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Questions tagged [checkmate]

Questions relating to checkmating.

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Can a castling checkmate be engineered from this position?

I get the following position pretty often in online bullet as White. It's mate in a few (for instance, 9. Bf4+ Kc5 10. Qd5+ Kb6 11.Qb5#). Needless to say, the setup is dubious. This looks like a prime ...
SE - stop firing the good guys's user avatar
1 vote
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Can a rook and King checkmate a bare King without zugzwang?

Can a rook and a king force a checkmate against a bare king that starts in the center if the opponent was allowed to pass?
blademan9999's user avatar
1 vote
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How often do super GMs blunder mate in 1?

Yesterday (5th April 2023) Nakamura blundered a pretty mate in 1 against Caruana in the Chessable Masters: [Title "Caruana - Nakamura, Chessable Masters 2023"] [fen "Rb6/5kp1/8/1r1P3P/...
Brian Towers's user avatar
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-2 votes
1 answer

My opponent won despite his king having no legal moves

My opponent won despite his king having no legal moves. Why?
Igor Levashov's user avatar
4 votes
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Longest sequence of unique legal moves for one player, always in check and ending in checkmate

I recently played a bullet game, in which I thought I was in checkmate, but then realized I had one legal move, this then repeated again and again 6 times until ultimately I was in checkmate. I share ...
Mur's user avatar
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Has checkmate ever been achieved by castling queenside in a high-level game?

This is to complement the kingside variant of that question Has checkmate ever been achieved by a castling queen side in a high-level game?
Nicolas Formichella's user avatar
4 votes
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Has checkmate ever been achieved by castling kingside in a high-level game?

Has checkmate ever been achieved by castling kingside in a high-level game? I asked an AI large language model, but it listed games which certainly didn't achieve checkmate with castling kingside. I ...
stevec's user avatar
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Is there any sequence of premoves that guarantees checkmate in this particular King + Queen vs King endgame?

King + Queen vs. King is perhaps the most basic winning endgame and known to be mate in at most ten moves. However, I am wondering if there is any sequence of premoves that guarantees checkmate? For ...
rpdejonge's user avatar
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3 votes
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Most "heavy" model mate in a game

A model mate, to recall, is a mate where a) any flight (including the standing place) of the enemy king is attacked exactly once; b) no friendly piece (except king and pawns) idles around. c) (...
Hauke Reddmann's user avatar
-2 votes
2 answers

Why is this the wrong move?

I am new to chess. I am playing puzzles on I made a move which I thought was checkmate, but it tells me I made the wrong move. It looks to me like the King is in check by the bishop. But no ...
Evorlor's user avatar
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Rook and promoted Bishop vs Rook endgame--forced win or draw?

I've recently been trying to learn the queen vs rook and rook and bishop vs rook endgames, and I've found it interesting how close the margin of victory vs draw is. I was thinking about whether the ...
eyeballfrog's user avatar
3 votes
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On a toroidal board, which pieces are needed to checkmate?

I saw this question On an infinite board, which pieces are needed to checkmate? and was inspired by it. Many mating combinations won't suffice on a toroidal board. For example, queen vs king will be a ...
blademan9999's user avatar
2 votes
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Minimal forced checkmate

A forced checkmate is a situation in which the player whose turn it is has only legal moves which put the other player in checkmate. I’m searching for the minimal forced checkmate (the smallest amount ...
Alfe's user avatar
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8 votes
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How to checkmate with king + two knights vs king + pawn

King + two knights vs a king is a book draw, as the knights cannot get the enemy king into a checkmating position (only a stalemating position), because of the inherent clumsy nature of the knight. ...
Crystal's user avatar
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7 votes
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What is the required material to force a king move checkmate?

A fun thing to do is to try to achieve specific "achievements" (like these) in real games. One such achievement is to checkmate with a king move. As the king itself obviously can't deliver ...
SE - stop firing the good guys's user avatar

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