
So I made this plant and I wanted to join it into 1 object, uv unwrap it and export it with a baked texture, but the problem is when I uv unwrap it the material changes (because Im using a texture coordinate uv material).

does anyone konw how to fix it? (blender 3.0)

Shader Not uv unwraped UV unwraped


1 Answer 1


Actually, the material does not change when you unwrap, it's the UV map that changes and your material uses the default UV map of your object as a texture coordinate :

enter image description here

Select one of the leaves and go to UV Editing tab and you will understand :

enter image description here

This is the map that is used for the material now. But this is what happens when you unwrap the mesh again :

enter image description here

The map is completely distorted and since you only have one UV map, you just overwrote the one that your material uses, hence the unwanted change that you noticed :

enter image description here

To fix that, undo everything and go to the Mesh tab from the properties editor and under UV Maps click on the + icon to add a new UV map :

enter image description here

Make sure that this UV map is the one selected before you hit Unwrap and your original UV map would be safe.

I hope it helped you solve your problem.

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Thank you!!!! It sure did help, the only thing was that when I exported the object, it used the default uvmap, which I didnt know, but then I re unwraped it and now everthings good :) $\endgroup$
    – masoud
    Commented Dec 16, 2021 at 16:18

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