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8:37 PM
Welcome to chat for: Space Exploration
This is a general discussion room, but please feel free to create more subject-specific rooms (a single room with every possible discussion isn't very helpful)
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Where you can play with chat features (except flagging) and ch...
and remember; please read the FAQ ;p)
9:06 PM
about a dozen questions so far.. no answers.. lulz
haha, everyone is rushing to ask all the questions they had prepared!
my question got an answer!
10:12 PM
beta..finally :)
10:40 PM
It's been a long time in the coming...
Welcome to this site! I hope everyone else here is as excited as I am for this day to finally come!
New questions will show up as a pop up now.
10:56 PM
11:35 PM
would anyone object to adding the Astronomy Picture of the Day to the feeds?
11:55 PM
@JohnB: no
that would be really cool actually.
1 vote is good enough for me!
we can have a meta discussion once we're out of private beta
okay, if we must :P
well, to invite other spacex related feeds, that is :)
oh, yes
the biology chat room is dead
so this way there will be interesting things to talk about on a regular basis
11:57 PM
not uncommon for any beta site
I guess, but it's sad because there's so much biology stuff to talk about on the internet
also, pictures are nice
I like pictures

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