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Questions tagged [elementary-mates]

Elementary checkmates are the basic techniques for how to force checkmate in certain endgames with overwhelming material advantage and very few pieces left on the board. These endgames usually include KQ vs K, KR vs K, KBB vs K, and KBN vs K.

19 votes
4 answers

In the endgame KQ vs K, can you premove your way to checkmate?

This is a question concerning online blitz chess. I'm sure we all have experienced having a completely winning position, but only having a few seconds left on the clock. After one such game I started ...
Dag Oskar Madsen's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

Could you show me some very easy mate in 20?

I am looking for some puzzles where there is a forced mate in as many moves as possible (ideally 20 or more). Yet the puzzles need to be as easy as possible! You will probably need to find some ...
Fate's user avatar
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28 votes
2 answers

How do you checkmate with the pair of bishops?

How do you checkmate with the pair of Bishops and King versus King? Are there any stalemates to look out for? What are the key ideas / positions / tricks to make it work? Thanks!
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8 votes
3 answers

How do you checkmate with a queen?

How do you checkmate with a King and Queen versus King? Is there a method that is faster than other methods in terms of moves? Is there a foolproof method if you are in time trouble?
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19 votes
5 answers

How do you checkmate with a rook?

How do you checkmate with a Rook and King versus King? Is there a good and fast method? Can you explain it in a good way? Thanks!
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29 votes
4 answers

KBN vs K checkmate on nonstandard boards

I know how to win the endgame with bishop and knight, but it is a slippery process and seems to be just barely a win, with the enemy king very nearly escaping. For this reason, I am curious about ...
wim's user avatar
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36 votes
6 answers

Is it possible to force checkmate with King, Knight, and Bishop vs. King?

If a King, Knight, and Bishop are pitted against the opposing King, is it possible to force checkmate? I find it very hard to do, enough so that I'm not sure whether there's a clean method.
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