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Questions tagged [linux]

Questions pertaining to the Linux Operating System as it relates to Blender. Questions can be anything from compatibility to optimization to making Blender work on a specific distro.

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Can't export scene in USD

I have a big 2GB scene I need to export from Blender to Unreal Engine and I tried to do it through FBX but got a crash of Unreal in the middle (maybe too heavy on memory usage, I have 32 GB). So, I'm ...
Psijic's user avatar
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Why does blender check for a ton of non-existen directories?

I opened a file on the command line on Linux and Blender started checking a ton of non-existing directories. Here's a part of the log: ...
simone's user avatar
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HIP RT option missing on Fedora 40 worstation in blender 4.1 and 4.2

I have an RX 7900xtx and I was able to activate HIP in the Blender preferences. However I don't have the HIP RT (experimental) box, it doesn't appear. Neither in Blender 4.1 nor in 4.2. I must have ...
user190805's user avatar
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Ctrl, Shift and Alt keys not working in linux mint 21.3

This may sound weird, but all my shortcut keys aren't working! When ever I use Shift+MMB, it acts as if I'm hitting MMB only! The shortcut keys are working perfectly when I use them outside of blender,...
HarshManThanos's user avatar
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Render Device: Can't use HIP in Blender 4.1 Flatpak on Fedora 39 Silverblue [duplicate]

I am trying to enable discrete GPU rendering by following these steps: Open Edit menu Open Preferences... window (also accessible via Ctrl + , hotkey) Open System tab Go to Cycles Render Devices ...
tsilvs's user avatar
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What are the requirements for an AMD GPU to work with Cycles on Linux?

According to the Blender manual, RX 7000 series GPUs should be supported. I have a RX 7700S. But the System panel in User Settings complains that there are no compatible GPUs, suggesting the driver ...
schuelermine's user avatar
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Installing blender on termux x11 with hardware acceleration

Is there a way to install blender on termux x11 with hardware acceleration? Anyone with experience please help.
danielkotzer's user avatar
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frequent crashes and freezes on Linux [closed]

My problem I recently removed gdm3 from my system to switch to KDE Plasma. Since then, the normal blender starter shortcut doesn't work any more; the program appears in the taskbar and, without ...
TheLinus's user avatar
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Blender 'autosave' problems

Blender's autosave function does not work properly for me, and never has. I am running Blender on Linux Mint 21.3. Maybe it's a Linux issue, I don't know. In preferences, I have set a path for the ...
Mark Garlick's user avatar
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BPY render using "Blender_eevee" can not work

I'm using bpy python module in Ubuntu 20.04, I try to render picture using engine='BLENDER_EEVEE' engine as shown below. ...
Jin Gordon's user avatar
4 votes
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Can Blender addons execute Shell commands on Linux?

I'd make an addon that would use several external command line programs to process output images. Is this possible?
reign's user avatar
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Accessing C pointers to vertices in Blender's Python API

I'm currently making a render engine in C and C++ for Blender. I want to access the vertices of a mesh from C via a pointer, to reduce the time spent in Python and avoid unneeded data duplication. I ...
elzaidir's user avatar
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How to import a video file with multiple tracks?

I want to import some OBS videos into Blender and they have multiple audio tracks, but Blender shows only one audio track
ProgKing's user avatar
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Brand New AMD GPU Not being detected by Cycles

I'm running Blender on Arch Linux with an AMD Radeon RX 7900 XT and the latest drivers and for some reason Blender is unable to detect my GPU as being compatible with HIP. As far as I am aware, my GPU ...
Doozku's user avatar
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How to get recent Blender version to work on Linux?

How to get latest or recent Blender (headless okay) to work on Linux ARM64? I am using Ubuntu 22.04, but I can choose from Oracle Linux (based on Red Hat), Ubuntu 22.04, AlmaLinux, or Rocky Linux, or ...
wjwrpoyob's user avatar
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Missing addons in blender 3.5 (Fedora 37) [duplicate]

I recently upgraded to Fedora 37 (from 35). I just noticed blender is missing the ability to import FBX files. Moreover, my Add-ons is basically empty (nothing shows up when searching for fbx): After ...
jozxyqk's user avatar
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Cannot run Blender installed via snap on Ubuntu server

I installed Blender 3.4.1 on an Ubuntu 22.04 server via snap: sudo snap install blender --classic But when I try to run it: ...
RussCoder's user avatar
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latex2blender latex installation

Hi I'm trying to use the wonderful package But I'm not sure how to tell the plugin where the latex program is. Do you have an idea? I have latex installed but ...
nammerkage's user avatar
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Blender 3.4 with AMD GPU 22 drivers

Is there any way to render with Radeon RX 6000 series graphic card with Blender 3.4 under linux? After 2 days of trying diferent kernel/amdgpu driver combinations finally it seem that driver is ...
3dnotguru's user avatar
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AMD Radeon RX 5700XT not recognized as HIP

Blender 3.3.1 says No compatible GPUs shown for cycles. indicates requirements as AMD GPU, RDNA architecture, and driver version 22.10 or newer System is Ubuntu 20.04.5LTS 64 bit, driver is AMD GPU 22....
kodiakcreativity's user avatar
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Error Unsupported Graphics card or driver. A graphics card and driver with support for OpenGL 3.3 or higher is required. Blender 3.4 on Linux

Attempting to run Blender 3.4.1 on Linux, Ubuntu 20.04.5LTS if I run via the terminal I see this: Error! Unsupported graphics card or driver. A graphics card and driver with support for OpenGL 3.3 or ...
kodiakcreativity's user avatar
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Blender 3.4 instantly closing after installing amd drivers in linux

I am trying to get cycles to work using hip on a new pc build running Ubuntu 22.04. PC has an AMD Radeon 6800 XT. I downloaded Blender 3.4 through the website and extracted the software in executable ...
Christopher Freeman's user avatar
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Both Blender 3.0.1 and Blender 3.4 have startup links showing in my Ubuntu 22.04 apps. I see only Blender 3.4 In .cache and .config

How can I get rid of Blender 3.0.1? Is it a subset of Blender 3.4 and there is no real need to delete it?
hertfordkc's user avatar
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Arch linux hip error

I have installed rocm-hip-runtime from the AUR to implement HIP support for my AMD GPU and my GPU shows up in blender's hip settings, but I get this error when I try rendering: ...
Garbg's user avatar
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blenderproc gives "Exec format error" - Linux

I'm trying to run blenderproc on a Linux system (Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.6) and am running into the following error: ...
fish_charmer's user avatar
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Blender 3.3 on Ubuntu 20.04, does not recognize my GPU for HIP

My GPU (RX 5600 XT) does not appear as an option in this menu: My card does meet those requirements and I have ...
jayphur's user avatar
2 votes
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Enabling GPU rendering on headless linux machine

I'm trying to enable GPU rendering on a headless linux machine. I'm using the following code: ...
yang Z's user avatar
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How to change window size from script?

I'm trying to set my window to full screen/maximised mode How do I achieve this via script? I tried this answer but it's obviously for windows operating system whereas I'm using Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS
cak3_lover's user avatar
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Linux shortcuts keeps dominating the blender shortcuts [duplicate]

There are many shortcuts in Blender which are similar to that of Linux. For example if I have to select the lateral faces, I will do Alt+LMB. But in Linux Alt+LMB is also used to drag and move window ...
Shubhro's user avatar
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Asset Browser works only for current file?

Hey the asset browser doesn't works for me here ? I do select my models in Object Mode or select materials and mark them as Asset. The marked assets appears in the Asset Browser section and I can add ...
Damonis's user avatar
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Weird behavior of Blender in Docker vs on my system

I have the following BPY script: ...
Anton's user avatar
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Blender on Linux starting, but not showing a window

Blender 3.2.1 starts without crashing and runs, but doesn't actually open a window. It shows a window preview of the default start screen, but the actual window does not appear. I am running pop!_OS ...
accidentalguest's user avatar
3 votes
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Blender on Linux and Win10 – How to use the same file paths?

This might be more related to Linux than to Blender but maybe someone is using a similar setup... :) I'm using Blender 3.x on a dual-boot PC with Win10 and Ubuntu. Many older scenes were created on ...
Voltago's user avatar
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I get an error when I launch Blender

I have installed compressed package from website, but when I executed the code ./blender from Ubuntu on a cloud server, ref error occurs. ...
STRUGGLE's user avatar
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Hotkey for selecting edge loops doesn't work in XFCE window manager [duplicate]

I'm using Blender 3.2 with the XFCE window manager on Xubuntu Linux. For some reason, when I try to select edge loops using the default hot key of Alt+Mouse select, it doesn't do anything. I've ...
deltaray's user avatar
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Blender doesn't recognize --python as a command line argument

I'm running into a weird problem where running blender from the command line will run with the --background flag, but it's not recognizing the --python flag. Any thoughts? This is the output of my ...
Anson Savage's user avatar
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Out of memory on render despite enough space avaible

I am trying to render a small scene using cycles on a cluster. The operating system is Linux and the Blender version is 3.1.3. The avaible GPU is an NVIDEA RTX 2080 TI and avaible ram 117 GB. Although ...
Snowraider's user avatar
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What was/is the last Blender version supported for Windows/Linux 32-bit computers?

What would be the last version with 32-bit support? Preferably Linux.
Jonatas S. Junior's user avatar
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Blender 3.1 lights burned-out on Ubuntu

I'm having a nice looking scene in Material preview (Blender v3.1.2). So far looking good with the default HDRI (I'm not sure exactly how this works). I then added a simple ...
kissu's user avatar
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Error compiling bpy

I've been following this tutorial to build the bpy module However, I get an error at the end of make bpy: ...
Andrei Miculiță's user avatar
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How to convert a .blend file to .md3 or .iqm format?

I have a thing I made in blender that I want to add to cube2 sauerbraten; that is a game similar to quake. My problem is, I can't export the file into either of those two formats, so I can't get it ...
2-bituser's user avatar
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How to use the Anaconda environment on blender at linux?

I'm having problems to use some modes like numpy and pandas on blender, apparently the blender's python do not allow us to install packages using pip; so I thought that I could resolve this issue ...
mack_hyuuga's user avatar
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3D Space Mouse in Manjaro Linux

I keep getting the 3D Connexion space mouse to work in Linux, not using it for a while, and coming back to find it not working again. This time, I went through the Arch wiki page on 3D Mice, first ...
ElliotThomas's user avatar
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How can I render on SSH Linux machine?

I downloaded linux version from this official page and extracted files onto as folder. Created a very basic default cube file and uploaded it to via WinSCP as well. When I try to execute this line. <...
Kayra Uckilinc's user avatar
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Hotkeys not working or intersecting with OS [duplicate]

I got a keymap problem: I am using Blender on Linux (Arch) now and some keys are intersecting with the Linux hotkeys, like alt click and drag for moving a window but thats the same as edge select. I ...
rafe's user avatar
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Blender 2.93 won't work on raspbian buster

I tried to install blender 2.93 on a raspberry pi 4b running raspbian buster, but I only can get version v2.78b, and I can't install the zip file for linux downloaded from the blender website. I need ...
2-bituser's user avatar
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Install bpy - Cmake Error

I want to install bpy on virtual env of python 3.7.11. OS: Ubuntu 20.04 Error Message: Could NOT find PythonLibsUnix (missing: PYTHON_LIBRARY PYTHON_LIBPATH PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR ...
Luiza Segura's user avatar
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How to debug blender freezing the whole computer?

I am trying to use Blender on a laptop with the following specs: Intel Xeon E3-1200 HD Graphics 520 16 GB RAM Debian (linux) OS I don't expect it working fast nor handling big scenes (I'm just ...
sygi's user avatar
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Blender crashes OS while in Shading tab or using viewport shading material preview

I have a problem with Blender in Linux and maybe someone could give me an idea on how to fix it: In the Layout tab with viewport shading active or in the Shading tab, when I try to grab and pull the ...
Robert Bouariu's user avatar
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My material behaves differently in material preview than in rendered view

I have a material which looks different in material preview than it does in rendered mode or in final cycles output. I'm using cycles for rendered mode. Blender 2.92.0. You can see below that the ...
rothloup's user avatar
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