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7:19 AM
I've noticed that the user Muze added what I felt to be wrong tags on three different questions from other users, and well as four "answers" that did not even come close to being a potential answer.
Does the user need to be reminded again that random, unhelpful behavior is not productive?
6 hours later…
1:00 PM
hi @uhoh. Thanks for answering my question (space.stackexchange.com/questions/23988). I didn't want to pollute there, so I'm asking here: would you have any clue as to where the equation I gave comes from ? I couldn't find anything relative to this form of the equation on the internet ! thanks
is anyone else having trouble accessing www.nasa.gov? I'm stuck at the 'TLS handshake' stage.
I'm trying to implement it in Javascript but the answers I get aren't consistent at all so I wonder whether my implementation is bad or the equation is
@Hobbes I can access it without a problem
(from France)
it's okay to ask that type of question in comments, yb the way
well I was unsure and I'm used to StackOverflow community where making a mistake isn't really welcome ^^
2 hours later…
3:26 PM
@Magix We are way worse! We shall find you and expose you for simple typos. Worse if you mix up a rocket model like calling it a Saturn 7 and OFF WITH YOUR HEAD! :)
A nice crew, make a fair and honest effort and all is fine.
@Magix No I don't know. I understand you were hoping I would figure it out for you, but sorry, I'm not really interested in reverse-engineering a random, unsourced snippet of JavaScript without comments or references or links.
4:23 PM
@uhoh I was talking about the equation I gave, t - tp = sqrt(a³/µ)*etc..., I know the code is unreadable and mostly unusable
and @geoffc I know right ! :p hopefully the smaller stack-exchange website are nicer and a bit more forgiving :)
4:42 PM
5:06 PM
@Magix Heck no! Far more militant! You missed the Soyuz wars of a few years ago, clearly. On one was actually Doxxed' but it looked like it was getting close.
Tis a nice group here. Except Kim. Everyone is great, but not Kim. :) (Turns out she grew up around the corner from where I spent summers Gone running with her sister, small small small world!)
1 hour later…
6:34 PM
@geoffc Kim ? Never heard of her... she's probably afk anyway :p
@Magix ya it looks a heck of a lot like Kepler's Equation except you have arcsin() whereas it has sin(). en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kepler%27s_equation
@uhoh yeah I figured that out, I was wondering about the arcsin ! :p Also, I made my program work so I guess the equation is actually right
@Magix better fix your question then.
@uhoh stop being aggressive I was gonna do it !
@Magix There is no way to know what you were going to do. You asked me to figure something out, I did, then you told me you already know the answer. Good luck with your project.
6:46 PM
@uhoh "I couldn't find anything relative to this form of the equation on the internet !" was pretty clear. I know Kepler's equation, that's why I said i was interested in this particular form. Anyway, StackOverflow's community was welcoming, good evening guys !
@Magix once again, good luck with your project. Please update your question.
@Magix I am just teasing her.
Kim Holder.
Jess Pardue on December 18, 2017

Welcome to the entirely too jolly holiday episode of the Stack Overflow Podcast, recorded Friday, December 15, 2017 at Stack Overflow HQ in NYC. On today’s island of misfit toys, we have EVP of Culture Jay Hanlon, CTO David Fullerton, Dir. of Community Ops and Mgmt Abby T. Mars, News Editor Ilana Yitzhaki, and me, Producer Jess Pardue.

We would like to thank our sponsor Oracle. Stack Overflow appreciates Oracle’s support for this podcast and for our community. Learn more about all the ways Oracle supports open source, java, and developers like you at oracle.com/developers. …

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