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Questions relating to the final stages of a game of chess, when only few pieces are left on the board.

0 votes

Tit for tat sacrifice

There are a few potential answers to this: Pseudo sacrifices Positional sacrifices Speculative sacrifices for activity A pseudo sacrifice is one where a player deliberately gives up material, know …
Andrew Sainsbury's user avatar
3 votes

How do you win with a queen against a rook?

I've done a lot of research on this ending, as I was a little downcast to see so few good resources showing the technique. I've summarised my findings in two articles on my page: The ending is broken …
Andrew Sainsbury's user avatar
5 votes

Is it possible to force checkmate with King, Knight, and Bishop vs. King?

[Edited] The winning plan is to force the king into either of the corners which have the same colour as your bishop. This is done in a few steps. Force the king to one side of the board so he is …
Andrew Sainsbury's user avatar