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41 votes
3 answers

Which "exotic salt" can lower water's freezing point by 70 °C?

The article Mars Phoenix Lander, 10 Years Later shows several remarkable images and discoveries on Mars by the Mars Phoenix Lander circa 2008. One image (shown below) shows what looks like ...
uhoh's user avatar
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Why copper(I) is unstable in aqueous medium?

I am expecting that $\ce{Cu+}$ attains a $\mathrm d^{10}$ configuration by losing one electron from s-subshell. Since it has fully filled d-orbital, it should be stable. But it is found that it is ...
Nilay Ghosh's user avatar
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2 answers

Should bromine water be called a solution?

Bromine water is a reagent which is used to test for unsaturation in organic compound. It is $2.8~\%$ bromine in water. In many places, it is refer to as bromine solution. But it is observed that ...
Nilay Ghosh's user avatar
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Do electrons really hang around the electrode while ions go take a swim?

This answer to this post addresses "what happens if you dip a single zinc electrode into some electrolyte solution." It explains that However, though the zinc ion can diffuse through the ...
Buck Thorn's user avatar
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1 answer

Reaction mechanism in fluoride adsorption to aluminum oxide

Despite a fair amount of research (excluding non-open access journals, to which I have not got access), I cannot seem to find an explanation of the process that takes place when $\ce{F^-}$ adsorbs to ...
Marcel's user avatar
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12 votes
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Would sodium explode in salt water?

I’ve seen the video etc of sodium being put into freshwater and the reaction of flames/small explosion but I wonder if the same reaction would occur if conducted in salt water such as the ocean.
Carly's user avatar
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Water exchange at Al (III)

Why is the rate of water exchange at Al(III) centres so slow ? According to this medical book (p.5) it is $10^{5}$ times faster at Mg(II).
J. LS's user avatar
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11 votes
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Is there oxygen isotope exchange between dissolved CO2 and H2O?

If you had a sample containing an elevated concentration of $\ce{H2^{18}O}$, and bubbled $\ce{C^{16}O2}$ through it, would some of the oxygen-18 isotope be transferred from water to carbon dioxide? I ...
ericnutsch's user avatar
11 votes
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Relative acidity of aqueous LiF, SnCl2, and YCl3

Which one of the following salts make the highest and lowest pH when dissolved in water? $$\ce{LiF, SnCl2, YCl3}$$ My approach was : considering the corresponding aqua acids, the order of acidity ...
Jinmu You's user avatar
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10 votes
4 answers

Ionic compound having highest solubility in water

Which ionic compound has highest solubility in water? I can find CsBr having highest solubility with 1230 g/L at 25 °C. Note: compounds like ethanol are soluble to any extent in water, but they are ...
Harsh jain's user avatar
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9 votes
4 answers

Why does the inverse relationship between the strengths of an acid and its conjugate base appear to be violated in the case of chloric(I) acid?

Hypochlorous acid is a weak acid with $\mathrm{p}K_\mathrm{a}(\ce{HClO}) = 7.53$. Then why is its conjugate base, $\ce{ClO-}$, a weak base in water? Shouldn't the strength of the base be inversely ...
asdf's user avatar
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9 votes
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Why does Devarda's alloy include copper?

Devarda's alloy is used in the detection of nitrates. However, judging by the reaction equation, only aluminium plays the role of reducer: $$\ce{3NaNO3 + 8Al + 5NaOH + 18H2O -> 8Na[Al(OH)4] + 3NH3(...
CowperKettle's user avatar
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What acid can dissolve thorium dioxide?

In one of my projects (which is about alpha-voltaic cells, don't worry, I know that thorium isn't a strong alpha source, it's only for measurements) I would need to get water soluble thorium compound ...
L.Gyula's user avatar
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What visual observations can confirm that a reactant is the limiting reagent?

I have this lab question for the lab called Copper Collection Stoichiometry, where we choose an amount of the limiting reagent (iron) for a reaction between copper (II) sulfate and iron. We are to ...
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8 votes
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Can lead(II) oxidize tin metal in aqueous solution?

According to my textbook, element $\ce{X}$ can oxidize element $\ce{Y}$ if $\ce{X}$ was lower in the activity series. Lead is lower than Tin in the activity series table in the textbook, but the ...
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