
I have a question to the the collision in the Blender Game Engine. I made an character (a simple sphere). This character is on layer 2. A empty object is on layer 1. This empty spawns every 5 seconds a character from layer 2 (Add Object). Is it possible to disable the collision of all the characters? They should only collide with the terrain but not with each other.

I hope you can help me.


1 Answer 1


It's simple: use collision masks. Download the example file here.

The concept is pretty easy:

enter image description here

  • Collision Group are the collision 'layers' that the object belongs to. Multiple can be selected.

  • Collision Mask are the collision 'layers' that the object can collide with. Multiple can be selected.

For example, if Ball2 belongs to Collision Group 2, but can only collide with objects on Collision Group 1 (through the use of Collision Mask), it will not collide with itself.

enter image description here


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