
I am rendering an animation in Blender Internal Render. The problem is, white areas/spots are apperaing on the floor of the scene (which is a textured plain). Maybe it´s difficult to see, i´ve encirceled it

enter image description here

Playing the rendered scene, I see them flicker everywhere. (You can already see them while the pictures are rendering) Do you think it is related to the lamps? There are two lamps, one Point-light behind the Camera and a Hemi in the sky behind the rocks in the back. Increasing the light-intensity of both lamps helps a bit, but I don´t want the scene to be too bright. I´ve already tried to darken the Material of the plane, but it doesn´t help.

I´ve found anything about this in the internet, problems with white spots are mostly referring to fireflies in Cycles, but I am using Blender Internal.

Do you know any solution?

Greetings! MM

  • $\begingroup$ Maybe flickering of duplicated geometry? In edit mode Mesh/Vertices/Remove Doubles may help... $\endgroup$
    – Rumata
    Commented May 18, 2018 at 18:09
  • $\begingroup$ Finally I´ve solved the problem by turning down the alpha transparency for the specular areas in the Marterial panel. I´ve found the solution by trying out different things, but I don´t know WHY it worked or what it means... $\endgroup$
    – Marvlu_95
    Commented May 19, 2018 at 18:13


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