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Questions tagged [bishops]

Questions relating to the Bishop.

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Slav / Semi-slav Bf4 is bad?

In a recent game I played 1. d4 d5 2. c4 c6 3. Nf3 Nf6 4. Nc3 e6 (Semi-slav), then as White played Bf4 because I didn't know any theory. Lichess analysis board says this is a non-trivial opening ...
qwr's user avatar
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How can I implement a Magic Bitboard Generator in Java?

I am currently working on making a Chess Engine in Java and have tried to implement a Magic Number Generator. However, the generator always seems to get stuck on a certain index and can't get past it. ...
Dhruv's user avatar
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Who was the first player to state that bishops are more valuable than knights?

Was this concept ever implicitly understood, like controlling open files with rooks?
Jamieson's user avatar
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White defense against bishop check in b4

I'm a low ranking player and always wondering why for example after: [FEN ""] [StartPly "8"] 1. e4 b6 2. d4 Bb7 3. Bd3 e6 4. Nf3 Bb4+ white often plays Nc3, so why this and not ...
Alain BUFERNE's user avatar
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3 answers

Why is the next best move Nf3, instead of moving Bg5?

I have reached to this position starting from Queens' Gambit, and in this position Stockfish 14 is suggesting that the next best move is to bring my knight out instead of moving my dark squared bishop,...
commonSense's user avatar
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Is there a name for the pattern when a bishop on the fifth rank is driven back to the third rank by pawns?

I've noticed a common theme in games where a bishop placed on the fifth rank winds up retreating to the third rank as it's threatened by pawns. (as the black player this would be a bishop on the ...
Paul Martin's user avatar
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Nimzowitsch and the defensive theory of open lines

I have read from Nimzowitsch over and over again how one could use a file as the basis of a restraining operation. All those who know his work know what I speak of, but good players at all levels ...
Achbiter's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

g4 pawn push to remove bishop pin - why is it good sometimes? (specific example below)

In the following position, why is g4 so powerful (+4.1 according to stockfish), when g4 is normally considered a weakening move? [Title "Why is g4 so powerful here?"] [fen ""] [...
Johnny's user avatar
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12 votes
7 answers

Why is it better to control a vertical/horizontal than diagonal?

I'm trying to truly understand why Rooks are more valuable than Bishops. Yes, they control more squares. But why? I understand that a rook forms a line that pieces cannot pass through, and this is ...
Alec's user avatar
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Checkmate with two bishops of same colour

Is it possible to checkmate King with two bishops of same colour in the endgame?. Is it possible in Chess to get this position in reality? Position: King with Two bishops of same colour V/S King.
Prashant Akerkar's user avatar
11 votes
3 answers

Why exchange bishop for knight in this endgame?

In this position, Stockfish gives black (me) -8.1 and recommends BxN. 8/5p2/4pkpp/p1n5/Pp6/1Bb1PP2/2PNK2P/8 b - - 7 28 Instead I played Kf5 and the evaluation plummets to -2.1. My understanding was ...
Steve Bennett's user avatar
13 votes
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Why is Bb8 better than Bc7 in this position?

[fen "r2q1rk1/pp3ppp/n1pb2b1/2Pp4/3Pn3/P2B1N2/1PQ2PPP/RNB1R1K1 b - - 0 12"] [Startply "20"] e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nf6 3. Nxe5 d6 4. Nf3 Nxe4 5. d4 d5 6. Bd3 Bd6 7. O-O O-O 8. c4 c6 9. Re1 ...
Zuriel's user avatar
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Is there ever a reason to promote to a bishop? If so, what is it? [duplicate]

Is there ever a reason to promote to a bishop? If so, what is it? I understand why one would promote to a queen, rook, or knight. I won't go into why here, see other questions. But why would one ever ...
Starship's user avatar
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Is better to lose a knight or a bishop when taking a queen/rook

I don't completely understand how knights and bishops (according to have the same "piece value." If I were to be taking a queen (or rook), should I give up my knight or bishop? So ...
Peter Winn's user avatar
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What happens in a King-Rook vs King-Bishop with a perfect play in a no pawn endgame?

Suppose both the kings are left in a fairly neutral positions with just rook at one side and a bishop at the other side. What is the outcome if both the sides play correctly? Can a side with only ...
iammilind's user avatar
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