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Why can s and p orbitals of one atom form hybrid orbitals but the overlaping of s & p orbitals of two different atoms don't form a molecular orbital?

So my question is in the title : Why can s and p orbitals of one atom form hybrid orbitals but the overlapping of one s orbital and one p orbital (perpendicular to the bond axis) of two different ...
dispatchh's user avatar
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Energy of d(x²-y²) and d(xy) orbitals the same with respect to trigonal symmetry?

In the orbital splitting diagrams of trigonal planar and trigonal bipyramidal complexes the d$_{x² - y²}$ and d$_{xy}$ orbitals have the same energy. I have always assumed that this is because they ...
Dion Silverman's user avatar
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Determination of energies in MO diagrams

How do we determine the relative placements of molecular orbitals in their diagrams? I understand that we can use point groups to find symmetry-allowed interactions between orbitals that we write on ...
explicitEllipticGroupAction's user avatar
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Do SALC-AOs really belong to their symmetry species?

I'm working through a molecular symmetry textbook and something keeps nagging at me. If I derive the SALC-AOs for NH3 (using the projection operator method), I'll get A1: $ \frac{1}{\sqrt{3}}(\...
Jreed's user avatar
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Why sigma bond has C2 symmetry not C∞?

I have seen some books indicated sigma bond has C2 symmetry. I understand pi and delta bond change their signs about C2 and C4 rotation about bond axis, but I don't understand why sigma bond has C2 ...
skwon's user avatar
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What is the symmetry of dxy orbital?

Considering the sign of orbital and assuming the $z$-axis as a principal axis, for me, it looks like that it has two perpendicular $C_2$ axes that penetrate the lobes, so I think it is $C_\mathrm{2v}$....
skwon's user avatar
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How do computational chemistry programs determine the irreducible representation of a molecular orbital?

I was coding a simple RHF code to test my understanding of computational chemistry when I stumbled upon this question. How exactly do computer programs like Gaussian, GAMESS-US etc. know which ...
ANZGC FlyingFalcon's user avatar
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Spatial Wavefunction Symmetries and Identical Particles

I was reading this and it mentions in the 3-electron section, that for a spacial wave function to be symmetric under fermion swapping, it must be a function of even parity. Similarly for anti-symmetry ...
Craig's user avatar
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How do I have to interpret the input to the OCC flag in Molpro?

I'm trying to understand the occupied orbital specification in Molpro. They're specified by the OCC flag, while it's stated in the documentation, that OCC, m1, m2, ..., mn; where the ...
Eenoku's user avatar
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What kind of bonds can form between benzene and transition metals in π-complexes?

I'm trying to draw the six π-orbitals (3 bonding, which are filled, and 3 anti-bonding) of a benzene ring when it complexes with metal d-orbitals and which metal orbitals have the correct symmetry ($\...
Jendawg's user avatar
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Why does symmetry have to be maintained in molecular orbitals?

Using the example of $\ce{XeF4}$: What is the physical explanation enforcing the symmetry of the $\ce{1b_{1g}}$ orbital on the fluorine atoms? Why isn't the symmetry of a nonbonding orbital arbitrary?...
Blaise's user avatar
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Finding the irreducible representation which an orbital transforms under [duplicate]

I have some major confusion on irreducible representations. An example of a problem I have is Based on the character table for the point group of each of the follwing molecules, which irreducible ...
John Snow's user avatar
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How can I find the symmetry labels of atomic orbitals in a molecule?

What are the symmetry labels for the p and d orbitals of platinum in $\ce{[PtCl4]^2-}$? I understand how to find the point group of a molecule, but am not sure how to use the character table to find ...
Kinformationist's user avatar
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When is it true that more nodes equals higher energy?

Consider all the MOs of some isolated molecule. (It could be a single atom too; I'll use MO to refer to AOs as well.) Number them in increasing order of the number of nodes (node = surface where the ...
Silvio Levy's user avatar
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