
I am quite new to Blender and trying to animate a mesh through using 'Bake to F Curves' (or, as per the update, 'Sound to Samples').

I am not the best at Blender and don't know how to code. So far, I have gotten great results by adding a 'Deform' modifier, then Baking the sound to that deform.

However, I am trying a specific sound with a photogrammetry mesh and the audio-deformation / reactivity stays super low (only like a vibration) instead of really emphasising and exgaggerating the shape and deforming the mesh.

When I manually deform the mesh it works fine, so I believe it's to do with the way I'm importing the sound. The sound is mid-range and I've tried to change the frequencies upon importing the sound, but it hasnt helped.

Any recommendations? Please and thank you!

  • $\begingroup$ For example, the 'strength' on the deform can go to -100 and +100. However, the audio never deforms it past 0.5/0.9. $\endgroup$
    – Mira_0496
    Commented Apr 3 at 13:46


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