
I'm trying to create a cartoon eye according to the video tutorial "[2.91] Blender Tutorial: Create Animated Eyes, Beginner Tutorial". The author uses a standard cube, but I took a standard UV sphere. In this regard, two questions arose.

  1. How to move the pupil and iris to the pole of the sphere in the selection? This is necessary for the convenience of UV unwrapping. Mapping didn't help me.
  2. Where is information stored when baking a Image Texture? Is it a graphic file, a cache in the temporary files of the system, or some structures in the .blend file? Blender version 3.1.

enter image description here


1 Answer 1


You can create an Input > Texture Coordinate, plug its Object output into a Vector > Mapping that you plug into the Gradient, and rotate the Mapping on Z to align the pupil with the sphere pole:

enter image description here

You could also simply go in Edit mode, rotate the mesh so that it aligns with the pupil.

For the bake, it will be saved onto the image that you'll create in the Image Texture node. So you need to click on New to create the image, bake, and at last save the image into a file or pack it into the blend file: Open the UV Editor, select the image, go into the Image panel and Save As or Pack.


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