
This is quite an open ended question, but i would like any possible help. I want to make a scene like in the image shared below. enter image description here

enter image description here I am not going for photo realism, my 3d character will be used in place of the woman here. To get this effect, i have added volume scatter in world settings and added glare node in composite to get a glow. But as you can see my render is far away from the result i want. I want to know if this can be done in Blender and what settings should i use to get the backround lamp and well lit character. From what i can see, currently my lamp illuminates a lot of the scene and environment, while in the pic only the character is lit and the lamp glow is seen, rest of the environment is black.

enter image description here

  • $\begingroup$ maybe don't use volume scatter and instead create the glare effect in the Compositor? $\endgroup$
    – moonboots
    Commented Dec 5, 2022 at 17:50
  • $\begingroup$ I would definitely not use volume scatter here. Only use a Glare node in the Compositor. The other thig you can clearly see is that there is a light source from the front, as the lamp in the background might create the rim lighting, but never cast light onto her face and the other parts of her body that are on the opposite side of the lamp. $\endgroup$ Commented Dec 5, 2022 at 18:20
  • $\begingroup$ Current glare effect is using the compositor only. I am not able to get the pitch black darkness though $\endgroup$ Commented Dec 5, 2022 at 18:20
  • $\begingroup$ Of course not if you use volume scatter - as the name says, it scatters the light inside the volume. Meaning there is nothing pitch black unless the density of the volume is so high that the light doesn't reach through. But then this will definitely not help your scene ;) $\endgroup$ Commented Dec 5, 2022 at 18:23
  • $\begingroup$ Apart from that, what do you know about the reference photo, how it was taken? To me it looks like there was bright light shining on her, then maybe shot with a low exposure and cranking up the contrast to get the dark parts black. So did you set the Color Management settings to resemble that? High contrast, bright lights, low exposure? Then I guess the original photo was edited afterwards, so you can further work on it in compositing or also in an external image editor additionally. $\endgroup$ Commented Dec 5, 2022 at 18:25

1 Answer 1


Here is my second try: second try (Note that you can copy (Ctrl+Alt+C) & paste (Ctrl+Alt+V) all three [X, Y, Z] values at once in Blender when you hover the location field and press the keys.)

The following changes were made:

  • World settings: removed the Volumne Scatter node (=no more fog), set Color to pure black (000000)

  • Floor plane: made it less reflective and darker by setting the Color of the Diffuse node to Hex 080808, and Roughness to 1.

  • lowered the Strength of the Light disc (Circle object) from 300 to 1 (Emission node). It's important that it emits some light, but it doesn't take much since we're making it glow in the Compositor.

  • added an Empty and called it Light Focus to control the lights and placed it in the bear's face, position [2.550, 4.250, 2.710]

  • move the Spot light to position [6.063, 9.141, 3.256] (in front of the bear), set Strength to 1200 W, added a Damped Track object constraint with the Light Focus as target and set Track Axis to -Z so the light points to where the Empty is => spotlight on the bear. See the screenshot below.

  • added an Area light as background light behind the bear and opposite of the camera at position [-2.188, -1.135, 4.279], set Strength to 3000 W, set Size to 2 m. Then added a Damped Track object constraint with the Light Focus as target, Track Axis to -Z light positions

  • enabled [X] Depth Of Field in the Object Data Properties tab of the camera, choosen the Light Focus as Focus Object.

  • in the Render Properties tab, enabled [X] Motion Blur for the raindrops

  • the raindrops (Sphere object) had no material yet. Created a new simple glass material for them => set Transmission = 1.0, and Roughness = 0.067 in the Principled BSDF node. If you wish, you can stretch the mesh a little to better mimic the falling motion.

  • in the View Layer Properties tab enabled Passes > Light > Other [X] Emission for the Compositor

  • almost done. Switched to the Compositing workspace, enabled [X] Use Nodes option and added the following nodes: compositor nodes

  • last but not least, zoomed out a little with the camera so that the foot does not "stick" to the bottom of the picture.

Here is my first try, just for comparison. The eyes look different because the Separate Color node changed in one of the recent Blender 3.x versions and the node was "invalid" in my Blender 3.3.

The front light is stronger and the angle is different. The light comes more from the side. Lens Distortion is stronger (3000 W). The camera and raindrops are unchanged.

first try

Have fun experimenting with it!

  • $\begingroup$ THank you so much :D $\endgroup$ Commented Dec 7, 2022 at 16:05

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