
Whenever I'm using the emission shader in Blender 4.1 and increase the strength above 1 or 2, it turns white. I understand that putting high strength values should automatically dilute the selected color to white, but in my case, the values are just too low. This means I cannot have an object emitting enough desired light. For example, I was working on a sun and was hoping to have an orange with at least a 50 strength value for a nice emission, but I can't go beyond 3 without it turning white. The results are just a solid color. A couple of days ago, it was working perfectly, and I only discovered this issue today.

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1 Answer 1


Have you changed Color Management?

AgX and Filmic color management provides better color handling in over-exposed and oversaturated areas. For example:

Default AgX
enter image description here enter image description here

You can change it in Color Management tab:

enter image description here


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