖女,学习刻苦,遵守纪律。大事小事,尽管妈妈表示也要征求她的意见,但上哪所学校、念什么专业,甚至跟什么人交朋友,基本上都是妈妈说了算。 This is from the Standard Course Book of HSK5, chapter 23. What is the meaning of 大事小事? What does "big thing small thing&...
Konstantinos's user avatar
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Exact Meaning of 左挑右选 and 前看后看

I'm reading 寓言故事 about the story of 郑人买履, and I found the phrase 左挑右选 and 前看后看, what does it means? Especially for the 前看后看, is it like before looking and after looking? It is kind of weird with the ...
Arren 翼挺's user avatar
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What is the meaning of 尔毋从从尔。

I was looking up the meaning of 尔 and found this: 尔毋从从尔。《礼记·檀弓》 Can I translate 尔毋从从尔 as "This doesn't follow that"??
Pedroski's user avatar
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Why does 無所不 mean any, all, every, omni-?

無 means not, nil, without, nothing, lack. 所 means place, cause; who, what. 不 means no, not. In each four-character idiom below, the last and fourth Chinese character is translated to the English ...
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What is the meaning of 花瓜?

Today I came across 4 成语 or phrases: 名扬天下 虎背熊腰 膀粗腰圆 骂了个花瓜 What is the meaning of 花瓜?
Pedroski's user avatar
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Using 那叫 can 叫 be a 量词?

Today I am having trouble getting to grips with 那叫。 Can 叫 be a 量词? According to 叫 can also be used as by: 叫:让;被 [by]。如:你叫雨淋了吗?;叫你猜对了 In each of these 3 examples, is 那叫 a phrase? Is 那叫 being ...
Pedroski's user avatar
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Historical background in 《亮剑》 relating to organization of National Revolutionary Army

I am trying to understand the exact meaning of the military terms used in the text at the very beginning of the first episode of the show 亮剑 (, and in ...
babu_babu's user avatar
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How come "splint" is called 副木?

I can understand why "splint" is called 夾板 in Chinese, but I am having a hard time understanding why it's also called 副木. Does anyone know the origin of this terminology? Thank you!
Maurice's user avatar
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What are the implications of saying 保护好自己?

I've heard this used in various contexts, but there is one that I am confused about which relates to being emotionally vulnerable. Specifically, it seems like people say that about situations where ...
Daniel Gibson's user avatar
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What does "荒野寒暑换红颜" mean?

The following line comes from the song 归去来兮 by 花粥: 此去必经年 荒野寒暑换红颜 此去必经年: This time I will be gone for several years. 荒野 is clearly wilderness. 寒暑 is hot and cold, and by synecdoche summer and winter, ...
timseb's user avatar
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What does 量能塞 mean?

Source from the news 量能塞…確診藏黑數「第2波死亡潮來襲」
Administrator's user avatar
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刚下完雨的地面尚且带着潮湿的水责. Grammatical and translating problam!

刚下完雨的地面尚且带着潮湿的水责. Well, first of all, do you see the above sentence? Honestly, for example, I know what each of these characters position(grammatically) is in the sentence (except for this part 尚且带着), ...
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